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God's Little Joke God's Little Joke

03-07-2011 , 01:48 PM
You're right Splenda, lets go back to the middle ages where life expectancy was 40 tops. That sounds wonderful. **** the doctor, I feel great. And if I don't, it must be those EVIL SPIRITS that have come to infect my body. Better get em out by slicing open my foot and draining out half my blood.

God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
You're right Splenda, lets go back to the middle ages where life expectancy was 40 tops. That sounds wonderful. **** the doctor, I feel great. And if I don't, it must be those EVIL SPIRITS that have come to infect my body. Better get em out by slicing open my foot and draining out half my blood.

You do like to throw insults around.

I most likely have more practical medical knowledge than you ever will.
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
You do like to throw insults around.

I most likely have more practical medical knowledge than you ever will.

Irony in the thread. I especially liked the part where you accused others of lacking self control. I can't count the number of tantrums/fits we've seen by splenda. And she really thinks its wrong to throw insults... except in the myriad of posts where she throws around insults. Hypocracy has never been a problem for Splenda.

I second the notion that icheckforvalue is trolling. I think his intent is to feed Splenda. Unfortunately, for a troll, he's just kind of dull. There's enough of this ignorance and bad logic from people who are sincere. Him mirroring that doesn't add anything... doesn't make it funny. Just dull.
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by kurto

Irony in the thread. I especially liked the part where you accused others of lacking self control. I can't count the number of tantrums/fits we've seen by splenda. And she really thinks its wrong to throw insults... except in the myriad of posts where she throws around insults. Hypocracy has never been a problem for Splenda.

I second the notion that icheckforvalue is trolling. I think his intent is to feed Splenda. Unfortunately, for a troll, he's just kind of dull. There's enough of this ignorance and bad logic from people who are sincere. Him mirroring that doesn't add anything... doesn't make it funny. Just dull.
I'm getting more and more convinced that Icheckforvalue *is* Splenda. If we actually had a mod for this forum, we could get an IP check performed to confirm.

If he isn't Splenda, they should get married as they are clearly each other's soul mate.
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
I'm getting more and more convinced that Icheckforvalue *is* Splenda. If we actually had a mod for this forum, we could get an IP check performed to confirm.

If he isn't Splenda, they should get married as they are clearly each other's soul mate.
I hope they do run an IP check on him.

Then everyone will know there are people (a lot of people) outside this forum that agree with me.

You didn't really think the people that agree with me would stick around this forum or express agreement with me regularly with the current troll patrol you've got going on on here, did you?
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I hope they do run an IP check on him.

Then everyone will know there are people (a lot of people) outside this forum that agree with me.

You didn't really think the people that agree with me would stick around this forum or express agreement with me regularly with the current troll patrol you've got going on on here, did you?
No, most of them eventually seek the help of a mental health professional.
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I hope they do run an IP check on him.

Then everyone will know there are people (a lot of people) outside this forum that agree with me.

You didn't really think the people that agree with me would stick around this forum or express agreement with me regularly with the current troll patrol you've got going on on here, did you?
Even a little response like this is filled with horrible erroneous conclusions. PLEASE PLEASE go to a community college and take 1 semester course in intro to logic. At absolute worst you would waste some professor's time for a semester. At best, you might learn you have NO critical thinking skills and might pick some up.

Here's what I'm talking about:
Then everyone will know there are people (a lot of people) outside this forum that agree with me.
Running an IP check will teach no one any such thing. The only thing we would learn is that the person likely isn't you. We won't even know if THIS person agrees with you (could be a troll). We certainly won't know ANYTHING about anyone outside of this forum. This is another case where you just decide to believe what you want. Because an IP check will show nothing that you seem to think it does.

You didn't really think the people that agree with me would stick around this forum or express agreement with me regularly with the current troll patrol you've got going on on here, did you?
There's no reason for anyone to think if another person who agrees with you they would be driven away. To be fair, I doubt anyone thinks you are alone in your thoughts. No matter how crazy you think an idea is this day, "Hey, if I wear a magnetic bracelet it'll cure cancer!" there are undoubtedly a group of people who will buy it. Its not surprising that someone else might agree with you. Perhaps it just seems unlikely that another would stumble onto this forum.
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
I'm getting more and more convinced that Icheckforvalue *is* Splenda. If we actually had a mod for this forum, we could get an IP check performed to confirm.

If he isn't Splenda, they should get married as they are clearly each other's soul mate.
I don't think so, btw. Last time when Splenda had multiple IDs you could still tell it was her. I believe she's incapable of escaping herself, and too challenged in too many ways, to fake being someone else for any stretch.

If icheck isn't a troll then he's just knee-jerk agreeing with Splenda because she appears to be on his team. The person's really too new to have picked up on what she's about.
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 08:42 PM
I'm down for the IP check.

The way i see it, is that if you don't believe in God or have no desire in learning more about the issue. I don't see what the hell you guys are doing here, besides trolling of course and trying to denounce something you have not the faintest clue about. Then you have the audacity to call me a troll?

What a bunch of ignorant hypocrits. I hope you post to apologize one day, when your dying, pondering over your life, your family, friends, and come to realize that you do believe as well. I'll accept your apology, since ignorance and stupidity are not the same thing
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Icheckforvalue
I'm down for the IP check.

The way i see it, is that if you don't believe in God or have no desire in learning more about the issue. I don't see what the hell you guys are doing here, besides trolling of course and trying to denounce something you have not the faintest clue about. Then you have the audacity to call me a troll?

What a bunch of ignorant hypocrits. I hope you post to apologize one day, when your dying, pondering over your life, your family, friends, and come to realize that you do believe as well. I'll accept your apology, since ignorance and stupidity are not the same thing
I could never figure out either why an atheist feels the need to go around denouncing theistic beliefs all the time.

It's irrational to me. If I didn't believe I'd have better things to do with my time.

They're constantly spewing stereotypes and have the gall to try to overturn the traditional nature of God as if they knew more than the ancient Hebrews then after they invent this negative fairy tale about God's nature and are challenged on it they say "It doesn't matter I don't believe he exists"... then why did you redefine his nature? Such irrational behavior.
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by Icheckforvalue
I'm down for the IP check.

The way i see it, is that if you don't believe in God or have no desire in learning more about the issue. I don't see what the hell you guys are doing here, besides trolling of course and trying to denounce something you have not the faintest clue about. Then you have the audacity to call me a troll?

What a bunch of ignorant hypocrits. I hope you post to apologize one day, when your dying, pondering over your life, your family, friends, and come to realize that you do believe as well. I'll accept your apology, since ignorance and stupidity are not the same thing
Such a Christian attitude. Jesus must be proud.
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I could never figure out either why an atheist feels the need to go around denouncing theistic beliefs all the time either.

It's irrational to me. If I didn't believe I'd have better things to do with my time.

They're constantly spewing stereotypes and have the gall to turn over the traditional nature of God as if they knew more than the ancient Hebrews then after they invent this negative fairy tale about God's nature and are challenged on it they say "It doesn't matter I don't believe he exists"... then why did you redefine his nature? Such irrational behavior.
Its a natural defense mechanism for them. The idea of a God, which they cannot understand, threatens their intelligence, so they denounce it and sometimes aggressively attack it. I think you guys are fantastic debaters, highly intelligent, and excellent reasoners, just ignorant of the issue at hand.
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
Such a Christian attitude. Jesus must be proud.
I wish you'd have something constructive or debatable to add to the argument, instead of mere cynicism and sarcasm. Oh thats right, you're not as bright as some of your teammates.
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by Icheckforvalue
Its a natural defense mechanism for them. The idea of a God, which they cannot understand, threatens their intelligence, so they denounce it and sometimes aggressively attack it. I think you guys are fantastic debaters, highly intelligent, and excellent reasoners, just ignorant of the issue at hand.
Read Colossians 1. It clearly says Jesus is the image of God yet they can't reason from such a plain statement that God's nature is good.

They are like that statement "they're book smart but ain't got no common sense".
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Read Colossians 1. It clearly says Jesus is the image of God yet they can't reason from such a plain statement that God's nature is good.

They are like that statement "they're book smart but ain't got no common sense".
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Icheckforvalue
I wish you'd have something constructive or debatable to add to the argument, instead of mere cynicism and sarcasm. Oh thats right, you're not as bright as some of your teammates.
This is absolutely correct, sir.

However, you probably shouldn't be criticizing anyone else for a lack of intelligence. You've been going full ****** ever since you made your debut on this board a couple of weeks ago.
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
This is absolutely correct, sir.

However, you probably shouldn't be criticizing anyone else for a lack of intelligence. You've been going full ****** ever since you made your debut on this board a couple of weeks ago.
Lol. You are a complete joke who just sheepishly follows the crowd. Im not claiming to be the most intelligent one, nor have i ever.

I also know that intelligent people don't argue with the mentally ******ed. Yet, are fully engaged in my every post. I wonder why?
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Icheckforvalue
Lol. You are a complete joke who just sheepishly follows the crowd. Im not claiming to be the most intelligent one, nor have i ever.

I also know that intelligent people don't argue with the mentally ******ed. Yet, are fully engaged in my every post. I wonder why?
It's like watching a trainwreck. Or poking a monkey through the bars of its cage until it starts angrily flinging poo.
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Read Colossians 1. It clearly says Jesus is the image of God yet they can't reason from such a plain statement that God's nature is good.

They are like that statement "they're book smart but ain't got no common sense".
Originally Posted by Icheckforvalue

I'm so glad you two have found each other. It's very sweet.
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
It's like watching a trainwreck. Or poking a monkey through the bars of its cage until it starts angrily flinging poo.
Is that what you do for entertainment? Maybe if you poke yourself in the face, some poo will squirt out your nose.
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Icheckforvalue
Lol. You are a complete joke who just sheepishly follows the crowd.
coming from a christian, this line just about made me die laughing.

Yes, us who are less than 15% of the population are the following sheep, and those of us who are among the 60+% who believe a 2000 year old book written by, ironically, poor ass sheep-herders are the ones who are strong willed and open minded. Well played, well played.
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
coming from a christian, this line just about made me die laughing.

Yes, us who are less than 15% of the population are the following sheep, and those of us who are among the 60+% who believe a 2000 year old book written by, ironically, poor ass sheep-herders are the ones who are strong willed and open minded. Well played, well played.
Since when do existential christians such as myself make up the majority? Im part of a much smaller group than you, buddy. good effort tho.
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I could never figure out either why an atheist feels the need to go around denouncing theistic beliefs all the time.

It's irrational to me. If I didn't believe I'd have better things to do with my time.

They're constantly spewing stereotypes and have the gall to try to overturn the traditional nature of God as if they knew more than the ancient Hebrews then after they invent this negative fairy tale about God's nature and are challenged on it they say "It doesn't matter I don't believe he exists"... then why did you redefine his nature? Such irrational behavior.
If your theistic beliefs didn't have an effect on the world, maybe theists/agnostics wouldn't spend time denouncing them. Instead, we have theists trying to control women's bodies, murder abortion doctors, discriminate against a significant minority of the population with respect to marriage rights, fight perpetual holy wars over a worthless piece of land, commit suicide bombings, waste their money building shrines to mythological deities and any other number of asinine realities theists have wrought on the world. The world's religions by and large are worthy of denouncement and often scorn and derision.

If someone told you they sincerely believed in a Jedi religion, you'd think they were insane, or someone told you they believed there was an alternate dimension through a London subway station that led to a school where children learned wizardry, you'd laugh. If those Jedi started slaughtering people who refused to believe in the "force," you'd rightfully denounce them.
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by Icheckforvalue
Since when do existential christians such as myself make up the majority? Im part of a much smaller group than you, buddy. good effort tho.
I don't really understand your stance here. Given what you stated in the other thread, you don't believe in a god at all, at least not in the physical supreme being that preceded all matter, created everything and directs that creation. I don't see how you qualify as a theist.
God's Little Joke Quote
03-07-2011 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by CompleteDegen
If your theistic beliefs didn't have an effect on the world, maybe theists/agnostics wouldn't spend time denouncing them. Instead, we have theists trying to control women's bodies, murder abortion doctors, discriminate against a significant minority of the population with respect to marriage rights, fight perpetual holy wars over a worthless piece of land, commit suicide bombings, waste their money building shrines to mythological deities and any other number of asinine realities theists have wrought on the world. The world's religions by and large are worthy of denouncement and often scorn and derision.

If someone told you they sincerely believed in a Jedi religion, you'd think they were insane, or someone told you they believed there was an alternate dimension through a London subway station that led to a school where children learned wizardry, you'd laugh. If those Jedi started slaughtering people who refused to believe in the "force," you'd rightfully denounce them.

No, I really wouldn't get that worked up over it. I'm far too cool headed and used to hearing crazy things on the news. I most likely would dismiss them and let the authorities handle it.

One thing I wouldn't do is go around making appeal to emotion threads about them. I know the human race isn't perfect and there's a lot of attention seekers and people on drugs out there.
God's Little Joke Quote
