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The Creative Will The Creative Will

10-27-2013 , 05:11 PM
Below is a synopsis/introduction to the teachings of my greatest teacher. I've found no one that is more knowledgeable or better studied. She says a lot in these 15 minutes so if it seems interested consider listening multiple times as each line is significant.

Helena is the first to point out that our past conditioning blocks us from understanding such simple and clear truth, and furthermore we are conditioned to approach such topics with emotion and violent resistance. Many who hear her words simply cannot sort through them.

But I think plenty here can understand them quite well. And I think it can also be observed that man has grown considerably in this ability since she wrote this, and moreover since the last few years. The context may not have made sense not long ago, but it seems to be quite fitting nowadays.

Helena was able to access vast amounts of knowledge of the past history of man in a time when women weren't generally allowed to study, and they say that she had accessibility through travel that only a queen would have been granted. She had to have been well respected and trusted to get to the places and knowledge that she did. If we believe in reincarnation I expect she is a past life of Krishna.

A note on her use of the word evolution, I don't think she uses it in the way we are used to, but I'm not sure that she uses it in a way Darwin didn't intend. I think its quite fitting in the context of dialog about the word 'paradigm' in the ideality thread.

Some have pointed out that Helena is either a fraud or a satanist. But I think if we give a decently objective listen to her words we can see that she is more genuine than anyone we could compare here to, and that allegations such as satan whoreship are just done by those that fear the lifting of suppression through religion(christianic etc.).

In her writings she talks about how the knowledge she passes to us has been hidden for thousands and thousands of years, waiting for a time to come to light, when man won't violently suppress it. I think in the past this would have unfairly been looked at as hocus pocus, and a copout where as nowadays it seems quite likely to be true.

Last edited by newguy1234; 10-27-2013 at 05:20 PM.
The Creative Will Quote
