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Girlfriend and poker,(convo listed) it's not "gauranteed" argument. Girlfriend and poker,(convo listed) it's not "gauranteed" argument.

12-25-2010 , 04:14 AM
She's not really wrong to be afraid. If she's risk averse it isn't a "steady" form or income compared to a lot of other jobs. It's also something that people seem to have complete control over, give the whole "it's a skill game" spiel, and then six months later come back with "sick, sick downswing, I'm busto!!!!! what do i do!!!???" all the time. Actually, I think the way you're talking to her about it in that respect is pretty wrong. If you're going to do the whole "it isn't gambling" spiel I think you've got to accept the reality of the situation a little more yourself (and yes, I consider myself a professional gambler and am saying that).

Basically, if she isn't comfortable with it, especially if it's against her value system (and just skimming your o.p. it seems to be), you're probably not going to change that about her and probably shouldn't want to. Poker relationships fail all the time even when both parties are comfortable with that part of the situation. In your case where she isn't you're drawing damn near dead imo.

Also, most women are going to be pissed/give you some grief over ditching them for dinner. Learning how to not turn that into a drawn out argument might be a more important skill than debating the merits of poker. "Sorry, you're right...yeah I should be somewhere when I tell you I'm going to be there. Sure thing. etc." might have been the much more shark play there. Actually, I'd bet that's more central to any problems than the poker thing unless you're getting into "put a ring on it" territory. There's nothing that says you have to beat your gf at debate club every time she gets pissed.

Being in your 15th or so year of school and not being able to spell guarantee might also be dampening her long term hopes for the future if the poker thing doesn't work out, can't blame a girl for that...
Girlfriend and poker,(convo listed) it's not "gauranteed" argument. Quote
12-25-2010 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by acesholdup
Being in your 15th or so year of school and not being able to spell guarantee might also be dampening her long term hopes for the future if the poker thing doesn't work out, can't blame a girl for that...
haha i'm not to discrete
I'm guessing she is not as concerned about correct English as she is about gambling and misquoting Bible verses from the IM transcript - the above was just the most jarring. Seriously - why do people think spelling/grammar is optional in electronic communication?
Girlfriend and poker,(convo listed) it's not "gauranteed" argument. Quote
12-25-2010 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Concerto
A means of income either pays the bills or it doesn't. This hobby/job distinction is of zero relevance.

What's probably bothering her is that certain people she has told about your hobby/job have disapproved, so now she has conflicting loyalties.
Firstly i think u handled that convo well, i would have cried in frustartion.

Secondly, lol at here quoting the bible. She has a problem because gambling is naughty

pathetic, may aswell quote harry potter
Girlfriend and poker,(convo listed) it's not "gauranteed" argument. Quote
12-27-2010 , 04:16 AM
I think you went about this in the right way, may be a little rough around the edges, but the other posters have covered that.

The main thing is to always have communication with your partner. Make sure she is heard and your points are heard. Then a dialogue about possible resolutions ensue and a compromise (hopefully) reached. This is the key to the building of a good relationship.

The best advice I can give otherwise is don't ever lie or pretend to be someone your not. Everyone seems to make this mistake at the beginning of relationships with the thinking that the idea is to "win" at the relationship and to carry it further. Well the fact is if you pretend to be someone you are not than the only people you will find to build a relationship with are the ones that are in love with this pretend person. The goal of any dating with the reasonable intent of ending in marriage is to find the person that is right for you, not to "win" the relationship by being someone you are not. This goal necessarily forces you to be truthful in every aspect of the relationship. I can't stress this enough. It seems as though you have a solid grasp on this concept so make sure you keep it up. GL w/ it.
Girlfriend and poker,(convo listed) it's not "gauranteed" argument. Quote
