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Challenging the claim that only religion provides moral certainty Challenging the claim that only religion provides moral certainty

03-02-2014 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
No, the indictment is for believing too intensely. For their extreme, intolerant, certainty about their social truths. The specifics are bad too. I did not follow the immediately following sentences.

You are jumping to conclusions about my or the link's positions with great velocity.
Maybe so. If so, I'll just note once again the pre-emptive Godwinning nature of the thread and the difficulty of any analogy using Nazis.

I will also note that I've read other things by Critchley that I disliked, so I am probably starting out biased.
Challenging the claim that only religion provides moral certainty Quote
03-07-2014 , 08:52 PM
Bronowski was trying defend science here, I think. Based on the false scientific belief of genetics, the Nazi leadership thought they were gods and so they thought they had the moral right to murder. According to Dr. Bronowski the Holocaust was caused by Nazi arrogance, and Nazi ignorance of real science and morality. They became delusional megalomaniacs. They created their own dogma of being the superior race.

For the most part, the major religions of the world teach people the opposite beliefs, don't they?. Be humble. Turn the other cheek. Don't murder. I don't know what point Critchley was trying to make.
Challenging the claim that only religion provides moral certainty Quote
