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Christians..why should I go to hell? Christians..why should I go to hell?

12-28-2010 , 08:07 PM
I could be wrong here so just correct me if I'm wrong but..

According to Christianity anyone who does not believe in God will go to Hell?

I would like to believe that God, heaven, ect is real but I don't but my brain won't let me if if I wanted to. If I started to worship god and believed in all that stuff today I would be lying to myself if I said I believed in him. So why should I go to hell if I'm not a bad person?

It's out of my control so why should I be punished because of how my mind works?
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-28-2010 , 08:31 PM
Maybe you aren't trying hard enough...?
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-28-2010 , 08:36 PM
You're going to have to ask God that question, since I seriously doubt anyone here can do more than speculate as to why God chose this or that condition of admittance into His heaven, which, Biblically speaking, is the only way for you to sustain life, i.e. conscious existence, after your inevitable natural death. Otherwise, you end up in Gehenna (a proper name mistranslated "hell" in English), which was the city dump of Jerusalem, a metaphoric reference to the grave, etc.
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-28-2010 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Concerto
You're going to have to ask God that question, since I seriously doubt anyone here can do more than speculate as to why God chose this or that condition of admittance into His heaven, which, Biblically speaking, is the only way for you to sustain life, i.e. conscious existence, after your inevitable natural death. Otherwise, you end up in Gehenna (a proper name mistranslated "hell" in English), which was the city dump of Jerusalem, a metaphoric reference to the grave, etc.
That's all I have to do? Sorry I would never have started the thread.

No but seriously..basically my brain is stopping me from going to heaven..not too fair IMO
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-28-2010 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by Newff
That's all I have to do? Sorry I would never have started the thread.
That's all you can do.

Part of the explanation is that only through salvation will your sin debt be paid, and God does not allow sin in His heaven. However, then the usual follow-up questions ensue. Anything requiring an exhaustive answer about God's motives is usually unanswerable.

No but seriously..basically my brain is stopping me from going to heaven..not too fair IMO
Well, God owns heaven, so it's up to Him to set the conditions of admission according to His idea of what is fair.
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Newff
basically my brain is stopping me from going to heaven..not too fair IMO
If you're so worried about it why not pick a church and go to their church school and educate your brain the right way?
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 12:20 AM
You're not going to hell. It doesn't exist.
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by kb coolman
You're not going to hell. It doesn't exist.
The voice of authority! What a comfort.
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
The voice of authority! What a comfort.
I'm not being flippant, but my answer carries as much authority as someone who claims an eternally burning inferno is a lasting punishment from a loving God.
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by kb coolman
You're not going to hell. It doesn't exist.
Didn't read the title or the OP?
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 12:26 AM
Ok, then I'll answer in response to your thread title.

You shouldn't go to hell.

You also shouldn't go to Never Never Land.
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by kb coolman
Ok, then I'll answer in response to your thread title.

You shouldn't go to hell.

You also shouldn't go to Never Never Land.
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by Newff
And this answer is from your own opinion or according to Christian belief?
This answer is from my own Christian belief and understanding of God, but I'll be the first to admit I'm in the minority. That doesn't mean I'm alone...there are many Biblical scholars who believe the common view of Hell is nothing more than a myth.

Edit: Beat your Ninja Edit. But I am being sincere, so I apologize if my replies offend. That's not my intent.
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 12:34 AM
Well for a second it just seemed like you were an atheist coming into the thread without reading and trying to start the extremely common atheist vs. Christian war of arguing whether it's real or not..which is not what this thread is about.

I'm also an atheist obv but just looking to see what Christian beliefs says about someone like myself and this time not interested in the whole debate about whether gdis real or not.
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by kb coolman
I'm not being flippant, but my answer carries as much authority as someone who claims an eternally burning inferno is a lasting punishment from a loving God.
No it doesn't. He's trolling the believers but they can point to thousands of years of authority, proofs, miracles and all the rest of the entirety of established religions. You are calling '********' which is fair enough but calling ******** w/o your own proof is not authoritative.
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
No it doesn't. He's trolling the believers but they can point to thousands of years of authority, proofs, miracles and all the rest of the entirety of established religions. You are calling '********' which is fair enough but calling ******** w/o your own proof is not authoritative.
What ultimate authority does a Christian have other than Christ himself? Proof? As defined by what standard? Miracles are irrelevant to the question at hand.

I can call ******** and provide an answer more consistent with the nature of a loving God. At the very least, I can hope to make them think.
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by Newff
I could be wrong here so just correct me if I'm wrong but..

According to Christianity anyone who does not believe in God will go to Hell?

I would like to believe that God, heaven, ect is real but I don't but my brain won't let me if if I wanted to. If I started to worship god and believed in all that stuff today I would be lying to myself if I said I believed in him. So why should I go to hell if I'm not a bad person?

It's out of my control so why should I be punished because of how my mind works?
All people have had or will have evidence of God presented to them. Its your own free will of not accepting God that will get you dug up from the dead, judged then tormented or exterminated.
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by kb coolman
What ultimate authority does a Christian have other than Christ himself? Proof? As defined by what standard? Miracles are irrelevant to the question at hand.

I can call ******** and provide an answer more consistent with the nature of a loving God. At the very least, I can hope to make them think.
Christ himself is the most excellent of authorities if the account is true. But now you demand standards and I don't blame you because the terrain has shifted. And why are miracles irrelevant? Christians place great importance on them.

Your answer is your opinion. In my opinion. It's certainly not more consistent with the nature of a loving God.
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
Your answer is your opinion. In my opinion. It's certainly not more consistent with the nature of a loving God.
Yeah, I know.
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
If you're so worried about it why not pick a church and go to their church school and educate your brain the right way?
Cuz I can just make up a religion right now that says he is going to hell unless he sends me 50 bucks or worships only jesus or only allah or only etc etc etc
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
Cuz I can just make up a religion right now that says he is going to hell unless he sends me 50 bucks or worships only jesus or only allah or only etc etc etc
I think you get more bang for your buck if you go w/ Allah in Yemen.
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 07:15 AM
Why worry about it?

Serious question. Im in pretty much the same situation, id have to severely lie to myself and those around me to play make believe games that i believed in god. I dont. If i get judged badly for not pretending to believe then i surely get judged as badly for pretending to believe.

Plus no one can even decide what the basic rules of the biblical faith are:

I mean can you even tell me what the Sabbath is and how to keep it holy? Ive seen several interpretations. If i am to only worship "god" then which version of the god that uses the biblical texts am i meant to be worshipping exactly? This is especially true when Jews and Christians interpret a lot of the same Old Testament differently.

Plus look over that list, the four groups cant even work out which of the commandments is which. Anglicans dont even consider "i am the Lord your god" a commandment, whereas the Jews consider it a commandment on its own.

If nothing else the way i see it is if there is a god and i am meant to believe in him i would do. In the mean time im happy just being a good person. I would expect to see more good none-believers in heaven than bad believers.

The idea that Howard has, which i assume he isnt being 100% serious, of just picking a church and hoping it is right seems a lot like Pascal's Wager to me.
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
If you're so worried about it why not pick a church and go to their church school and educate your brain the right way?
Im scared of allah; so im ringing up my local islam extremists and gonna learn to fly a plane into some buildings,

Afterall, i dont wana go to islam hell right?
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 12:24 PM
Everyone sins and because of this a saviour is needed. By the blood of Jesus all sins are forgiven, which is necessary in order to make it to heaven.

For those saying they dont wanna live a lie...have you ever asked God of His existence in prayer? Because He will reveal himself to those who ask. It may not be instant, but will happen.
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
12-29-2010 , 12:59 PM
And if He doesn't, you didn't try hard enough.
Christians..why should I go to hell? Quote
