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Concise Way to Counter the Religious Concise Way to Counter the Religious

07-05-2013 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by RacersEdge
I'm definitely not interested in long religious debates.
You seemed interested enough in other peoples.

But yeah it should be easy enough to politely decline to discuss your beliefs with other people.
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-05-2013 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
Point out more knowledgeable specific facts and ideals about the bible and get real in depth on its origin and meaning on specific quotes.

Also talk to them in depth about the Quran, and point out specific versus that help them think differently about what they are studying.

Begin to ask and question them about all the other religions and writings such as Hinduism, the Vedas, Jainism, certain Sutras, or Pagan tenants and so on.

Bring up specific world issues relating to complicated events happening right now, like uprising in Egypt, Brazil, Turkey etc. Also can bring up the surrounding details on the Syrian war and the contributing factors to the issues that sustain the conflict.

When its clear to them that really they are ignoring the world around them and simply following the social conditioning they we're bred with, you can point out they are just addicted to engaging people in a conflict type way.

Then you can point out their ignorance towards the world and others beliefs.
I love this post. This is the height of arrogance.

Summary: Discuss topics and contexts that Christians don't know anything about, because they are stupid. Therefore, they will see that they are stupid.
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-05-2013 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
Wowsers, this is the exact approach I was using when I first started posting here. I was soon blasted off it.

Can you elaborate on the benefits of them "thinking about that truth at some point" and what you might accomplish by doing that?
What were you blasted off, and what were the reasons given?

Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
I'm not even sure you could call it a 'conclusion'. I have rejected theistic belief systems, they haven't 'taken' with me and I have strong doubts about their veracity, but I don't have a contrary belief, I just lack those beliefs. Is that a conclusion?
If you are presented with "evidence" and you find that evidence lacking, what are you doing if not drawing a conclusion about the position presented?
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-05-2013 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by Doggg
I love this post. This is the height of arrogance.

Summary: Discuss topics and contexts that Christians don't know anything about, because they are stupid. Therefore, they will see that they are stupid.
I maybe the height of arrogance its hard to humbly deny such an accusation but I don't think you understood my post.
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-06-2013 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
What were you blasted off, and what were the reasons given?

An argument that appeared to be similar to yours although I was making an assumption. Probably better if you explain what you meant by:

In most cases you will just find that they inherited their beliefs (and as a bonus you might even get them thinking about that truth at some point),
I took it to mean that if you cause them to realise that their beliefs were simply 'inherited' (or whatever word suits) that it might cause them to have some doubt?
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-06-2013 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by Doggg
I love this post. This is the height of arrogance.

Summary: Discuss topics and contexts that Christians don't know anything about, because they are stupid. Therefore, they will see that they are stupid.
That's not what he was saying and you introduced the word 'stupid', not newguy.

I think the point was pretty obvious, have another read.
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-06-2013 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
I maybe the height of arrogance its hard to humbly deny such an accusation but I don't think you understood my post.
I'm sure he didn't.
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-08-2013 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by RacersEdge
I was listening to a couple Jesus freaks in a coffee shop go on about Jesus this , jesus that , Jesus said to me, I heard Jesus, etc, etc.

I don't want to hate on these people, but if they were to ever try to pull me in to their way of thinking, what's the most concise, soewhat polite way to explain why I don't share their belief system and life view?

Something along the lines I like to base my life on reason and logic maybe.

Some other ideas?

OP couldn't wait until those stupid jesus freaks would try to pull him into "their way of thinking." He inched his chair closer to their table, and tilted his head slightly so he could hear better. "Any second, now, I know they're gonna try to convert me to their archaic religion -- I just know it!" he said to himself, while slipping on his Mocha Frapp. "I need to come up with a quick witted comment that will, most importantly, show them how stupid they are, and how much smarter I am -- but will also be somewhat polite, so I can maintain my personal moral high-ground smugness. Hmmmmm ..."

20 mins pass by and OP still hasn't come up with anything witty to say. Still sitting at the coffee shop, empty Mocha Frap in hand, he begins to get anxious. "They should be leaving any minute now, why haven't they tried to convert me to their stupid religion?!?" he mumbles to himself.

10 more mins pass. Finally, the Christians stand up to leave the coffee shop. A rush of relieve passes over OP. One, because he knows those Jesus Freak will have to speak up now, but also because he grown tired of making paper napkin footballs at his table. OP stands up right behind them as they pick up their trash:

Christians: Hope your 4th of July was great!
OP: Jesus isn't real!
Christians: Uhh, okay ... well, have a good night. *quickly walking away*
OP: Yeah, have fun praying to your invisible sky magician!

OP replayed the night over and over and over in his head throughout the rest of the night. "Those Christians are ALWAYS trying to convert us logical, reasoned folks with their backwards world-view. Next time they try it, I'll have a much better response waiting. I wonder what 2+2 can come up with ..."
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-08-2013 , 11:55 AM
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-08-2013 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by VanceAce
OP couldn't wait until those stupid jesus freaks would try to pull him into "their way of thinking." He inched his chair closer to their table, and tilted his head slightly so he could hear better. "Any second, now, I know they're gonna try to convert me to their archaic religion -- I just know it!" he said to himself, while slipping on his Mocha Frapp.


OP replayed the night over and over and over in his head throughout the rest of the night. "Those Christians are ALWAYS trying to convert us logical, reasoned folks with their backwards world-view. Next time they try it, I'll have a much better response waiting. I wonder what 2+2 can come up with ..."
I know someone who posts here who thinks that mockery and ridicule are lame ways to make points. I actually agree with him on that.

If you ever find yourself wondering how you'd counter any point of view, I guess you'd should just reread your own post.
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-08-2013 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
I know someone who posts here who thinks that mockery and ridicule are lame ways to make points. I actually agree with him on that.

If you ever find yourself wondering how you'd counter any point of view, I guess you'd should just reread your own post.
I think referring to the religious as "jesus freaks" is a lame way to start a genuine discussion ...
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-08-2013 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by VanceAce
I think referring to the religious as "jesus freaks" is a lame way to start a genuine discussion ...
I agree with that too.
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-09-2013 , 10:00 AM
"Jesus Freaks" is deragotary, but I can't deny that is a new breed of younger Christians whom I find best described with the word "fluffy".
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-09-2013 , 02:30 PM
I didn't really mean Jesus freaks to be very derogatory - just more descriptive.

Anyway, it's not really the "very religious" that I was focusing on, they just triggered the thought. It's more the casual comments people might make like "that so many survived the plane crash is a real miracle", or "he was blessed with that ability" or "prayers really work". Just things you hear from time to time. It's almost worse than hardcore religious statements/arguments, because if you hear these comments its almost assumed everyone who hears them also has the same belief system as the one who spoke the words.

So what I was getting at would be a counter casual comment, like, "yeah, either that or he won the gene lottery". Something simple, concise, and non-aggressive.

This thread has got me on the right track though - I like the "skeptic" approach for example. I think I can come up with others.
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-09-2013 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by RacersEdge
I was listening to a couple Jesus freaks in a coffee shop go on about Jesus this , jesus that , Jesus said to me, I heard Jesus, etc, etc.
Originally Posted by RacersEdge
Anyway, it's not really the "very religious" that I was focusing on, they just triggered the thought. It's more the casual comments people might make like "that so many survived the plane crash is a real miracle", or "he was blessed with that ability" or "prayers really work".
You realize that your initial presentation is nothing like you're talking about right now, right?
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-09-2013 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Aaron W.
You realize that your initial presentation is nothing like you're talking about right now, right?
Yes, but I think the solution to one works for the other.
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-09-2013 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by RacersEdge
Yes, but I think the solution to one works for the other.
I find this to be quite strange.
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-10-2013 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by VanceAce
I think referring to the religious as "jesus freaks" is a lame way to start a genuine discussion ...
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-10-2013 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
Also, perhaps just an attempt to steal back a term used by critics and intended to be derogatory in the same way that blacks did it with 'n***er', homosexuals did it with gay/queer/h*mo, white supremacists did it with 'peckerwood', Britney Spears did it with 'white trash'.. oh no, wait, she's still trying the acting crazy tactic.
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-10-2013 , 12:07 PM
we're super freak-aaaayyyy
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-10-2013 , 06:47 PM
Just in case you didn't grow up Christian, this is probably one of the most popular CCM songs in history:

There was definitely a point (thanks to this song) where people would agree wholeheartedly to being called "Jesus Freak."
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-10-2013 , 08:13 PM
You can't counter them with reason and logic since they have somehow blocked the entire part of their brain that is involved in that. It is best to smile and nod like you would do with a ******ed child.
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-10-2013 , 09:08 PM
If you are sober then change the subject. If you are drunk then hope that they change the subject. Nothing good ever comes out of these type of discussions with strangers face to face. Stick to boards like this if you want to get an idea how both sides think.
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-15-2013 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by Dutch101
If you are sober then change the subject. If you are drunk then hope that they change the subject. Nothing good ever comes out of these type of discussions with strangers face to face. Stick to boards like this if you want to get an idea how both sides think.
I have to disagree with this. On a board like this it's actually pretty difficult to get a genuinely informed picture of what people believe - 90% of posters are

1) atheists with a chip on their shoulder who like to deliver snide quips about religion but don't really have much knowledge about what the religious actually believe

2) religious folk that would even be called extremist nut jobs by the other followers of their religion, or

3) outright trolls.

I've found that if you really want to have an informed conversation about religion, it's not that hard to set up an appointment with a priest/pastor/religious leader of the religion of your choice, and then you can find out what educated people have to say about various questions. Any priest or pastor worth their salt can answer questions like "which parts of the Bible are literal truth, and which aren't?" or "Why does evil exist?" pretty well. You might not agree with their answers, but you will get a clear picture of what they believe and why.

Of course if you try to engage a random in a coffee shop about such things you can expect the conversation to go full ******. There's a pretty big difference between a guy who got a college degree and masters in his religion and spends 30+ hours a week studying it, and some guy who hasn't even read the texts his religion is based on, spends two hours a month in church, and spends half his time there thinking about how quickly he can get home to a beer and a football game.

(Only real exception to this I've found is Jehovah's Witnesses, even if you meet a random on the street you can usually expect them to know their ****.)

Still, a face to face conversation with someone thoroughly educated in their religion is light years ahead of posts like

Originally Posted by Rathix
You can't counter them with reason and logic since they have somehow blocked the entire part of their brain that is involved in that. It is best to smile and nod like you would do with a ******ed child.
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
07-15-2013 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
I have to disagree with this. On a board like this it's actually pretty difficult to get a genuinely informed picture of what people believe - 90% of posters are

1) atheists with a chip on their shoulder who like to deliver snide quips about religion but don't really have much knowledge about what the religious actually believe

2) religious folk that would even be called extremist nut jobs by the other followers of their religion, or

3) outright trolls.

Neither 1 nor 2 is remotely true. Especially 2. If anything, this forum is a bad place to learn about what the 'average' religious person believes because the theist posters here are overwhelmingly above average in terms of education and 'liberalism' (both political and theological).

Last edited by zumby; 07-15-2013 at 09:37 AM.
Concise Way to Counter the Religious Quote
