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Do You Really Want An Answer? Do You Really Want An Answer?

12-21-2010 , 02:43 AM
Since my time being on this forum, I would say that 98% of the people who ask questions about God or the bible or something related to God or the bible are full of sh#t.

There are only two reasons to ask a question.

#1 Because you really are seeking an answer.

#2 Because you think you already have the answer BUT are asking a question based on your lack of understanding or wrong teaching (not your fault usually) and are trying to trap someone or bait someone.

#2 is the what is done the most on this forum.

Why? If you really do not want an answer or you think you know the answer why ask someone?

I have answered soo many questions from people with evil motivation, meaning that they were purely just trying to be a pain in the ass. They did not want an answer. They would not see truth if it hit them in the face, because they do not care, they do not want to know, and anything that someone answers them back with has already been deemed wrong.

Guys, this is not the way to learn. Just be honest. If you do not believe, then do not ask stupid questions that are not really intended to be answered.

But if you seriously have some questions and are genuinely wanting a biblically based answer then fire away.

Remember this. If you ask a question, then you are by sheer logic (if being honest) essentially saying I DO NOT KNOW the answer.

You are saying that you are willing to learn, to consider, to reflect on some knowledge or different angle or concept that has not entered your thought processes before.

If when you ask a question, your intentions or motivations are opposite to this then your full of sh#t. And wasting my time and others time.

Last edited by Pletho; 12-21-2010 at 03:02 AM.
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12-21-2010 , 03:20 AM
this is kind of a strange thing to post here. This is a forum where we discuss and debate topics related to religion. And your OP is basically telling us that we shouldn't?
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12-21-2010 , 03:26 AM
If a religion is a good religion then any question even the most evil one can be answered.

See it as an opportunity to share your belief and love of god.

BTW its not very religious to say that people are full of ****!!! In my sheer logic what you are saying is pure evil!!!
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12-21-2010 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by Pletho
If you really do not want an answer or you think you know the answer why ask someone?
I've said this before and it bears repeating. Many of the issues raised by atheist outreach are evidently meant only to habituate doubt in the minds of believers through repeated confrontation with unanswerable questions (which don't require answers anyway). It's a form of parlor trick in which a mere wave of the hand gets you to do their work on you for them.
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12-21-2010 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by Pletho
There are only two reasons to ask a question.

#1 Because you really are seeking an answer.

#2 Because you think you already have the answer BUT are asking a question based on your lack of understanding or wrong teaching (not your fault usually) and are trying to trap someone or bait someone.
Just plain wrong.
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12-21-2010 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by ONEANGRYBOY
If a religion is a good religion then any question even the most evil one can be answered.

See it as an opportunity to share your belief and love of god.

BTW its not very religious to say that people are full of ****!!! In my sheer logic what you are saying is pure evil!!!
Religious? God has nothing to do with religion. Religion is man-made doctrines.

I've never once said I am religious. I think your idea or notion of what religious means is different than mine.

Religion in the bible is the opposite of Godliness.
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12-21-2010 , 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by Concerto
I've said this before and it bears repeating. Many of the issues raised by atheist outreach are evidently meant only to habituate doubt in the minds of believers through repeated confrontation with unanswerable questions (which don't require answers anyway). It's a form of parlor trick in which a mere wave of the hand gets you to do their work on you for them.
The funny thing is this. Most of their questions are answerable.

Because most of the questions are rooted in error laden doctrines that have been taught to them by their family as they have grown. So, they take that error which makes no sense and propound it by asking a question that is rooted in error.

The solution is to go back to zero and restart the process. But without humulity and meeknees, meaning a genuine receptivity to hear and consider the word being taught they become trapped. Then their pride and stubborness traps them even more.

They have to unlearn the wrong doctrine and relearn the correct doctrine.

Just getting them to even unlearn the error that they hold on to tightly which fuels their passion to argue and blast God is just about impossible.

Unless they really want to know. So, what do you do. You speak the truth in love. Beleiving that if somone is hungry for the truth they will listen and hear and understand. It has happened to me on this forum with a small handful thats it....
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12-21-2010 , 05:16 AM
What you mean is don't ask questions phrased in a way to trick you into giving an answer that cant then be used against you as a contradiction.
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12-21-2010 , 05:22 AM
Originally Posted by Pooter
What you mean is don't ask questions phrased in a way to trick you into giving an answer that cant then be used against you as a contradiction.
Correct. Of course I always see it coming. But choose to play along at times, when I think someone is genuine. Like you for instance. I think you are playing tricky. But I chose to answer because I believe that you actually have something bothering you. And want an answer.

Plus when I answer you, I know that your understanding of things related to God and the bible, are causing contraditions in your mind. Only because you do not have a solid grasp of the fundamental principles of life and how things work for all men, even unbeleivers.
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12-21-2010 , 10:38 AM
I don't always post in RGT, but when I do I prefer to state that it is superstition.
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12-21-2010 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Concerto
I've said this before and it bears repeating. Many of the issues raised by atheist outreach are evidently meant only to habituate doubt in the minds of believers through repeated confrontation with unanswerable questions (which don't require answers anyway). It's a form of parlor trick in which a mere wave of the hand gets you to do their work on you for them.
Shall we discuss the Christian parlor tricks?
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12-21-2010 , 11:06 AM
Cliffs: Don't ask questions if you're going to debate the validity of the answers Pletho gives you.
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12-21-2010 , 12:05 PM
Right on Pletho.
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12-21-2010 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
There are only two reasons to ask a question.

#1 Because you really are seeking an answer.

#2 Because you think you already have the answer BUT are asking a question based on your lack of understanding or wrong teaching (not your fault usually) and are trying to trap someone or bait someone.
Which is it when a girl asks "do you still think I'm pretty?"
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12-21-2010 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
Shall we discuss the Christian parlor tricks?
Sure, I'm happy to expose those as well and often do in this forum. Though that sort of discussion requires a bit more substance than lolcats and serial pop-up troll assertions, with no logical argument, in various fonts and formats.
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12-21-2010 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Concerto
I've said this before and it bears repeating. Many of the issues raised by atheist outreach are evidently meant only to habituate doubt in the minds of believers through repeated confrontation with unanswerable questions (which don't require answers anyway). It's a form of parlor trick in which a mere wave of the hand gets you to do their work on you for them.

That's why I find the Reformed view more compelling than Arminianism now.

Any person held by Christ will never fall for a parlour trick.

Faith doesn't depend on people as much as it depends on God.

It doesn't mean human will doesn't play a role. It just means it isn't as big a role as the majority of modern believers would like people to think.

It also shows why atheists are almost supernatural in their disbelief and never consider evidence. If it was up to humans most would be converted but since they aren't they must be in the second wave.

I'm a Christian universalist so everyone is saved. It's just a matter of timing. If you accept God in this world or the next one. God is much too kind to punish anyone for all eternity and most Christians never dwell on that point enough to override hell doctrine teaching in their own minds and beliefs.
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12-21-2010 , 12:58 PM
What's wrong with...

#3 Because you want to see why others believe something.

Note I could said:

Because you want to see why others believe something despite all evidence to the contrary.

Because you want to see why others believe something that you could never believe

Because you want to see why others believe something that is so patently absurd you don't understand how anyone could believe it.

But I think, because you want to see why others believe something is sufficient.
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12-21-2010 , 01:21 PM
Some of the questions get asked because the person is in the early stages of skepticism.

They still have an irrational fear of going to hell, or something like that, but have begun to notice the strange inconsistencies in the bible or their religious indoctrination. By asking the question here, they are testing to see if they will be struck by lightning, subjected to a painful set-over-set stacking, or visited by the proverbial plague of locusts. Relatively few are (except for the painful set-over-set stacking punishment).

The questions like "How can God allow this to happen?" are indications that they have a conflict between what they have been taught, and real life observations, logic, and common sense.

When they persist in their embryonic skepticism by asking more and more questions, some theists eventually call them trolls, shortstackers, or heathens.
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12-21-2010 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
Cliffs: Don't ask questions if you're going to debate the validity of the answers Pletho gives you.
Yeah this is really the problem.
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12-21-2010 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by madnak
Which is it when a girl asks "do you still think I'm pretty?"
#2 of course, but you better answer it correctly, meaning tell her she is pretty, even if all hell has broken lose on her body.
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12-21-2010 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour

That's why I find the Reformed view more compelling than Arminianism now.

Any person held by Christ will never fall for a parlour trick.

Faith doesn't depend on people as much as it depends on God.

It doesn't mean human will doesn't play a role. It just means it isn't as big a role as the majority of modern believers would like people to think.

It also shows why atheists are almost supernatural in their disbelief and never consider evidence. If it was up to humans most would be converted but since they aren't they must be in the second wave.

I'm a Christian universalist so everyone is saved. It's just a matter of timing. If you accept God in this world or the next one. God is much too kind to punish anyone for all eternity and most Christians never dwell on that point enough to override hell doctrine teaching in their own minds and beliefs.
OMG! I cant believe you just made this statement..

I'm a Christian universalist so everyone is saved. It's just a matter of timing.
If that logic is true, then why did Jesus Christ have to die, why would God lie all over the place in the bible. Your assertion of what you believe above just told me that you do not really believe in the bible, but merely in what you think the bible means.

Actually I am not really that suprised, but I am that you mentioned this publickly.....
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12-21-2010 , 07:30 PM
Pletho, you're alright in my book.
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12-21-2010 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
#2 of course, but you better answer it correctly, meaning tell her she is pretty, even if all hell has broken lose on her body.
Just making sure you aren't deluding yourself. Well done.
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12-21-2010 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by madnak
Just making sure you aren't deluding yourself. Well done.
Sorry, just noticed another typo, lose, instead of loose.....

Whats new, I type so fast that I always mess up it seems..... can wait until they come up with a mind reading keyboard that has spell check, that way all I need to do is think my words onto the page.
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12-21-2010 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
Sorry, just noticed another typo, lose, instead of loose.....

Whats new, I type so fast that I always mess up it seems..... can wait until they come up with a mind reading keyboard that has spell check, that way all I need to do is think my words onto the page.
Your typing sins are forgiven.

Some people think that God had the mind reading keyboard.
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