Originally Posted by Splendour
I didn't mock you.
You sided with this forum and launched a personal attack on me first.
Try reading the NT. You're suppose to help believers not attack them if you're really a believer.
ok then, allow me to make my tone more friendly: splendour, you really could do with learning how to engage with people and communicate with them in ways that they might actually appreciate, which may in turn lead to them giving your views more consideration, and not feeling compelled to insult you.
jesus was a master of talking to people on a level that they engaged with and couldn't help but listen to. jokes aside, you kind of have the diametrically opposite affect, and come across as incredibly self-justifying and blinkered. nobody is ganging up on you, i disagree with most every poster on this forum, but there's a reason why literally
everybody is telling you the same thing. do yourself some favours and come round a little bit.
real talk