Hmm weird. I wrote a reply to this. Guess i forgot to submit it.
Originally Posted by lagtight
In that case, pretty much every club/group/organization that anyone can voluntarily join is "elitist". I can only play in rated chess tournaments sponsored by the United States Chess Federation (USCF) if I join the organization. Is the USCF an "elitist" organization?
For me the key would be 'does the group claim to have a lock on what would be considered an elite tier of benefits, for members only'. Do members trumpet 'we have these benefits in this club you do not but you can join us or stay in the lower tier where you will get none of them'.
How many children had "horrid things" happen to them because of Mr. Trump.
You really going there? You want to diminish what Trump did in family separation and literally using mental torture on children and families?
Unlike the Satan-inspired Democrat Party, at least the GOP opposes slaughtering babies in the womb. (Having said that, I agree that both parties are awful. Overall, in my opinion the GOP are less-awfuller.)
Right. The GOP who cares about the baby pre-birth only but then blocks any attempts by democrats to give help and care to the child after birth. That same GOP who cares so little about that child after birth they will support ripping the child crying from a moms arms and making it so they will never reunite.
Great on that GOP that they want to ensure all those babies are born so they can neglect and torture them after. It gives them more fodder.
Every group has grifters and those who enrich and enable the grifters. And doing so is in opposition to Christ's teachings. If your claim is that many (most?) so-called Christians are often inconsistent in their actions with the teachings in Christ, we're on the same page.
NO. Not talking about the grifters. I am talking about the every day adherents. Every day evangelicals.
There morals are 'for sale' and despots like Trump know how to purchase them.
You need to see that the more religious someone was the more likely they supported Trump? Really? You are ignorant of that stat?
Kinda describes every voluntary association on the planet. So, by that definition, Christianity is "elitist."
No. It is the rewards that by definition would make a club elite.
If you state you have the only path to the most valuable rewards on the planet and only you and your group get them that creates a pretty elite club. Arguably the most elite club as no other club has anything that is enticing or rewarding.
No, I'm not arguing that. I'm arguing the exact opposite of that! I'm a sinner deserving of spending an eternity in the Lake of Fire whether I'm a Christian or not. Christians are not better than anyone; just better off. You can join my elitist cult and enjoy eternal life any time you want.
Please don't forget: An eternity is too long to be wrong!
HOw you get there is irrelevant.
By your own definition Jeffrey Epstein then could never be part of an elite club as he was a sinner deserving the lake of fire.
But that simply is wrong. What you were prior or at time of joining (sinner or saint) does not mean the club is not elite when you join it.