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06-10-2013 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
to see holistically and in a non causal fashion.
Since this isn't a complete sentence, I'm going to have to conjecture as to what you meant. Tell me if this is correct:

"The mathematical formula that Nash came up is to see holistically and in a non causal fashion."
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06-10-2013 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
Since this isn't a complete sentence, I'm going to have to conjecture as to what you meant. Tell me if this is correct:

"The mathematical formula that Nash came up is to see holistically and in a non causal fashion."
That is the step by step process by which we achieve peace. It is an obvious revelation he would have had while advancing game theory.
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06-10-2013 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
It is an obvious revelation he would have had while advancing game theory.
Why is it obvious that he had this revelation? Many people have made many different advances in game theory.
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06-10-2013 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
Why is it obvious that he had this revelation? Many people have made many different advances in game theory.
Well firstly its obvious to me because I can see through causal time and I can see that so can he.

Would assume as much anyways, since hes a better thinker than I, and I can see (through) it.

For other reasons you have to answer my question first or you won't let it be in context.

Was he a code breaker? Does CIA FBI troll this site?
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06-10-2013 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
Well firstly its obvious to me because I can see through causal time and I can see that so can he.

Would assume as much anyways, since hes a better thinker than I, and I can see (through) it.
What is "causal time"? And what can you do beyond saying "it's obvious" to support your claim?

For other reasons you have to answer my question first or you won't let it be in context.

Was he a code breaker? Does CIA FBI troll this site?
I do not know the answer to either question.
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06-10-2013 , 01:53 PM
that mathematical formula was neither mathematical nor a formula
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06-10-2013 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
What is "causal time"?
A belief that time goes in order of past then present then future.

With time travel this order is obviously not existent.

Which means if time travel is real, time never was causal, regardless if it takes 1 million years to do it.

The relates to Nash and his work on Einstein's theorys that he bettered, that may or may not involve re writing space time.

And what can you do beyond saying "it's obvious" to support your claim?
Yes but we have to try to define what was real and what wasn't in Nash's life.

I do not know the answer to either question.
Would you have your intelligence agency trolling such a hub for info so related to a giant ponzi scheme that was supposedly fulltilt?
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06-10-2013 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by RollWave
that mathematical formula was neither mathematical nor a formula
It is to a synesthesiac
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06-10-2013 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
A belief that time goes in order of past then present then future.

The relates to Nash and his work on Einstein's theorys that he bettered, that may or may not involve re writing space time.
This seems tautologically true, regardless of whatever advances you think Nash had over Einstein.

Yes but we have to try to define what was real and what wasn't in Nash's life.
I'll give you 5 sentences to outline your position.

Would you have your intelligence agency trolling such a hub for info so related to a giant ponzi scheme that was supposedly fulltilt?
I do not know the answer to the question.

Originally Posted by newguy1234
It is to a synesthesiac
No. Synesthesia is not a "words mean whatever I want them to mean" card.
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06-10-2013 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.

This seems tautologically true, regardless of whatever advances you think Nash had over Einstein.
Nash laughed and said he hasn't checked if his theory supports Einsteins version of space/time.

I took this as space time might need to be rewritten.

Another poster suggested it might mean Nash is wrong.

I'll give you 5 sentences to outline your position.
We knowingly or unknowingly violently suppressed and deleted true intelligence related to giant advancements in peace. Nash was crying 'conspiracy', while government was crying 'crazy'.

Later we give Nash a peace prize for an unrelated field, that he shares with two others?

Magically he is cured of his illness?

I do not know the answer to the question.
I would think by any reasonable meaning of intelligence, we could assume FBI/CIA is well aware of this site and its usefullness.

No. Synesthesia is not a "words mean whatever I want them to mean" card.
Numbers are only your way of representing the concepts behind them, its well known nash saw beyond this.
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06-10-2013 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
Numbers are only your way of representing the concepts behind them, its well known nash saw beyond this.
It is? Can you cite a source?

Can you explain what "beyond this" means in this context?
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06-10-2013 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
It is? Can you cite a source?
I think I am suggesting this because you are asking for a standardized mathematical representation. I say numbers but letter function all the same.
Can you explain what "beyond this" means in this context?
Math is a shell for what we describe, he could see the described without the numbers.

This is what this kinda of quote refers too (loosely quoted)
'rational thought imposes a limit on a persons ability to relate to the cosmos
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06-10-2013 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
I think I am suggesting this because you are asking for a standardized mathematical representation.
That is the conventional understanding of what a "mathematical formula" is. Given Nash's background as a mathematician and the fact that Einstein's theories were communicable in formulas, it seems unreasonable that if Nash had a "mathematical formula" of some sort, that it would not be describable using common mathematical notation.

I say numbers but letter function all the same.
Not really.

Math is a shell for what we describe, he could see the described without the numbers.
This is a meaningless statement.

This is what this kinda of quote refers too (loosely quoted)
This is also meaningless.

You've got one more try to communicate something meaningful. Five sentences or less.
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06-10-2013 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
That is the conventional understanding of what a "mathematical formula" is. Given Nash's background as a mathematician and the fact that Einstein's theories were communicable in formulas, it seems unreasonable that if Nash had a "mathematical formula" of some sort, that it would not be describable using common mathematical notation.
Einstein obviously didn't communicate everything he knew, also you are not able to show that the peak of their knowledge is communicable by mathematical language.

Before Nash was at the peak of his intelligence we a part of his brain and thinking capacity. So I think you are unable to suggest its unreasonable that he got everything out in its standardized form. And I dont' think we can say that we used his other work in the correct application. Nor was he ever free to suggest such a mis use.

Not really.
Yes hexadecimals variables and constants, and language all different representations of whats behind the math.

This is a meaningless statement.
Some people don't need numbers to solves these problems.

This is also meaningless.
It was about a quote that Nash said about not begin able to understand the cosmos with a standardized academic approach. This would be meaningless to you for obvious reasons.

You've got one more try to communicate something meaningful. Five sentences or less.[/QUOTE]Not sure why I always have this stipulation. Take a look at this world, your country your government (whichever it is), the corruption, the violence, the hypocrisy, the suppression of freedom. Zero people are free.

Its observably ludicrous and you ask me to prove it with math.
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06-10-2013 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
Einstein obviously didn't communicate everything he knew, also you are not able to show that the peak of their knowledge is communicable by mathematical language.
In order for Einstein to communicate his theories to Nash, he needed to use mathematical language.

Yes hexadecimals variables and constants, and language all different representations of whats behind the math.
Have you even seen what Einstein's equations look like? Talking about hexadecimals, variables, and constants doesn't really help your case because all of those are a part of the standard mathematical notation.

Some people don't need numbers to solves these problems.
You seem to be tied to the idea that math is numbers. That's ludicrous.

It was about a quote that Nash said about not begin able to understand the cosmos with a standardized academic approach. This would be meaningless to you for obvious reasons.
That's not even what to quote says.

Not sure why I always have this stipulation.
It's because when you don't follow the stipulation, you ramble endlessly. By limiting you to small chunks of information, there's a chance you might say something meaningful.

Take a look at this world, your country your government (whichever it is), the corruption, the violence, the hypocrisy, the suppression of freedom. Zero people are free.

Its observably ludicrous and you ask me to prove it with math.
The relationship between this statement and anything that has preceded is absent.

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06-10-2013 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
In order for Einstein to communicate his theories to Nash, he needed to use mathematical language.
He didn't 'need' to use math language, thats just the way he did it.
Have you even seen what Einstein's equations look like? Talking about hexadecimals, variables, and constants doesn't really help your case because all of those are a part of the standard mathematical notation.
Yes this was about me suggesting letters and numbers are basically the same in this context.

You seem to be tied to the idea that math is numbers. That's ludicrous.
Math is a representation, it is never the thing we are solving with math.
That's not even what to quote says.
Thats what it means, its a loose quote from a dialog I found. I went through all the info I could find on Nash. Its out of context for you but not me.

It's because when you don't follow the stipulation, you ramble endlessly. By limiting you to small chunks of information, there's a chance you might say something meaningful.
I think I might say nonsense, but that I try to be direct.

The relationship between this statement and anything that has preceded is absent.
this statement you point at suggests how we built this world off false logic, it relates to this thread because nash straightened that false logic out.

I know, thx for the time.
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06-11-2013 , 08:57 AM
This may be an aside but it is interesting that Nash was diagnosed as Schizophrenic, received medical treatment with an ineffective modality, but what happened after that? Came in late on the thread, sorry.

Swedenborg, considered a great scientist by his peers, in his early 50's had a change of pace, including so called hallucinations or visions (depends on whom you are talking to) but escaped the doctors. I hear the scientists never forgave him but could do nothing due to his particular status in the world, doctors aside.
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06-11-2013 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by carlo
This may be an aside but it is interesting that Nash was diagnosed as Schizophrenic, received medical treatment with an ineffective modality, but what happened after that? Came in late on the thread, sorry.
He was hospitalized several times, during which he was treated with effective medication and ineffective insulin therapy.
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06-11-2013 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by carlo
This may be an aside but it is interesting that Nash was diagnosed as Schizophrenic, received medical treatment with an ineffective modality, but what happened after that? Came in late on the thread, sorry.
Here his account from wiki:

″I spent times of the order of five to eight months in hospitals in New Jersey, always on an involuntary basis and always attempting a legal argument for release. And it did happen that when I had been long enough hospitalized that I would finally renounce my delusional hypotheses and revert to thinking of myself as a human of more conventional circumstances and return to mathematical research. In these interludes of, as it were, enforced rationality, I did succeed in doing some respectable mathematical research. Thus there came about the research for "Le problème de Cauchy pour les équations différentielles d'un fluide général"; the idea that Prof. Hironaka called "the Nash blowing-up transformation"; and those of "Arc Structure of Singularities" and "Analyticity of Solutions of Implicit Function Problems with Analytic Data".

But after my return to the dream-like delusional hypotheses in the later 60's I became a person of delusionally influenced thinking but of relatively moderate behavior and thus tended to avoid hospitalization and the direct attention of psychiatrists.

Thus further time passed. Then gradually I began to intellectually reject some of the delusionally influenced lines of thinking which had been characteristic of my orientation. This began, most recognizably, with the rejection of politically oriented thinking as essentially a hopeless waste of intellectual effort. So at the present time I seem to be thinking rationally again in the style that is characteristic of scientists
If you read all his stuff its clear he had to lie about his wellness to be released.

John Charles Martin Nash, was born soon afterward, but remained nameless for a year because his mother felt that her husband should have a say in the name.
Can't remember which son also has 'mental illness' and has genius traits like his Dad.

Nash began to show signs of extreme paranoia and his wife later described his behavior as erratic, as he began speaking of characters like Charles Herman and William Parcher who were putting him in danger. Nash seemed to believe that all men who wore red ties were part of a communist conspiracy against him. Nash mailed letters to embassies in Washington, D.C., declaring that they were establishing a government
I feel like there is at least some obvious truth to this.

In 1961, Nash was committed to the New Jersey State Hospital at Trenton. Over the next nine years, he spent periods in psychiatric hospitals, where, aside from receiving antipsychotic medications, he was administered insulin shock therapy.[18][19][20]
I dont' know how we didn't see and don't see that this is simple just wiping thoughts and memories from his mind.

Nash dates the start of what he terms "mental disturbances" to the early months of 1959 when his wife was pregnant.
3 women in his life committed him and were 'advised' on how and where to do so.

Nash has developed work on the role of money in society.
[QUOTE]I didn't understand his lecture 'idea money' but my guess is it will have a dramatic impact on economy in the future, which is obviously tied to peace and technology.

In 2011, the National Security Agency declassified letters written by Nash in 1950s, in which he had proposed a new encryption-decryption machine.[9] The letters show that Nash had anticipated many concepts of modern cryptography, which are based on computational hardness.
code breaking for the government. Too bad he went crazy and had to put in comas to cure him?

Swedenborg, considered a great scientist by his peers, in his early 50's had a change of pace, including so called hallucinations or visions (depends on whom you are talking to) but escaped the doctors. I hear the scientists never forgave him but could do nothing due to his particular status in the world, doctors aside.
Ya thats my point, how do we possibly think we can just declare these people insane. To do so you have to make a definitive statement about divinity and our spiritual origins. You have to invalidate the possibility of time travel, and extraterrestrial contact.

I'm not a conspiracy type person, and I'm not arguing those things exist for real, but its much more logical than taking a genius labeling him crazy and pumping him full of insulin for weeks at a time thinking that will cure him.

My point really is that Nash and many people throughout history with stories like Jesus or Buddha, likely Swedenborg all shared the same qualities.

This may be a simple brain disorder, Swedenborg may not have been talking to the Christian god, maybe it was something else but he personified it that way because of his conditioning. Man has never explored this so one would be quite confused in the light of such 'voices'
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06-11-2013 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
If you read all his stuff its clear he had to lie about his wellness to be released.
I'm going to ignore the conspiracy and other nonsense you wrote but want to point out that many of my patients believe this, but simply telling me that they no longer believe the delusions they came in with is almost never convincing enough to me. One key feature of schizophrenia is the inability to recognize that you have the illness/symptoms. I admittedly don't know much about psychiatric care in the 50s and 60s, however.
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06-11-2013 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
I'm going to ignore the conspiracy and other nonsense you wrote
Yes I'm not trying to argue for a purposeful conspiracy. More so clarity or objective observation.

Much of what looks like delusions of Nash mind, is known fact to have occurred
but want to point out that many of my patients believe this, but simply telling me that they no longer believe the delusions they came in with is almost never convincing enough to me.
are you suggesting Nash couldn't lie his way out? If so, I am just pointing out he is a genius, and maybe quite underrated if he did work on time and peace
One key feature of schizophrenia is the inability to recognize that you have the illness/symptoms. I admittedly don't know much about psychiatric care in the 50s and 60s, however.
I suspect he always knew he always still had them.

We all agree he had ties to the government in respect to codebreaking right?
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06-21-2013 , 12:10 AM
Wonder if this has too do with this thread seems related:

Cooperative games (two basic classifications)

1) Games with transferable utility

2) Games without transferable utility.

Generally if games can be transformed from type 2 to type 1 there is a gain on average to all the players in terms of whatever might be expected to be the outcome.
I'll need to learn more about cooperative games vs non cooperative and utility to really understand it though.
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06-21-2013 , 07:23 AM
lol, you are just now acknowledging that there is a difference between cooperative and non-cooperative games?

yes, this difference is extremely relevant, as people have been saying for 300+ posts.
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06-22-2013 , 02:31 PM
So if we turn poker into a cooperative game, is it type 1 or type 2?
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06-22-2013 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
So if we turn poker into a cooperative game, is it type 1 or type 2?
You would have to say what you mean by "turn poker into a cooperative game." (Three sentences.)
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