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Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Christians routinely insulting the Son of God

06-09-2009 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by Pletho
You cant believe that a person can be so confident and bold is really the problem...

I have the truth and know I have the truth. I will not back off of it at anytime whatsoever.

Thats what baffles so many of you.....I make statements like you all think you know the truth, but don't...all the while I am making the same statement.

The difference between me and you all is "I am not lying and I do have the truth".

Would a person who knows the truth tell a lie and say they do not know the truth? What good would that do?

I choose to take the hard road and stand alone by saying I have the truth and am willing to share it with those who want to hear truth. And for those who don't, well, you will hear it anyway, since you have never heard truth before it will be good for your minds, to shake you up a bit.

i'm gonna formally start the Pletho for Mod campaign right here.
Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-09-2009 , 04:48 AM
As for the teachings on audio on my blog.

They will be up until tommorow night, if you want to listen to them by all means download them or listen to them, but do it before tommorow night. I am planning on taking them down Tuesday night 6-7-09 CST around 10 P.M.

Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-09-2009 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
I am ignoring your questions ONLY because you do not believe and you do not want to believe. YOu think you have it all figured out already. You think that no matter what I say I am wrong and you are right.

So whats the point, I really do not care to debate in the first place. I know for a fact that what I am talking about is 100% true. I do not need to prove it, all I need to do is speak it and let those who believe believe and those who do not, not.

Your questions are very juvenile in underastanding, you know already know what ou are looing to hear and if you hear it you are happy because then you have another great question to follow and if you do not get the answere YOU are looking for then I am wrong, because you know it all, I forgot. But for some strange reason a man who knows it all DOES NOT BELIEVE, all I can say is that which you think is the truth in your mind IS NOT THE REAL TRUTH, and it is in the way of you really understanding and recieveing the truth. Either way from my point of view IF you are ever going to recieve the truth it will not be from me, because of your lack of respect.

Pletho, do you really fail to see how pretty much everything in the above post could be repeated word for word right back at you and it would be totally justified? You claim that no one who questions you is interested in debate, and only wants to hear that they are right. Yet, post after post, that is PRECISELY the view that you yourself take! You don't want to debate, you don't leave any room for anyone else's views to be given even the slightest merit, and yet you sit there and look down on us all as non believers who don't understand or can't comprehend the higher plane of intelligence on which you have placed yourself.

It must be nice to always believe you know better, to always think you're the smartest person in the room...
Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-09-2009 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by furyshade
there is nothing like one good lunatic to bring together opposing parties. pletho is like the RGT version Ann Coulter. here is a diagram

A=atheists on 2p2
T=jib/stupidasso type christians on 2p2

starts out like this:
add splendor to the mix and we get something like:
add pletho in and we get something in this range:
lol, it's funny because it is so true.

Oh, and I cannot find the audio files on that website. Anyone help?
Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-09-2009 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Cherry MrMisty
Pletho, do you really fail to see how pretty much everything in the above post could be repeated word for word right back at you and it would be totally justified? You claim that no one who questions you is interested in debate, and only wants to hear that they are right. Yet, post after post, that is PRECISELY the view that you yourself take! You don't want to debate, you don't leave any room for anyone else's views to be given even the slightest merit, and yet you sit there and look down on us all as non believers who don't understand or can't comprehend the higher plane of intelligence on which you have placed yourself.

It must be nice to always believe you know better, to always think you're the smartest person in the room...
I am not sayong I am the SMARTEST person in these forums, I guess that some people here are smarter and better at poker than me, some are better a baseball than me, some know other things better than me, but when it comes to the word of God, I feel as though I have a better handle on it because no one else on here knows how to rightly divide the word nor that they should rightly divide the word to get to truth.

So I have no problem with someone teaching me poker if they are better, I will need a little proof that they know it better though, so I will listen to find out.

No one on here is that honest with me, they do not even BELIEVE the word and still fight me about it, they have no clue about what they are disagreeeing with, if it is God related or bible related the auto-fold button is on, its auto automatically in one ear and right out the other.

The majority of people here do hear but not with their heart only with their ears and not the inner ear its the outer ear, nothing sinks in, they do not consider things in light the book being opened, rightly divided and looked at and studied from the principles within it.

They are so caught up on all the bull they have heard from the mainstream denominations and charlatans and T.V. fake evangelist that I can't say I blame them for dousbting the word, but they still have choices to make. I was never to the point of doubting the word but I definatley did not believe in the T.V. guys or the denomination teachings of out day and time. They make no sense.

Atheist and others on this forum lump me in with the other Christians when they know I am not teaching the same things at all, close but not the same, we have some major differences that I can prove by laying one scripture next to another. They have to deny the word of God and that it has the last say to have any real ground or legs to stand on.

Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-09-2009 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
lol, it's funny because it is so true.

Oh, and I cannot find the audio files on that website. Anyone help?
blog. insidepoker you to move all the words together and do not put www infront.....just http://
Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-09-2009 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
Your questions are very juvenile in underastanding, you know already know what ou are looing to hear and if you hear it you are happy because then you have another great question to follow and if you do not get the answere YOU are looking for then I am wrong, because you know it all, I forgot.
I need a freaking translator, please.
Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-10-2009 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by RoundGuy
I need a freaking translator, please.
Just guess that is what you really good at.....................
Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-10-2009 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
So I have no problem with someone teaching me poker if they are better, I will need a little proof that they know it better though, so I will listen to find out.
I'm better at poker than you - but I will give no proof, and you must devote your life to me. The reason I can't offer proof is that my poker superiority is outwith the realms of "science" and dogmatic "evidence". I demand faith, but in return, I'll reward you with poker skills beyond what you can imagine. Please ship your earthly goods and bankroll to me, and we'll take it from there.
Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-10-2009 , 01:26 PM
Pletho, what TANGIBLE (look it up if you dont know what that means) evidence do you have to support the claim that your interpretations/beliefs are "better" than another Christian?
Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-10-2009 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by dknightx
Pletho, what TANGIBLE (look it up if you dont know what that means) evidence do you have to support the claim that your interpretations/beliefs are "better" than another Christian?
I think you mean more "accurate". Not better as in I am saying I am better.

The standard for accuracy is the rightly divided word. If the word is rightly divided according to its principles within, then the outcome of that type of study and research will be accurate.

The results of that kind of study "rightly dividing the word of God" according to the principles of the bible, will be far superior and way more accurate than if someone did not apply these principles.

Considering the FACT that the majority of Christians DO NOT know HOW to rightly divide the word, or that they should, or the principles involved to rightly divide the word, then their study and beliefs if not based on the rightly divided word are HIGHLY SUSPECT to be wrong......

Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-10-2009 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
Considering the FACT that the majority of Christians DO NOT know HOW to rightly divide the word, or that they should, or the principles involved to rightly divide the word, then their study and beliefs if not based on the rightly divided word are HIGHLY SUSPECT to be wrong......
This is all too complicated. I think it's about time God writes an updated version of his book. You know, one that rightly divides words and such.
Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-10-2009 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by Pletho
I think you mean more "accurate". Not better as in I am saying I am better.

The standard for accuracy is the rightly divided word. If the word is rightly divided according to its principles within, then the outcome of that type of study and research will be accurate.

The results of that kind of study "rightly dividing the word of God" according to the principles of the bible, will be far superior and way more accurate than if someone did not apply these principles.

Considering the FACT that the majority of Christians DO NOT know HOW to rightly divide the word, or that they should, or the principles involved to rightly divide the word, then their study and beliefs if not based on the rightly divided word are HIGHLY SUSPECT to be wrong......

can you please give an example of a commonly misinterpreted verse, and how you rightly divided it to reach the unpopular conclusion that you did?
Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-10-2009 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Pog0
This is all too complicated. I think it's about time God writes an updated version of his book. You know, one that rightly divides words and such.
Its not complicated at all but if you do not care and are not serious, which is probably the case then its not worth the effort or your time. So then in that case its not for you anyway.

Its for those who really want to know the truth....
Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-10-2009 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by dknightx
can you please give an example of a commonly misinterpreted verse, and how you rightly divided it to reach the unpopular conclusion that you did?
Go to this page and look towards the middle under the title "Punctuation". You will see a very simple example, which explains a very simple mistake that when corrected makes a completly different doctrine.....
Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-10-2009 , 02:15 PM
apparently even how to 'rightly divide the word' is vague and open to interpretation (SURPRISE!?!). As with much of scriptural interpretation, each person can say they are rightly dividing the word while accusing everyone else of getting it wrong.

Here is one minister discussing the subject: from HERE
Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth
2 Timothy 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (NKJ)

Timothy was commanded to rightly divide the word of God. Every Christian preacher must do the same if he is to make the most of his ministry and be clear of the blood of his hearers at the judgement (see Ezekiel 3:17-21). Of all the years of my ministry, I can honestly say that this has been my goal -- to rightly divide the word of truth. To the point I have succeeded it's all to the glory of the Lord, where I have failed I grieve for my weakness. And now, one more time, I will try again and may the Holy Spirit (without whose power nothing can be done right) help us to rightly divide the word of truth.

This phrase is a noteworthy one because there are so many ways it can be understood. I don't think any of the examples I will use to illustrate it are farfetched -- because they have also been used by many great theologians. At the least, it would be fair to accept them as honest observations (even where they might be challenged as correct interpretations of this passage).
"Rightly dividing the word of truth" is how this passage reads in the King James Version, but we need to leave this wording for a while and consider other translations. Timothy was not to mutilate, twist, torture, or break in to pieces the word. Nor was he to stay on the edges of it, like some do who never get to the heart of a passage. No, Timothy was to correctly divide, like one taught by God for the purpose of teaching others....
Point is that how to rightly divide the word is up to interpretation. Of course Pletho believes he is doing it right... as do many others, all who have different results.

Its all relatively meaningless because it appears vague enough that we could all come to different results and all believe we are correctly 'rightly dividing the word of truth.'

The text above goes into a lot of detail about how to rightly divide the word. Its not exactly science and will by its very nature lead to multiple interpretations:

It's like a sword (see Hebrews 4:12), and like any weapon its not meant to be played with. Rather, playing with it is the wrong way of handling the gospel. The sword of the word must be used in earnest and thrust home. Friends, are you saved? Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Which is it, lost or saved? The purpose of a sword is to cut and hack, wound, and kill with. In the same way, the word of truth is for pricking men in the heart and killing their sins.
Aah. That makes it clear.

To rightly handle the word of life is to frighten people to Christ rather than from Him, yes, to entice them to Him by the sweet assurance that He will cast out no one that will come (see John 6:37),
obviously following this simple rule will make any ambiguities disappear!

"Rightly dividing, or STRAIGHT CUTTING." A farmer plows from one end of his field to the other -- in a straight line -- making a straight furrow. In the same way, Paul wanted Timothy to make a straight furrow through the word of truth. I believe that God will never accept preaching that doesn't really go through the whole line of truth from beginning to end. Acceptable preaching must be thorough, honest, undiluted and clear.
again, one person's 'straight cut' is another person's twist.

Here's some advice from another source
'Rightly divide', in the Greek is 'orthotomounta'. 'Orthos' means 'perfectly right' or 'perfectly straight'. 'Temno' means 'to cut'. Put them together and you get 'orthotomounta' - translated into your English language as 'rightly divide' - well at least in your Authorised King James Version, which is the Bible I have been commanded to work from.
Literally speaking, it means, "a perfectly right cutting". In other words brethren, the Father is telling us that there is only ONE WAY to cut His Word - one way and one way alone! To simply read the Word and ask in prayer what it means is not good enough! You do not understand the true nature of Adam's fall! Adam changed his direct spiritual connection to his Creator with a corrupt line direct to Satan! Are you wise enough O man, to tell your own spiritual state and to have full confidence on from whence comes your information? Beware lest you be continually deceived! Be ye wise as serpents!
Do you speak in tongues much as did I? Do you pray much, as did I? Are you suffering persecution for your stand on the Word? Are you covetous? A talebearer? Hold hate or malice against any of the brethren? Do you harbour pride? How clean are your thoughts? In what state is your heart? Are you faithful to the Word that you know? If you have full confidence in your heart and know without doubt that it is the Father who is revealing hidden secrets to you, then good and well. But if not, one needs to perform a little work! Humble yourself O man of God, humble yourself and pray for forgivennes. Ask that it be revealed unto you the changes required in your life and thoughts. Read His Word much, pray much, meditate on the Words of Life. Ask daily for wisdom and understanding - but learn also to take that perfectly right cutting!
Obviously you can see the difference between people like Pletho who do rightly divide the word and everyone else.
Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-11-2009 , 01:34 PM
I didn't read this whole idiotic thread but if Pletho is so Biblically legalistic as to say that you must use Christ in conjunction with Jesus as not to offend then why does he use "Jesus" instead of "Yeshua"?
Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-11-2009 , 02:20 PM
You are just jealous because he has co opted your throne as the holder of the most extreme views on this forum.
Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-11-2009 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
You are just jealous because he has co opted your throne as the holder of the most extreme views on this forum.
Ha. I don't think so. But thanks for the compliment though.
Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
06-21-2009 , 02:39 AM
there is a certain power with the words "The Christ". My spirit leaps at Christ and not so much at Jesus when i say or think about Jesus the Christ, Ill buy it
Christians routinely insulting the Son of God Quote
