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The christian right (religion and politics) The christian right (religion and politics)

07-22-2012 , 04:50 PM
The Westboro Baptist Church gives religion a bad name.

Now they promise to picket the Colorado massacre victims services.
The christian right (religion and politics) Quote
07-22-2012 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
If God wants us to explore the pitfalls of free will then that's all right by me. Of course, it'd be a pity if humans let the devil get the upperhand.
The christian right (religion and politics) Quote
07-22-2012 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
... if the idea of separation of church and state arose as a godly idea and then was used against God then didn't the original idea get changed against the author's original intent?
No, of course it didn't get changed; if the outcome is unexpected then the author simply did not think through all the applications of the idea (so definitely not omniscient authorship).

This is just like the story I linked, the congress woman was only able to see as far as her personal religion, and was shocked that "religion" means "all religion, not just your own". Her shortsightedness was a big problem.
The christian right (religion and politics) Quote
07-22-2012 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
No, of course it didn't get changed; if the outcome is unexpected then the author simply did not think through all the applications of the idea (so definitely not omniscient authorship).

This is just like the story I linked, the congress woman was only able to see as far as her personal religion, and was shocked that "religion" means "all religion, not just your own". Her shortsightedness was a big problem.
I suggest you read Deuteronomy 28. God is aware that things can have more than one outcome.
The christian right (religion and politics) Quote
07-22-2012 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I'm not so quick to classify people as bigots as you are. People are mostly a product of the culture and family they find themselves in. They don't normally freely associate mentally with groups they aren't naturally familiar with....and you know what...that's not a crime.
Bigot - : a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
The legislator in question did not want to extend religious equality to another religion. She is obviously intolerant of Islam and didn't want public funds going to their schools. Make no mistake; that stems directly from her hatred and fear of Islam. It is outright bigotry and currently endemic in the Republican party.

It doesn't matter where the bigotry originates. If it comes from her culture and family, it's still bigotry. It's the same for people who claim to be against homosexuality and gay marriage for religious reasons. It matters not that the inspiration for their oppression of homosexuality is religion, it is still bigotry.
The christian right (religion and politics) Quote
07-22-2012 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour

I wish I had the time to do research into the evolution of ideas because if the idea of separation of church and state arose as a godly idea and then was used against God then didn't the original idea get changed against the author's original intent?
If we were bound with the inability to adapt a way of government to suit our changing needs, it would be disastrous for society. Not to mention, Locke didn't write the constitution, so it's not even his intent to which you should be referring. It shouldn't be the government's job to promote or favor particular religions. We should be a freely religious, inclusive society and the only way to ensure that is to exclude religion from politics.
The christian right (religion and politics) Quote
07-22-2012 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I suggest you read Deuteronomy 28. God is aware that things can have more than one outcome.
I'm lost - what does Deut 28 have to do with separation of church and state?
The christian right (religion and politics) Quote
07-22-2012 , 08:11 PM
The notion that God would plan His government with the idea of a seperation of church and state......................
is insane.

Hmm...I'm sitting here thinking I need to add something, but why? C'mon, just think for like 10 seconds why this makes no sense at all.

Perhaps we could think about what the word church means? God only authorized 1 building location (for his temple) in all of the scriptures fwiw? So maybe semantically it works?

But saying he's going to overthrow his divide the land into farm lots strategy (Num 33:54) because something better is here...insane again.

Last edited by SprayandPray; 07-22-2012 at 08:17 PM.
The christian right (religion and politics) Quote
07-22-2012 , 08:12 PM
God is mysterious?
The christian right (religion and politics) Quote
07-22-2012 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by SprayandPray
The notion that God would plan His government with the idea of a seperation of church and state......................
is insane.

Hmm...I'm sitting here thinking I need to add something, but why? C'mon, just think for like 10 seconds why this makes no sense at all.

Perhaps we could think about what the word church means? God only authorized 1 building location (for his temple) in all of the scriptures fwiw? So maybe semantically it works?

But saying he's going to overthrow his divide the land into farm lots strategy (Num 33:54) because something better is here...insane again.
I think God's temporal rule of the world could be separate and distinct from His future plans.
The christian right (religion and politics) Quote
07-23-2012 , 12:24 AM
What is it that makes "christians" think that Madison was smarter than Moses? (or God..)

Why don't you want a free ...probably 50 acres +, and no taxes?

Like....say for instance Queen Elizabeth II grows a conscience overnight and goes on the BBC and declares to the world that the Brits are in fact Israel, and that they along with other groups have fooled the world by hiding this fact for the purpose of robing the people of their rightful inheritance.

Would they listen to God then? Would they think she's lying? I rich are you guys that you can afford to pass this up? Or do you think that you're so smart that you can compete in a market that essentially runs like an 'Ultimate Bet' or 'Absolute Poker'? I mean...if you're not a mason, and not rich, what's going on?

Well the game's just about over. Now not only do your enemies hate you, but God does too.

Isaiah 42:24 Who gave Jacob up for spoil, and Israel to plunderers? Was it not the LORD, against whom we have sinned, And in whose ways they were not willing to walk, And whose law they did not obey?
Queen's coronation...the proof:
The christian right (religion and politics) Quote
07-23-2012 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by SprayandPray
Like....say for instance Queen Elizabeth II grows a conscience overnight and goes on the BBC and declares to the world that the Brits are in fact Israel, and that they along with other groups have fooled the world by hiding this fact for the purpose of robing the people of their rightful inheritance.
The christian right (religion and politics) Quote
08-14-2012 , 01:30 PM
Many people are liberals out of hatred for what they perceive as the republican religious right. As a backlash at what they perceive as the republican religious right.
Its just a way of putting people into two groups. Two choices, both are incorrect.
The Liberals think of themselves as these superintelligent people. And thin the right are backwards uneducated people. There is no such thing as spontaneous generation. There is no such thing as a beneficial mutation. We are created by God. Life comes from life after its own kind. Most of these discussions begin here. If you believe in evolution you will be wrong about pretty much everything. Because you have been duped by someone who calls themselves a professor and professes to know more than you. And you believed them. They do it for money. I will tell you for free. You were created by God, Spontaneous generation (abiogenesis) is impossible in nature which encompasses the whole universe. Politics is a waste of time because the majority of people will vote for the wrong people. Because of the stupidity of the masses. Evolution is a hoax. Life comes from life after its own kind only But The Republicans showed how inept they are. This last Primary shows everything you need to know about the right. So if you are an evolutionist the rest of your ideas will flow from your false premise. You will go through life as a fool who professes himself to be wise. Just like the Bible says in the Book of Romans. You want truth pray to God. And read his word. Use a KJV1611
The christian right (religion and politics) Quote
08-14-2012 , 02:55 PM
I took your advice, prayed to god and asked if evolution was true. He said it was.

Where does that leave us?
The christian right (religion and politics) Quote
08-15-2012 , 07:15 AM
I think this guys a christian.

I'm worried though. He said if I believed in evolution everything I knew was wrong. I didn't realise that I didn't like OJ.
The christian right (religion and politics) Quote
