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11-21-2023 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by craig1120
Anti-theists love to use shallow, simplistic categories and conduct shallow smear campaigns.

I’m not smearing anyone or any group. I’m stating what is categorically true. Your chosen religion is largely dependent on where and when you are born and to whom

Not sure how that is debatable
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11-21-2023 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
I’m not smearing anyone or any group. I’m stating what is categorically true. Your chosen religion is largely dependent on where and when you are born and to whom

Not sure how that is debatable
You keep clicking on a religion sub-forum for what purpose?

I’ve pretty much never been part of a religious community and I’ve never chosen a religion. When I describe the deeper truths of Christianity, I do it as an outsider to the Christian community.

I have no interest in being a stand-in for your grievances with religious communities.

“I’m a diva, bruh”
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11-21-2023 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by craig1120
You keep clicking on a religion sub-forum for what purpose?

I’ve pretty much never been part of a religious community and I’ve never chosen a religion. When I describe the deeper truths of Christianity, I do it as an outsider to the Christian community.

I have no interest in being a stand-in for your grievances with religious communities.

“I’m a diva, bruh”

I never assumed or mentioned anything about Christians or any other specific faith. Nor have I mentioned any grievances with religious communities. Are you projecting?
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11-21-2023 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
I never assumed or mentioned anything about Christians or any other specific faith. Nor have I mentioned any grievances with religious communities. Are you projecting?
If you’re going to be blatantly condescending and then pretend to have the moral high ground, you should be more careful that you actually have the moral high ground.
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11-22-2023 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by bwslim69
I never assumed or mentioned anything about Christians or any other specific faith. Nor have I mentioned any grievances with religious communities. Are you projecting?
Originally Posted by craig1120
If you’re going to be blatantly condescending and then pretend to have the moral high ground, you should be more careful that you actually have the moral high ground.

Wow, slim, you got thru to the non-bot, past the religious jargon spewing preacher. Good job.
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11-22-2023 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
Wow, slim, you got thru to the non-bot, past the religious jargon spewing preacher. Good job.
Why do you keep coming back to this sub-forum? Are you really that much of a degenerate? You are protecting the innocent from me? Do you actually think I feel deterred by you at all?
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11-22-2023 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by craig1120
Why do you keep coming back to this sub-forum? Are you really that much of a degenerate? You are protecting the innocent from me? Do you actually think I feel deterred by you at all?
No I don't think you are deterred ... I think you are all-in on the murderous, bigoted, misogynist, magical version of barbaric morality to which you have sacrificed your agency, imagining such surrender to authoritarianism as the good. That's pretty clear. You do retain the potential to reconsider your investment in that belief system, but long ago you forgot it was an investment and started taking it as the undeniable, presumed nature of reality, and so that latent potential is unrealized.
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11-22-2023 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
No I don't think you are deterred ... I think you are all-in on the murderous, bigoted, misogynist, magical version of barbaric morality to which you have sacrificed your agency, imagining such surrender to authoritarianism as the good. That's pretty clear. You do retain the potential to reconsider your investment in that belief system, but long ago you forgot it was an investment and started taking it as the undeniable, presumed nature of reality, and so that latent potential is unrealized.
I already know your position. There is no point in repeatedly restating it over and over.

Again, why do you keep returning to this religion sub-forum? Are you that threatened and insecure or are you that much of a tyrant?

Do you go around to small religious discussion groups in your community and undermine them?
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11-22-2023 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by craig1120
I already know your position. There is no point in repeatedly restating it over and over.

Again, why do you keep returning to this religion sub-forum? Are you that threatened and insecure or are you that much of a tyrant?

Do you go around to small religious discussion groups in your community and undermine them?
If you either state how killing every child, baby and fetus on earth is holy, good, just, moral and loving ... or state how submitting blindly to such an authority on faith is moral -- instead of evading problems like that with religious gobbledygook -- I would have dropped it long ago. But it's kind of hard to do that when it's pointed up to you starkly, isn't it? So I come back to see what people do when they have it pointed out that religion is tricking them into giving the okay to such monstrous morality, and to see if they can respect the difference between religion and metaphysics, that is, between religion and reality.
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11-22-2023 , 11:33 PM
So now you go and tell us why you keep coming back with a spiel that a language major can't make heads or tails of half the time.
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11-22-2023 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
If you either state how killing every child, baby and fetus on earth is holy, good, just, moral and loving ... or state how submitting blindly to such an authority on faith is moral -- instead of evading problems like that with religious gobbledygook -- I would have dropped it long ago. But it's kind of hard to do that when it's pointed up to you starkly, isn't it? So I come back to see what people do when they have it pointed out that religion is tricking them into giving the okay to such monstrous morality, and to see if they can respect the difference between religion and metaphysics, that is, between religion and reality.
I’m an apologist?
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11-23-2023 , 02:49 AM
Seems someone is sitting in for craig1120. He keeps coming out of religious bot mode.
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11-23-2023 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by craig1120
I’m an apologist?
If you are you've got your work cut out against anyone who knows the game, which by definition true believers don't.
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12-16-2023 , 12:56 AM
And so the evolution of Christianity included forcing the religion on others, condemning them or worse if they didn't accept, selling salvation for profit, canonized defense of slavery, colossal corruption and abuse ... among much other dubious debauchery. But its true believers reject any realization of what its history actually is and how ungodly it is. Mind is blatantly adjourned in that belief. They stare straight at systematized corruption and evil from its core and profess it holy -- via belief.
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12-16-2023 , 01:01 AM
And so a reasonable religion puts the cosmos in the creator role, and has a sort of ecospiritual or cosmospiritual orientation. The cosmos created the human race, not one of the mythological super beings. Lest we are science deniers or reality averse true believers, this is plain speak.
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12-16-2023 , 02:49 AM
A man cannot settle scores with the cosmos. He can only settle scores with another man. The story of life goes beyond the reasonable.
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12-16-2023 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by craig1120
A man cannot settle scores with the cosmos. He can only settle scores with another man. The story of life goes beyond the reasonable.
When man condemns God, God condemns man. Who is willing to stand firm against God’s judgment?
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12-20-2023 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by craig1120
When man condemns God, God condemns man.
And that's perfect love?? Whoops.
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12-21-2023 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
And that's perfect love?? Whoops.
Do you hate all movies with a surprise or twist ending? The highest truth is a story. I’ve mentioned several times the necessity of holding seeming contradiction.
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12-22-2023 , 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by craig1120
Do you hate all movies with a surprise or twist ending? The highest truth is a story. I’ve mentioned several times the necessity of holding seeming contradiction.
Love keeps no record of wrongs. God slaughtered the human race for doing wrong. God is not loving. End of story.
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12-22-2023 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
Love keeps no record of wrongs. God slaughtered the human race for doing wrong. God is not loving. End of story.
You seem to believe the father exists, that the bad father exists - the one who would sacrifice all of his sons and daughters rather than sacrifice his standing or self image.

You definitely seem to affirm the existence of the good mother. Yet you firmly deny the existence of the good father.

For you, it seems to be evil -> father and good -> mother.

Only the people who affirm both the good mother + evil mother and the good father + evil father can progress forward in the narrative.
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12-23-2023 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
Love keeps no record of wrongs. God slaughtered the human race for doing wrong. God is not loving.
Is there a problem with this story and doctrine? Or not so much?
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12-23-2023 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by craig1120
Do you hate all movies with a surprise or twist ending? The highest truth is a story. I’ve mentioned several times the necessity of holding seeming contradiction.
And so is it just a story about Adam and Eve, Noah and The Flood, Moses and the tablets, Paul on the road to Damascus, the need for salvation, the resurrection, the talking animals ...? It's all just fiction with a symbolic meaning, right?
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12-23-2023 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
Is there a problem with this story and doctrine? Or not so much?
If God is evil, and man solely sees God as evil, then God will continue to be evil.

If God is evil, and the Son of Man sees a perfect God through the evil, then God will become perfect through the baptizing vision of the SoM.

I’m not talking about distorting or denying the evil. It’s about seeing the evil and then seeing the paradise on the other side of it. This is what masculine love does. Only masculine love — the love of the good father — can do this.
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12-23-2023 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by craig1120
If God is evil, and man solely sees God as evil, then God will continue to be evil.

If God is evil, and the Son of Man sees a perfect God through the evil, then God will become perfect through the baptizing vision of the SoM.

I’m not talking about distorting or denying the evil. It’s about seeing the evil and then seeing the paradise on the other side of it. This is what masculine love does. Only masculine love — the love of the good father — can do this.
If the human individual is unwilling to use the baptizing love of the good father on their self, how can they even consider using it on God?
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