For anyone interested, in the book "The Origins and Empire of Ancient Israel", Steven Collins explains the Phoenician/Israelite connection. The ancient Phoenicians guarded a secret route to copper minds that he says are found in North America predating the discovery of the New World by hundreds and hundreds of years.
Bronze Age America the late Dr. Barry Fell, Professor Emeritus of Harvard University shows that copper trading between North America and the Old World existed prior to the the time of King David.
An excerpt from Dr. Fell's book:
"There are also...reasons for thinking that ancient European voyagers came to America. They concern the mining of metals.
For the past twenty years leading mining engineers and university metallurgists have been seeking from archaeologists an explanation of a most baffling mystery in the history of mining technology. So far no answer has been found.
Around the northern shore of Lake Superior, and on the adjacent Ile Royale, there are approximately 5,000 ancient copper mine workings. In 1953 and 1956 Prof. Drier led two Michigan Mining and Technology expeditions to the sites. Charcoal found at the bases of the ancient mining pits yielded radiocarbon dates indicating that the mines had been operated between 2,000 B.C. and 1,000 B.C....
The most conservative estimates by mining engineers show that at least 500 million pounds of metallic copper were removed over that time span, and there is no evidence as to what became of it."- end quote
Dr. Fell is an authority on epigraphy (which is the study of inscriptions).
Collins devotes a chapter to the relationship between the ancient Israelites and the Phoenicians and further develops the idea that much of the copper mined must have went to building the Temple in Israel because it is likely to be the only building at that time that required huge sources of copper and King David during his reign stockpiled supplies for the building of the temple of God (cf. 1 Chronicles 29:2)
Some further information on the copper mining by Walter Baucum:
Last edited by Splendour; 08-23-2010 at 09:16 AM.
Reason: changed the word Israelite to Israel