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christians, what would you ask god? christians, what would you ask god?

03-21-2010 , 01:24 PM
god comes to you and tells you that for the next 30 minutes you can ask him any question you want about anything you can think of, and he will answer it.

would you please share some of the questions you'd ask during this time?

christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 01:57 PM
Why haven't I gotten my period yet?
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 02:08 PM
Why is it Christians only?

If (the Christian) God came to me, I'd ask him, Is this the best of all possible worlds? Why or why not?
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 02:36 PM
I used to have a lot of questions , but I am slowly realizing that God reveals the answers to me as he intends.
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 02:59 PM
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
I used to have a lot of questions , but I am slowly realizing that God reveals the answers to me as he intends.
Okay ill ask you instead. Why does he feel the need to lead the 1.6 billion Islamics, the 1.2 billion Hindus and the 500 million Buddhists astray?
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
I used to have a lot of questions , but I am slowly realizing that God reveals the answers to me as he intends.
examples of some of those questions? if you have the answers then im sure they would be useful to someone. dont be so selfish!
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 04:16 PM
If I was Christian, I would ask "Why was it logical to you that the best way to save us was to send your son as a human god for us to worship?"
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Butcho22
god comes to you and tells you that for the next 30 minutes you can ask him any question you want about anything you can think of, and he will answer it.

would you please share some of the questions you'd ask during this time?

I would ask to know more than what has already been revealed about "the future hope of Christs return and eternal life".

More information on what my future powers will be like in my new spiriutal body?

What my responsibilities and jobs will be in the third heaven and earth?

How long the unbelievers (who will be ressurected in the ressurection of the unjust) will stay alive before they experience the second death?

What exeperiences will I be able to experience in eternal life that I currently can experience in the here and now?

Where is the end of the universe drawn on a universal scaled map with all the planets marked? (just for fun)

I would ask for some clarification on any verses that I haven't got an understanding about already.

I would ask why the pyramids were built ( I think I already know why but would like to know for sure.)

These might not seem like very good questions to ask to an unbeliever or unknowledgable believer, but most of all the questions you could ask God are already answered in the bible, the problem is not one believes the answers already given.

2Pe 1:3 According as his (God's) divine power hath (past tense already) given unto us all things that [pertain] unto life and godliness, through the knowledge (in the bible) of him (God) that hath called us to glory and virtue:
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Klompy
If I was Christian, I would ask "Why was it logical to you that the best way to save us was to send your son as a human god for us to worship?"
Maybe you should ask him to teach you the truth about Jesus Christ. Beginning with the fact that he is not God. And that no one is to worship Jesus Christ.
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
Maybe you should ask him to teach you the truth about Jesus Christ. Beginning with the fact that he is not God. And that no one is to worship Jesus Christ.
Semantics if you actually believe that it's three people in one. Same person imo.
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
I would ask why the pyramids were built ( I think I already know why but would like to know for sure.)
Ummm, why DO you believe the pyramids were built? Do you not believe their were tombs?
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
I would ask why the pyramids were built ( I think I already know why but would like to know for sure.)
Well I can tell you that... because we Egyptians are soooo awesome
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by dknightx
examples of some of those questions? if you have the answers then im sure they would be useful to someone. dont be so selfish!
If someone has a question that i think i can help give an answer to , i do so.
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Klompy
Semantics if you actually believe that it's three people in one. Same person imo.
I don't........
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Aigyptos
Well I can tell you that... because we Egyptians are soooo awesome
I don't believe that modern egyptians really know why they were built......
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
Ummm, why DO you believe the pyramids were built? Do you not believe their were tombs?
Sure I believe they were tombs but thats not all. I believe that the Egyptians had a distorted knowledge of what eternal life was and how to get there and how it will be when they reached it. Which they will not.

Their view was taken from the truth, but changed and distorted.

When you look at a pyramid what are your eyes eventually drawn to? The top apex which is pointing to the heavens.

I believe they were built as reminders about the coming Chirst and eternal life, by people who knew the truth but eventually the truth was lost.

The Sphynx's that sit in front of the pyramids are also reminders of the gospel that was written in the stars.

There are 12 constellations in all and the Sphynx was made to remind people where to start reading in the constalltions.

The Sphynx is made up of the head of the face of a woman and the body and tail of a lion.

The reason being is that the gospel about Jesus Chirst that was written in the stars was to be read from the constellation of Virgo first and end and the constelation of Leo.

Virgo represents the vigin birth of the Christ and Leo represents Jesus Christ, the lion of the tribe of Judah.

So the story (the gospel of Christ written in the stars) begins in Virgo and ends in Leo....

There is much more to this but I can't put it all down.........

I believe that these were also intended for the use of watching and recording the constellations.

I think its pretty cool that they still exist after all these years. Especially if I am right about their original purpose which I could never prove 100% although I do have quite a bit of evidence about the things I have stated above....

Last edited by Pletho; 03-21-2010 at 05:51 PM.
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
I don't believe that modern egyptians really know why they were built......
Archaologists seem to have a pretty good idea of why they were built, how they were built and who built them. Care to elaborate as to what they got wrong?
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
Archaologists seem to have a pretty good idea of why they were built, how they were built and who built them. Care to elaborate as to what they got wrong?
What they got wrong is that they are not believers in the true God and the gospel of Jesus Christ..........

This one basic thing can lead many people to many wrong answers about things in life. This forum is a prime example
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 06:45 PM
"God are You a perfect being Who has no wants or needs?"

I might follow it up with:

"God if You have no wants, why did You create humanity?"
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
"God are You a perfect being Who has no wants or needs?"

I might follow it up with:

"God if You have no wants, why did You create humanity?"
Who ever said that God has no needs or wants or desires? His desire is to have children, spiritual children, that He can love, which is His nature, all loving and all giving.

Love by nature gives love......

God is love, true love is all giving.........

So in order to give, God has got to have someone to give to, hence all of creation..........
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
Who ever said that God has no needs or wants or desires? His desire is to have children, spiritual children. That He can love, which is is nature, all loving and all giving. Love by nature gives love......

God is love, true love is all giving.........

So in order to give, God has got to have someone to give to, hence all of creation..........
Doesn't that imply then that God has a need and is therefore imperfect?
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by Stu Pidasso
Doesn't that imply then that God has a need and is therefore imperfect?
If you think that perfection it steril I guess. Thats the problem I think, people do not know God, His nature is love, thats what He is. He is not just loving, He is love itself. Love originates with God.....

Love is all giving but in order to give their has to be a recipient and therefore love by its nature has to have someone to give to......

God is perfect but not steril like people think. He has desires.........His desire is to love......therefore he created all of life to give bless and to give to His children whom He created also.........
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
What they got wrong is that they are not believers in the true God and the gospel of Jesus Christ..........

This one basic thing can lead many people to many wrong answers about things in life. This forum is a prime example
Ok, so what wrong answers did these archaeologists who didn't believe in the true God and gospel of Jesus Christ derive? What wrong things in life did they deduce from examining the pyramids and their surroundings, and interpreting the writings describing those who built the pyramids?
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
03-21-2010 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
If you think that perfection it steril I guess. Thats the problem I think, people do not know God, His nature is love, thats what He is. He is not just loving, He is love itself. Love originates with God.....

Love is all giving but in order to give their has to be a recipient and therefore love by its nature has to have someone to give to......

God is perfect but not steril like people think. He has desires.........His desire is to love......therefore he created all of life to give bless and to give to His children whom He created also.........
Would you say that absolute perfection means:

As perfect as is logically possible?
christians, what would you ask god? Quote
