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The homosexuality/abortion thread combo The homosexuality/abortion thread combo

03-17-2010 , 10:41 PM
Suppose that one day it is possible to test for sexual orientation of a person while they are still in thier mothers womb. Would mothers have the right to abort their unborn simply on the basis that their child is gay? Now if you answer yes to this question would you be opposed to banning such pre-natal tests?
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-17-2010 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Suppose that one day it is possible to test for sexual orientation of a person while they are still in thier mothers womb. Would mothers have the right to abort their unborn simply on the basis that their child is gay? Now if you answer yes to this question would you be opposed to banning such pre-natal tests?
Could we also abort the Christians?
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-17-2010 , 11:19 PM
I see no problem with the test and I think mothers have the right to get abortions for any reason they want. It doesn't necessarily make them good people, but people aren't required to be good to be in society.
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-17-2010 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by EfromPegTown
Could we also abort the Christians?
Good question for Pletho. She is christian and pro-abortion.
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-17-2010 , 11:24 PM
no problem aborting, no problem legalizing the test...
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-17-2010 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
I see no problem with the test and I think mothers have the right to get abortions for any reason they want. It doesn't necessarily make them good people, but people aren't required to be good to be in society.
So if virtually every mother in society began to abort their gay babies you not have a problem with it?
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-17-2010 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
So if virtually every mother in society began to abort their gay babies you not have a problem with it?
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-17-2010 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by thirddan
Would it be fair to say that it is your opinion that unfeathered freedom to have an abortion brings more value to society than homosexuality?
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-17-2010 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Would it be fair to say that it is your opinion that unfeathered freedom to have an abortion brings more value to society than homosexuality?
im not sure...i think getting an abortion is fine and i think being a homosexual is fine...

the problem is (i think) that you are discussing currently living homosexuals (which have value/interests) with unborn homosexuals (which have no/very little value/interests imo) i misunderstanding?
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-17-2010 , 11:55 PM
I agree with thirddan on the 'no.'

Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Would it be fair to say that it is your opinion that unfeathered freedom to have an abortion brings more value to society than homosexuality?
Not necessarily. Like I said, women should be allowed to get abortions for any reason they want. If they all decided to abort fetuses that would grow up to have 140+ IQs, I'd still support that right. I wouldn't be happy with the results, but I really like personal freedoms.
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-18-2010 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
So if virtually every mother in society began to abort their gay babies you not have a problem with it?
No. Although your hypothetical wouldn't happen. Some parents accept and love their children no matter what their sexual orientation is.
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-18-2010 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by thirddan
im not sure...i think getting an abortion is fine and i think being a homosexual is fine...

the problem is (i think) that you are discussing currently living homosexuals (which have value/interests) with unborn homosexuals (which have no/very little value/interests imo) i misunderstanding?
You would not think it immoral to abort a child simply because it was gay? Doesn't that imply you think is okay for someone to hold the position that gay people should not exist?
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-18-2010 , 02:08 AM
I think a woman should be able to get an abortion for any reason...

I dont care if homosexuals exist or not, it has nothing to do with me...since they do exist i think they should be treated the same way as everyone else and they have the right to be happy just like anyone else...this doesn't mean that i have any claim about whether or not more homosexuals are born, i couldnt care less...if no homosexual was ever born again that would be fine, if every baby from now on was a homosexual then that is fine too...
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-18-2010 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
You would not think it immoral to abort a child simply because it was gay? Doesn't that imply you think is okay for someone to hold the position that gay people should not exist?
No more than it implies that I think handicapped people should not exist just because I would personally abort one. That's a ridiculous shifting of goal posts and still relies on your absurd equation of "abortion = not wanting someone to exist" that people on this forum have constantly challenged.

A fetus is not a person. I don't care if a woman aborts a fetus because it is "gay" (I doubt the premise of this thought experiment, but I'll indulge), deformed, ******ed, an undesired sex, or she simply is not ready to have a child. There. I'm on record now.

I gotta give you credit, though, Stu. This is a pretty good attempt at a wedge issue.
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-18-2010 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Would it be fair to say that it is your opinion that unfeathered freedom to have an abortion brings more value to society than homosexuality?
1. having no feathers; "a featherless biped"; "the unfeathered legs of an Orpington" [ant: feathered] 2. not having feathers; "the unfeathered brood"

tr.v. un·fet·tered, un·fet·ter·ing, un·fet·ters
To set free or keep free from restrictions or bonds.
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-18-2010 , 07:02 AM
i feel like by the time we are at the stage at which we can determine sexual orientation in the womb, there wont still be people ******ed enough to be anti-gay.

but yeah they should pretend its an option, and if the mother chooses to abort on the basis of sexual orientation they should remove the child and place it in a growth capsule and abort the mother
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-18-2010 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Suppose that one day it is possible to test for sexual orientation of a person while they are still in thier mothers womb. Would mothers have the right to abort their unborn simply on the basis that their child is gay?
Yes. Women would have that right by necessity. You do not get to take away everybody's rights because some people misuse/abuse them (whether or not this purpose would be misuse/abuse is another discussion entirely).

Now if you answer yes to this question would you be opposed to banning such pre-natal tests?
Yes for the same reason.
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-18-2010 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by Deorum
Yes. Women would have that right by necessity. You do not get to take away everybody's rights because some people misuse/abuse them (whether or not this purpose would be misuse/abuse is another discussion entirely).

Yes for the same reason.
So you think the prenatal tests that detect homosexuality should be banned? Do you think prenatal tests which detect down syndrom should be banned?
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-18-2010 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by Bulletproof Monk
i feel like by the time we are at the stage at which we can determine sexual orientation in the womb, there wont still be people ******ed enough to be anti-gay.

but yeah they should pretend its an option, and if the mother chooses to abort on the basis of sexual orientation they should remove the child and place it in a growth capsule and abort the mother
Only an idiot would think there will be a time when the world doesn't contain people who have positions which you find idiotic.
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-18-2010 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by thirddan
I dont care if homosexuals exist or not, it has nothing to do with me...since they do exist i think they should be treated the same way as everyone else and they have the right to be happy just like anyone else...this doesn't mean that i have any claim about whether or not more homosexuals are born, i couldnt care less...if no homosexual was ever born again that would be fine, if every baby from now on was a homosexual then that is fine too...
If you could change the orientation of your child in the womb would you change your child from being gay to being straight if you could?
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-18-2010 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
So you think the prenatal tests that detect homosexuality should be banned?
No, you asked if I would be opposed to banning it. I said yes.

Do you think prenatal tests which detect down syndrom should be banned?
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-18-2010 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by Deorum
You do not get to take away everybody's rights because some people misuse/abuse them (whether or not this purpose would be misuse/abuse is another discussion entirely).
People used to have the right to own machine guns. Do you think it was wrong for the government to take that right away from them?
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-18-2010 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
If you could change the orientation of your child in the womb would you change your child from being gay to being straight if you could?
not sure, these kinds of hypotheticals are impossible to answer since im not in the situation...i don't think im the kind of person that would have that test done...i would care more about diseases/deformities that would severly damage the childs ability for happiness...
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-18-2010 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Only an idiot would think there will be a time when the world doesn't contain people who have positions which you find idiotic.
in the modern world how many people still think that being hung drawn and quartered is a reasonable punishment for crime to deter future offenders?

none. because its ****ing ******ed.

homophobia will rapidly go the same way, as it is already.
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
03-18-2010 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
1. having no feathers; "a featherless biped"; "the unfeathered legs of an Orpington" [ant: feathered] 2. not having feathers; "the unfeathered brood"

tr.v. un·fet·tered, un·fet·ter·ing, un·fet·ters
To set free or keep free from restrictions or bonds.
Stu's looking a bit callow now, eh? Doesn't seem he'll ever have a full-fledged vocabulary.
The homosexuality/abortion thread combo Quote
