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Dawkins loses ground Dawkins loses ground

10-22-2011 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
There's no question Dawkins has more name recognition than Craig.
My comment was in response to Stu Pidasso's apparent incredulity that anyone would think of Craig as a nobody. It seems you agree with me - he's a total nobody and Dawkins is firmly within the mainstream (even if somewhat on the fringe).

He burst onto the scene with his book "The Selfish Gene". However, keep in mind that most of them WLC, "The Four Horsemen", etc. are not all that well known beyond people like us who follow what's going on with religion in the world. For instance, most of my friends (In America) do NOT know who Sam Harris is. That shocked me! Ditto for Daniel Dennett. Christopher Hitchens is better known due to his affiliation with Vanity Fair and numerous guest appearances on TV interviews, etc.

I'm just saying that while these people are household names to us, there are not really as popular as you might think. Dawkins and Hitchens being two exceptions. But I'd hazard to guess that before the #1 best seller "The God Delusion" many more people than not, didn't know who Dawkins was either.

The point I'm trying to make is that in "our" crowd (those interested in theology), WLC is well known as a formidable debater. If consensus held that Dawkins were to win, people like (well, at least people like luckyme and myself), would be at least somewhat surprised and impressed. So to say that it wouldn't look good on Dawkins' CV doesn't necessarily wash with me. I think it would look good. Many people who are familiar with both of them make Dawkins out to be the underdog.
impressing you and luckyme wouldn't help him one bit. Nobody goes to those debates with an open mind, they are pure tribalism. Why participate if you're not advocating a tribe?
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by bunny
No they're not. Being inconsistent in his actions doesn't imply he's lying.
I never said that it implied he was lying in any sort of logical sense. Only that it gave us good reason to question his reasoning as truthful.

I don't believe in violence, yet I support The maintaining of an army. That doesn't mean i was lying about being a pacifist, it means I have (quite complicated, as it happens) competing ethical rules which sometimes come into conflict and resolve themselves in ways which may appear to contradict my stated positions. The only way to understand my reasons is to ask me - you have no ability to declare that I don't really disapprove of violence, even if you can't come up with the reconciling interpretation.
If you said that you did not believe in violence and then went out and constantly picked fights with people, we would have good reason to disbelieve that you were actually against violence.
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by bunny
I bet you those who thought he was an intellectual giant before "the banana incident" still think he is. The only people laughing at him would have laughed anyhow - which is all irrelevant anyhow...
The world isn't made up of just two extremes. There always people on the fence which is why we have debates in the first place.
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
The world isn't made up of just two extremes. There always people on the fence which is why we have debates in the first place.
Those people don't go. This issue is not prevalent in mainstream discourse at all. These debates are about bragging rights (and book sales).
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
And you might find those reasons credible but I do not. As Lestat has suggested they are reasonable in the vacuum of the artcle but not in the context of the broader picture.
Be that as it may, your extrapolation by quoting the "helps my CV, yours not so much" as an admission by Dawkins that he would suffer from losing a debate to WLC is entirely unjustified. It may be true that he would suffer, but the reasons given was WLC's disgusting apologetics and the fact that WLC stood to gain more than he did. Twisting the wording to be some hidden admission is pretty disingenuous imo.
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
I never said that it implied he was lying in any sort of logical sense. Only that it gave us good reason to question his reasoning as truthful.
you called Dawkins unintelligent and then said it wasn't because you thought he was unintelligent but because you were "making a point". This is inconsistent with your goal of high content RGT posts, where we are clear and articulate about what we are saying and why we say it.

I have good reason to doubt your honesty then?
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by bunny
My comment was in response to Stu Pidasso's apparent incredulity that anyone would think of Craig as a nobody. It seems you agree with me - he's a total nobody and Dawkins is firmly within the mainstream (even if somewhat on the fringe).
I don't have a problem with Joe Shmoo claiming they don't know Craig is. For Dawkins to do it and use it as an excuse for not debating is like Obama refusing to debate McCain on the grounds McCain wasn't worthy/is a poor excuse for a human being.

The excuse just doesn't sound credible to me. Bunny if Obama did make that excuse...I suspect you'd take his word for it without question(especially if you thought McCain was a poor excuse of a human being).
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
I don't have a problem with Joe Shmoo claiming they don't know Craig is. For Dawkins to do it and use it as an excuse for not debating is like Obama refusing to debate McCain on the grounds McCain wasn't worthy/is a poor excuse for a human being.

The excuse just doesn't sound credible.
Excellent - how long do you need to dig up that quote where Dawkins claimed he doesn't know who Craig is?

Wait....more ESP, right? Or is this more of those "fourth order credible" calculations?
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
There's no question Dawkins has more name recognition than Craig. He burst onto the scene with his book "The Selfish Gene". However, keep in mind that most of them WLC, "The Four Horsemen", etc. are not all that well known beyond people like us who follow what's going on with religion in the world. For instance, most of my friends (In America) do NOT know who Sam Harris is. That shocked me! Ditto for Daniel Dennett. Christopher Hitchens is better known due to his affiliation with Vanity Fair and numerous guest appearances on TV interviews, etc.

I'm just saying that while these people are household names to us, there are not really as popular as you might think. Dawkins and Hitchens being two exceptions. But I'd hazard to guess that before the #1 best seller "The God Delusion" many more people than not, didn't know who Dawkins was either.

The point I'm trying to make is that in "our" crowd (those interested in theology), WLC is well known as a formidable debater. If consensus held that Dawkins were to win, people like (well, at least people like luckyme and myself), would be at least somewhat surprised and impressed. So to say that it wouldn't look good on Dawkins' CV doesn't necessarily wash with me. I think it would look good. Many people who are familiar with both of them make Dawkins out to be the underdog.
While there is a crowd (such as this forum) that pays attention and will watch multiple religious debates, read multiple books etc, there is also a much much much larger crowd who is only superficially aware. For instance, much of the millions of people who have bought the four horsemen's books....which seem to be perpetually on various displays near the front of the two books stores I usually peruse. Hitchens sure is more popular because he writes about more than just religion, but even Harris has been on things like the Daily Show which had an enormous audience. I would submit that as far as authors go, they are pretty damned well known with the possible exception of Dennet
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Bunny if Obama did make that excuse...I suspect you'd take his word for it without question(especially if you thought McCain was a poor excuse of a human being).
Now you're not even thinking.

Obama and McCain are both known in the broader community (the target audience). Dawkins is and Craig is not.
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by bunny
you called Dawkins unintelligent and then said it wasn't because you thought he was unintelligent but because you were "making a point". This is inconsistent with your goal of high content RGT posts, where we are clear and articulate about what we are saying and why we say it.

I have good reason to doubt your honesty then?
This is not a high content thread. Also, who said that my point was not high content? I did not say that I said to troll did I?

Let's also not forget that whether or not I am guilty of the same thing that I accused Dawkins of in no way means that my point was not valid
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
This is not a high content thread. Also, who said that my point was not high content? I did not say that I said to troll did I?

Let's also not forget that whether or not I am guilty of the same thing that I accused Dawkins of in no way means that my point was not valid
Maybe I was unclear. My point is that, just because your stated reason seems inconsistent to me, I am not entitled (and shouldn't) jump to the conclusion you are being dishonest. I should assume there is some further clarifying position to which I am not privy. I should always presume in the first instance you are both rational and honest, no matter how it appears. I need extremely good reason to dismiss another thinker's stated perspective.

You should extend Dawkins the same courtesy.
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:49 PM
What do we think is larger, the scientific community or religious community? Is anyone willing to claim that the scientific community is significantly larger?
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
I don't have a problem with Joe Shmoo claiming they don't know Craig is. For Dawkins to do it and use it as an excuse for not debating....
Just to be crystal clear. This was your post I objected to:

Dawkins first reason for not debating WLC is that Craig is a nobody. Do you really believe that? Do you find that statement from him credible?
Claiming Craig is a nobody is not claiming he doesn't know who Craig is (LDO - how do you refer to an unknown entity by name?)

You misspoke and leapt to a nonsensical defense. Rare in your case and excusable, but nonetheless silly.
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
What do we think is larger, the scientific community or religious community? Is anyone willing to claim that the scientific community is significantly larger?
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Yeah, we already discussed this post by Craig on ReasonableFaith in this thread. The defense was considered shocking enough to gain a bit of publicity around the internet.
The defense is not shocking at all imo.

The fact that Dawkins perceives WLC's defense as morally reprehensible shows his lack of acquaintance with Christian beliefs.

People today including many Christians have lost touch with the idea that "to die is to gain." I'm glad to see WLC hasn't lost touched with it.

In the past I mentioned the same scripture WLC did. It seems most people aren't aware of it.

“Know for certain that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs and will be servants there, and they will be afflicted for four hundred years. . . . And they shall come back here in the fourth generation, for the iniquity of the Amorites [one of the Canaanite clans] is not yet complete” (Gen. 15. 13, 16).
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by bunny
I don't know what that means
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-22-2011 , 11:58 PM
I reject the premises implicit in the question (namely that the size of those relative communities has anything to do with Dawkins' veracity, the relative fame of either person, the relevance of theological debates, or any other topic of this thread).

If you wish to change the topic and this is something new, my answer is for you to define each and I'll take a stab at guesstimating.
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-23-2011 , 12:07 AM
I'm off, by the way. Australia has lots of dead Internet space and I have 600 km to drive.

I'll nominate luckyme as my proxy - given this is a political question anyhow, we need very good grounds to not just concede to his greater knowledge and experience.
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-23-2011 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by bunny

Dawkins gave a reason for not debating craig, if you want to dispute that the reason he gave is the real reason you need to provide evidence that he's a liar. Even were you to establish that it was a bad reason, it doesn't imply he was dishonest when he advanced it.

I really don't see why this should have to keep being repeated.... It isn't realy all that difficult.
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-23-2011 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
While I agree with you I think that there is enough in his supposed reasons to show that he is inconsistent at best and dishonest at worst. Since we don't know what he actually thinks I think it is better to address what he is telling people that he thinks, in order to attempt any sort of conversation about the subject anyway. Not that I think this is a particularly interesting topic.
Well, IMO, Dawkins entire reasoning process is a non-sequitur:

The belief that human beings are nothing more than survival machines for genes is a morally reprehensible belief because it deprives human beings of human dignity.
Richard Dawkins believes as such.
Richard Dawkins is a morally reprehensible person.
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-23-2011 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by duffe
Well, IMO, Dawkins entire reasoning process is a non-sequitur:

The belief that human beings are nothing more than survival machines for genes is a morally reprehensible belief because it deprives human beings of human dignity.
Richard Dawkins believes as such.
Richard Dawkins is a morally reprehensible person.
huh? that sequits just fine, it's problem is a false premise. Not that it matters for this threads purpose. The question is " Is Dawkins a lying coward?" and the request for evidence.
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-23-2011 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Outside of biology Dawkins is a nobody. In the world of philosphy Craig is more of a somebody then Dawkins is.
My guess is that most professional philosophers don't know who Craig is, while almost all of them have at least heard of Dawkins.
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-23-2011 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by bunny
Any quote (or proof of mind reading powers) to back this up?
Are you kidding? Just look at the terrible arguments he makes in his book, and how he always argues about God with the low-hanging fruit, North American Creationists (the ones that believe the world is 6000 years old).

Originally Posted by Weatherhead03
Thank God hes not actually a philosopher. WLC on the other hand is....yet virtually nobody has heard of him, even coming from his intended audience.
Rigorous, formal debates aren't popularity contests, but Dawkins maybe politicking this so that WLC doesn't get too much attention.
Dawkins loses ground Quote
10-23-2011 , 02:01 AM
What does Dawkins "losing ground" even mean? Do you guys even perceive debates of this sort as being intellectual "tests" of the validity of religion(s)/the lack thereof? I can understand why it would be interesting or entertaining to watch, but does it actually accomplish anything and either can the two participating really feel like they are accomplishing anything?
Dawkins loses ground Quote
