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06-10-2013 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
Well I don't know if its disagreeing, the treatment was torture....our do you disagree with that?

Do you think it might help cure the psyche? Do you think it cured Nash and then he was ok to leave?
Turns out the insulin shock therapy is ineffective, I believe. But its purpose was to cure psychosis, not to torture someone for their scientific views. Honestly, what part of this are you somehow having trouble understanding? I can not imagine this actually being confusing.

Originally Posted by newguy1234
I'm not positve, I just think I remember him or someone saying irl it wasn't shock. But either way.
There are no electrical shocks involved, but the name of the therapy was insulin shock therapy. Did you even glance at the article I linked to?
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06-10-2013 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
Do you know the story of his life, beyond his hollywood movie?
Let's say the answer is no. Give me a few sentences which highlight the relevance of certain facts of his life as they pertain to the underlying question.
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06-10-2013 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Turns out the insulin shock therapy is ineffective, I believe. But its purpose was to cure psychosis, not to torture someone for their scientific views. Honestly, what part of this are you somehow having trouble understanding? I can not imagine this actually being confusing.
I'm understanding it completely.

I am saying the therapy doesn't cure psychosis but it is a brutal treatment with not purpose.

He said the treatments wiped out his early memory.

He told a colleague they were never going to let him out until he was 'normal', but that he will never be that way.

There are no electrical shocks involved, but the name of the therapy was insulin shock therapy. Did you even glance at the article I linked to?
No, I see now its called insulin shock therapy but it doesn't always mean shock. It doesn't really make a difference.

Do you know the story, or just the movie?
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06-10-2013 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
I'm understanding it completely.

I am saying the therapy doesn't cure psychosis but it is a brutal treatment with not purpose.

He said the treatments wiped out his early memory.

He told a colleague they were never going to let him out until he was 'normal', but that he will never be that way.
Oh, so this is just a conspiracy theory where they had him locked in a psych unit and tortured because of his views on relativity (using what was an accepted treatment for psychosis at the time), and he never had schizophrenia? Yeah, I'm out of this thread.
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06-10-2013 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
Let's say the answer is no. Give me a few sentences which highlight the relevance of certain facts of his life as they pertain to the underlying question.
Here are my notes and I'll touch them up so readable. Perhaps they are disputable.
When asked about financial crisis: Crisis is just a matter of human physiology

what is the best way to project something controversial?

although they (numbers) originate din India

language tower of babel

talked about ai

sev years back cosmology and general relativity
has gen equation for space time don't need constant
4th order instead of 2nd or
supports accel expand universe
any space time the satisfied gen with con

visited Einstein

movie was made to make people seek help.

someone else said, to corrupt the money is to corrupt and destroy society

Nash: I thought i was the most important person in the world, and people like the people, would be enemies who try and put me down

rarely went to class claimed would bunk his originality

made a game called nash they played in college

A college dreamt nash solved an equation for him, when he awoke he credited nash for it because he couldn't have done it himself.

son was in foster care, no one even knew

College on nash: we came up this way and he came this way

powers from outerspace coded message in the new york times
on cover of life mag as pope 23 fav number prime
men wearing red ties commy secret
turned down job to become emperor of Antarctica
people from outer space trying destroy his career

Apparently he changed within a week

Thorazine (I forget the ref here)

Nash: was able to think i was victim of conspiracy

Nash: like mohammed a messenger of allah

Collegue about whast Nash said: never let me out until normal but that will never be because i never way

tried to denounce american citizenship

'imagined commy and anti commy were the same schemers

Is houwer (Eisenhower?) and pope might be unsympathetic

Was being chase around Europe by navy. Was sent back on ship he claimed in chains

wouldn't sign w4 or gov forms though (thought it was a) conspiracy

Became obsessed conflict middle east

Colleagues fought for his freedom saying: its is in national interest to protect his mind

insulin coma therapy 5 days for 6 weeks

doesn't remember it

became vegetarian

3 women were advised of good hospital

said treatments wiped out his early memory

Nash: rational thought impose a limit on a person ability to relate to the cosmos

remission was interludes of enforced rationality

to some extent sanity is a form or conformity

madness can be an escape as well

into proving the existence of good (god maybe?)

trying to find divine inspiration from heaven through numbers
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06-10-2013 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Oh, so this is just a conspiracy theory where they had him locked in a psych unit and tortured because of his views on relativity (using what was an accepted treatment for psychosis at the time), and he never had schizophrenia? Yeah, I'm out of this thread.
No you said that, I said he was unjustly put through a torturous treatment because he was viewed as "crazy"

That is fact.

His schizophrenia, magically disappeared not from any treatment.

That is fact.

Lets deal with facts.
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06-10-2013 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
No you said that, I said he was unjustly put through a torturous treatment because he was viewed as "crazy"
Bah, it's hard to resist. Nash had auditory hallucinations and delusions:

Originally Posted by newguy1234
powers from outerspace coded message in the new york times
on cover of life mag as pope 23 fav number prime
men wearing red ties commy secret
turned down job to become emperor of Antarctica
people from outer space trying destroy his career
As a psychiatrist, I am telling you that he had schizophrenia. He was legitimately "crazy" (in quotes only because I don't like the word due to the connotations it has picked up, but it's certainly valid here). He was given the treatment that was the acceptable treatment of the day.

These are facts. What you're spouting is nonsense, but you always do that.
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06-10-2013 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
Here are my notes and I'll touch them up so readable. Perhaps they are disputable.
Your notes don't help because they don't address the underlying question in a reasonable manner. I'm not interested in his life story simply for knowing his life story. I'm interested in why his life story matters to answer the underlying question.

What does this have to do with Nash working on Einstein's theories?
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06-10-2013 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Bah, it's hard to resist. Nash had auditory hallucinations and delusions:

As a psychiatrist, I am telling you that he had schizophrenia. He was legitimately "crazy" (in quotes only because I don't like the word due to the connotations it has picked up, but it's certainly valid here). He was given the treatment that was the acceptable treatment of the day.

These are facts. What you're spouting is nonsense, but you always do that.
Ah your a psychiatrist. I've been told I'm crazy and need help.

How are you able to suggest that Nash was schiz, and not just such a high level thinker that he was connected to a higher power or something transcendental.

He described himself like Mohamed.

What if I am not talking 'supernatural' spiritual mumbo, but more along the lines of synesthesia.

We take an intelligent man, label him crazy (back then I'm sure that was the label), basically attack his ability to think.

Then give him a nobel prize and suggest we can recognize how smart he is.

And use his work for war?

Is intelligence an atom bomb and why am I crazy for asking this?

These men, Einstein, Nash, Bohm, did they give out all their secrets when it comes to world destruction, or do you think the hid some for fear of what the knowledge could do? Think about this.

Was nash really a code breaker? I would like to know what parts of his life we feel are real and which aren't?

Also in your pro opinion, was nash paranoid?

He believes commies and non commies were working together in a fake war....does this sound crazy to you?

He was chased all around Europe and brought back to America by ship (he says in chains and I believe him), but we think his other account of being watched and followed are Schiz?
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06-10-2013 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
Your notes don't help because they don't address the underlying question in a reasonable manner. I'm not interested in his life story simply for knowing his life story. I'm interested in why his life story matters to answer the underlying question.

What does this have to do with Nash working on Einstein's theories?
The peak of technology and time/space travel are the same thing, as is universal peace. Because they involve a mutation in the way we perceive individuality.

What do we think happens to someone when they walk into society with such knowledge and ability to break down social structure?

I'm not even implying conspiracy, its like the inception movie, the consciousness (people) just attack any attempt at holistic paradigms.
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06-10-2013 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
The peak of technology and time/space travel are the same thing, as is universal peace. Because they involve a mutation in the way we perceive individuality.

What do we think happens to someone when they walk into society with such knowledge and ability to break down social structure?

I'm not even implying conspiracy, its like the inception movie, the consciousness (people) just attack any attempt at holistic paradigms.
What does this have to do with Nash working on Einstein's theories?
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06-10-2013 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
What does this have to do with Nash working on Einstein's theories?
I'm not sure what you are asking.

Time/space travel and peace are interconnected.

This obv has to do with AI and optimal decision making (game theory).

I can't understand why you are asking what it has to do with Einstein's work?

Or you want to know how it relates to Nash working on relativity and space time?

Or you are asking how nash suggesting he was a messenger from allah and communicating with aliens relates to space time?
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06-10-2013 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
I'm not sure what you are asking.

Time/space travel and peace are interconnected.

This obv has to do with AI and optimal decision making (game theory).

I can't understand why you are asking what it has to do with Einstein's work?

Or you want to know how it relates to Nash working on relativity and space time?

Or you are asking how nash suggesting he was a messenger from allah and communicating with aliens relates to space time?
I'm looking for something other than a random assortment of assertions.
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06-10-2013 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
I'm looking for something other than a random assortment of assertions.
We have a genius of a man, who gave us an incredible understanding of economy and warfare, and described himself as being a prophet. He heard voices that were not of this world. He had delusions that were not of this time.

He denounced nationality, we (our society) forcible locked him in a coma until it seemed clear (to his caretakers) he could no longer produce the same insight that he had before.

This causes you to ask what my point is?

I'm also curious if we feel nash was a code breaker for the government, or worked for them in a secret way?

Last edited by newguy1234; 06-10-2013 at 12:24 PM.
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06-10-2013 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
This causes you to ask what my point is?
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06-10-2013 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
I think thats because you feel we got his real genius out before we began wiping his mind.

Was nash a codebreaker?
Do you feel Einstein and Nash revealed all their knowledge on time and space or hid some for fear of how it would be used?
Do we feel fbi or cia trolls this site?
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06-10-2013 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
I think thats because you feel we got his real genius out before we began wiping his mind.
I don't feel anything in particular about Nash. I have no speculations about his life which are relevant to the immediate conversation.

Was nash a codebreaker?
Do you feel Einstein and Nash revealed all their knowledge on time and space or hid some for fear of how it would be used?
Do we feel fbi or cia trolls this site?
What does this have to do with Nash working on Einstein's theories?
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06-10-2013 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
I think thats because you feel we got his real genius out before we began wiping his mind.

Was nash a codebreaker?
Do you feel Einstein and Nash revealed all their knowledge on time and space or hid some for fear of how it would be used?
Do we feel fbi or cia trolls this site?
Do you think the FBI and CIA troll this site?
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06-10-2013 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Do you think the FBI and CIA troll this site?
Would be a good idea in light of things like the FT/poker stars scandal/merger wouldn't it?
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06-10-2013 , 12:38 PM
Why dont you ever answer a question in a straight up honest manner? For someone who asks so many questions from others i find this messed up.
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06-10-2013 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
I don't feel anything in particular about Nash. I have no speculations about his life which are relevant to the immediate conversation.

What does this have to do with Nash working on Einstein's theories?
Nash came up with the mathematical formula that peace is founded on. Forgive my jargon but this is obviously a giant precursor to time travel and artificial intelligence.

Unfortunately we coincidently wiped his mind at the peak of his enlightenment? Because he was crazy? Who gets to judge that one of the most intelligent men in the world is crazy?

3 women had him committed while his friends tried to have him freed, did this ladies act out of intelligence when they decided a genius is crazy?

Is there anything in you that believes an insulin produced coma might help a schizo turn normal? Am I a radical for suggesting only a moron would think that would work? This was like 50 years ago only?
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06-10-2013 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
Nash came up with the mathematical formula that peace is founded on.
What is this formula?
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06-10-2013 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
What is this formula?
ya see youre looking for a standardized set of letters.

Synesthesiacs don't think see or express this way.
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06-10-2013 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
ya see youre looking for a standardized set of letters.
That's what a formula is.

a conventionalized statement intended to express some fundamental truth or principle especially as a basis for negotiation or action

Synesthesiacs don't think see or express this way.
This matters little. I don't care how you express the formula. You said there was a formula, and so it's reasonable for me to ask you what the formula is.
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06-10-2013 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
That's what a formula is.


This matters little. I don't care how you express the formula. You said there was a formula, and so it's reasonable for me to ask you what the formula is.
to see holistically and in a non causal fashion.
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