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Does anyone here believe in God but hate religion? Does anyone here believe in God but hate religion?

02-23-2014 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by zumby
I suspect it's related to supertasting. While a lot of people claim cucumber doesn't really taste of everything, to me (and others) it's extremely strong-tasting and dominates all other flavours. I actually don't mind the taste itself in certain contexts (like raita or tzatziki) but if I buy a BLT sandwich and it has cucumber I effectively now just have an expensive and disappointing cucumber sandwich.
I like cucumber but I would consider anything in a BLT that isn't in the acronym a sacrilege.

Except mayo.
Does anyone here believe in God but hate religion? Quote
02-23-2014 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
What if his religion mediated his relationship with God?
What if his father was an idol maker?
Does anyone here believe in God but hate religion? Quote
03-03-2014 , 12:30 AM
I believe in God, but don't agree with religions.

I think religion has been infiltrated and manipulated over time by power seeking individuals similar to many governments. The bible says to not idolize any humans like a God, yet the major religion is ran by the pope, who many people "idolize."

Many popes and preachers seem to think they are above the own religion they teach.

If you break every religion down, they all have one similar basic belief. That belief being life is a test; if you are bad you will go to hell, if you are good you will go to heaven. Each religion then branches off into; you do what we say you go to heaven, you disobey us & you will go to hell.

I do believe in God. I can't see how humanity just appeared and that we are on Earth for no reason. Our bodies and the ecosystems are too perfect to not have a creator.

If you just treat other people well, do what you can to make a difference in other people's lives, try to make the world a better place, and not just live life for your personal gain, you will reap the benefits of life and the afterlife (if any).
Does anyone here believe in God but hate religion? Quote
03-03-2014 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by mangler241
Yes, Hashem hates "religion" in the sense that NotReady has already brought up, so believers in Yeshua as the Messiah ought to "hate religion" too.

I'll be stepping in a lot of toes in what follows....

Roman Catholicism: wrong of these "fathers" to change the times as prophesied by Daniel: specifically, e.g., Easter for Pesach and even Sunday for Shabbat! They even threw out quartodecimanists because of antisemitism! Thanks to the "fathers", Xmas and Easter, essentially paganism packaged in "Christianity", are prevalent "holidays" in the West; we may as well thank them for the modern secular calendar ( the one with Roman "gods" Julius and Augustus as well as other "gods" making up some of the names of the months ) obscuring the truth that Yeshua used a Jewish/Hebraic calendar and observed Jewish holy days. BTW, Augustine made fun of mitred hats in his City of God. Many also make fun of "transubstantiation". A clear picture is painted concerning this "whore" in the book of Revelation.

Protestantism: not every group is guilty, but this group inherited much of the "baggage" in Roman Catholicism; extreme groups are guilty of bibliolatry, making statements such as the "true church is invisible" or using terms like "true Christian". The big issue seems to be antinomianism; simply reading Yeshua's words in the correct cultural/religious context in Mt 7:21-23 or Mk 13:40-43 ( or Mt 5:17-21 ) will make it plain that the Torah is not done away with! Another common criticism is the proliferation of the number of denominations.

Eastern Orthodoxy: they may be technically on the correct side of the filioque controversy, but in no way are they the "one true Church" even if they should give the spiel about apostolic succession ( which is also a Roman Catholic claim ). A major problem is idolatry: use of icons or praying to images is clearly in violation of a "logos" of the Decalogue.

...and these are the main groups that claim to follow Yeshua as the Mashiach. What hope is there for the other "religions"?
i ****ing love this post!

Originally Posted by Hainesy_2KT
sorry, is there someone in this thread with 128k posts?!?

Originally Posted by Husker
People actually eat cucumbers? I thought they were purely for demonstrating those slicing mechanisms you occasionally see advertised.
cucumbers are awesome. they are one of the reasons i believe in god
Does anyone here believe in God but hate religion? Quote
03-03-2014 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by davidduke
I believe in God, but don't agree with religions.

I think religion has been infiltrated and manipulated over time by power seeking individuals similar to many governments. The bible says to not idolize any humans like a God, yet the major religion is ran by the pope, who many people "idolize."

Many popes and preachers seem to think they are above the own religion they teach.

If you break every religion down, they all have one similar basic belief. That belief being life is a test; if you are bad you will go to hell, if you are good you will go to heaven. Each religion then branches off into; you do what we say you go to heaven, you disobey us & you will go to hell.

I do believe in God. I can't see how humanity just appeared and that we are on Earth for no reason. Our bodies and the ecosystems are too perfect to not have a creator.

If you just treat other people well, do what you can to make a difference in other people's lives, try to make the world a better place, and not just live life for your personal gain, you will reap the benefits of life and the afterlife (if any).
Judiasm doesn't teach hell.
Does anyone here believe in God but hate religion? Quote
03-03-2014 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan

Does anyone here believe in God but hate religion? Quote
03-03-2014 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by Hainesy_2KT
do you think my 128k posts prove there is a god?
Does anyone here believe in God but hate religion? Quote
03-04-2014 , 12:23 PM
it might suggest some multi-accounting. i'm gonna get onto pokerstars admin
Does anyone here believe in God but hate religion? Quote
03-04-2014 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Hainesy_2KT
it might suggest some multi-accounting. i'm gonna get onto pokerstars admin
if u count my other accounts, i have half a million!!
Does anyone here believe in God but hate religion? Quote
03-04-2014 , 01:47 PM
am i one of your other accounts?!

Last edited by Hainesy_2KT; 03-04-2014 at 01:47 PM. Reason: obviously not mods
Does anyone here believe in God but hate religion? Quote
03-04-2014 , 10:56 PM
Does anyone here believe in God but hate religion? Quote
03-07-2014 , 03:17 AM
I believe in some sort of higher power. I am don't believe in any one religion. I do like all the different religions though because they help control overpopulation by the wars they cause. In god we trust lol.
Does anyone here believe in God but hate religion? Quote
03-07-2014 , 03:17 AM
Sometimes I feel like I am god while I'm making 3-4 final tables in 200+ person tourneys at the same time.
Does anyone here believe in God but hate religion? Quote
05-12-2014 , 12:05 PM
I believe in God because it was the teachings given by my parents. I do not like religions, because the ultimate goal is the control over people's minds and spend their lives selling God all the time. I believe in divine justice so why should I do not believe in the "man" that execute it? Like they say: "I can't prove that God exists, but you can't either prove that he doesn't."
Does anyone here believe in God but hate religion? Quote
