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Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting.

07-23-2012 , 01:50 PM
I don't really think there is anything I can say about this other than wow...
Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
07-23-2012 , 01:56 PM
Not exactly surprising.
Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
07-23-2012 , 02:02 PM
If the shooter confesses, finds God then he gets to go but not his non Christian victims, I guess.
Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
07-23-2012 , 02:17 PM
From the link:

"People say ... where was God in all of this? We've threatened high school graduation participations, if they use God's name, they're going to be jailed ... I mean that kind of stuff. Where was God? What have we done with God? We don't want him around. I kind of like his protective hand being present."

At what point in history was god's protective hand ever present
Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
07-23-2012 , 02:34 PM
The "prince of Aurora" won another battle over human souls. There is no announcement whether the prosecution will seek the death penalty. Yes, if James Eagen Holmes, the alleged gunman, did actually commit the offence, repents and makes restitution ( which includes contacting family members of the deceased and possibly being on death row ) and one day follows Yeshua HaMashiach, then the "G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" may have mercy on him.

Jerry Newcombe's statements aren't that surprising, but obviously he shouldn't say anything publicly about the destination of the souls of the departed; it wouldn't be surprising that even if there were "Christian victims", the truth may be their destination really isn't "heaven" given the time and place they were killed. IMHO, all of this seems like stinking bad fruit.
Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
07-23-2012 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
At what point in history was god's protective hand ever present
have you been listening to Cognitive Dissonance ? I just listened to the new episode this morning on my way to work and they were talking about the same thing..
Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
07-23-2012 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by gskowal
have you been listening to Cognitive Dissonance ? I just listened to the new episode this morning on my way to work and they were talking about the same thing..
No. What is it?
Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
07-23-2012 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
No. What is it?
Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
07-23-2012 , 03:52 PM
I'll give it a listen. Maybe I'll get a job as a presenter
Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
07-23-2012 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
I'll give it a listen. Maybe I'll get a job as a presenter
it's a very entertaining show...
Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
07-24-2012 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by mangler241
the truth may be their destination really isn't "heaven" given the time and place they were killed..
Are you saying people going to see the batman movie wont get into heaven?
Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
07-24-2012 , 11:33 PM
People say ... where was God in all of this? We've threatened high school graduation participations, if they use God's name, they're going to be jailed ... I mean that kind of stuff. Where was God? What have we done with God? We don't want him around.
A very salient point.

If an atheist blockquotes a point in order to invalidate it or mock it, you can bet it struck a spot somewhere inside of him where for the briefest flash, he considered something outside of his warm comfort zone.

That said...

We all know the media is to blame. James Holmes is famous. We now know what color underwear he likes to wear. Even God knows who he is now.

Thank you, CNN. Thank you Fox News.
Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
07-25-2012 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by Doggg
Even God knows who he is now.

Thank you, CNN. Thank you Fox News.
So God didn't know who he was before? I though you believe that God knows everything, that God knew who he will become and how he will finish.
Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
07-25-2012 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by Doggg
If an atheist blockquotes a point in order to invalidate it or mock it, you can bet it struck a spot somewhere inside of him where for the briefest flash, he considered something outside of his warm comfort zone.
How does an atheist quote something if its just stupid or funny?

Maybe you're right... maybe a lot of atheist aren't in their comfort zone when they hear really foolish things?
Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
07-25-2012 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Doggg
A very salient point.
Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
07-25-2012 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Doggg
A very salient point.

If an atheist blockquotes a point in order to invalidate it or mock it, you can bet it struck a spot somewhere inside of him where for the briefest flash, he considered something outside of his warm comfort zone.
How much is the bet?
Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
07-25-2012 , 10:59 PM
I don't believe in God.

God is to blame.

Where was God??

We don't want God in the classroom. We don't want God in the courts. We don't want God anywhere, for that matter. Not that I believe in God, but WHERE WAS YOUR GOD??

God is an evil God.


There are millions of Gods.

This nation's founding was not grounded on theological or religous foundations, but purely secular ideology, but still- WHERE WAS GOD?

I don't believe in God. If God exists, then he is to blame. God doesn't exist. James Holmes is to blame!!

Wait. No. God is to blame, right?


James Holmes is to blame. But God, too, if he exists.

Yeah. That's right. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
07-25-2012 , 11:09 PM
I can't help but feel that to some extent, we're reaping what we've been sowing as a society.
am i understanding this correctly..

hes basically saying the victims brought it on themselves by not accepting jesus? what kind of sick pos says that about a 6 year old murder victim.
Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
07-25-2012 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by metski
am i understanding this correctly..

hes basically saying the victims brought it on themselves?
Evangelical leader discusses Colorado shooting. Quote
