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A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table

04-09-2011 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by Le Boeuf
How can you compare yourself to Jesus so often; btu still call yourself humble?

Ty for actually responding to my posts and questions... oh what, wait/1!!???!?
You know society has this funny little saying it goes:

"You are what you eat."

In fact I take that to mean that you are what you identify with. Isn't that what little children do when they identifiy with fireman and say they want to be a fireman when they grow up or a little boy identifies with a famous baseball player through hero worship and wants to be like him. Doesn't he intend to grow into him?

In 1 John 2 it says:

Christ Helps Us

My children, I am writing this so that you won't sin. But if you do sin, Jesus Christ always does the right thing, and he will speak to the Father for us. Christ is the sacrifice that takes away our sins and the sins of all the world's people.

When we obey God, we are sure that we know him. But if we claim to know him and don't obey him, we are lying and the truth isn't in our hearts. We truly love God only when we obey him as we should, and then we know that we belong to him. If we say we are his, we must follow the example of Christ's. (Contemporary English Version)
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
04-09-2011 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
It's Jungian psychology.

Everyone has a personality profile.
Jung's typology has about as much to do with contemporary psychology as the Ancient Greek concept of the four bodily humors has to do with modern medicine.
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
04-09-2011 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by Funology
Jung's typology has about as much to do with contemporary psychology as the Ancient Greek concept of the four bodily humors has to do with modern medicine.
It makes a point though and allows you to start to consider things and your position in life relative to the world by contrasting yourself with it.

Sometimes the individual is the last person to understand himself.

I trust God to fix me rather than human psychology or psychiatrists because psychiatrists themselves are flawed.

Sigmund Freud the Father of Psychology is a pretty messed up character himself. If you research into his background he was the victim of his father's abuse.

So you've got to wonder how accurate Freud was and did any of that inaccuracy come from his own internal damage. Freud's theories were just a starting point for thinking about human nature.

I believe God's statements though are from the end point of human nature. He knows more about how to fix us permanently then anyone in the world...more than Jung, Freud, Maslow, etc.

I know this personally. I was able to overcome negative thinking just by reading the bible and putting it into practice so the bible did prove itself to me...I just had to put it into action.

Note: if in explaining this concept I come down too hard on psychiatry I don't mean to...psychatry is a very helpful's just it tends to undermine people's ability to see God's work in human nature...
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
04-09-2011 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour

I trust God to fix me rather than human psychology or psychiatrists because psychiatrists themselves are flawed.

Sigmund Freud the Father of Psychology is a pretty messed up character himself. If you research into his background he was the victim of his father's abuse.

So you've got to wonder how accurate Freud was and did any of that inaccuracy come from his own internal damage. Freud's theories were just a starting point for thinking about human nature.

I believe God's statements though are from the end point of human nature. He knows more about how to fix us permanently then anyone in the world...more than Jung, Freud, Maslow, etc.
Psychology's moved a bit past theorists like Freud and Jung; even then, people like Wilhelm Wundt and William James probably have better claims to being the father of psychology.

The weaknesses of Freud's theories is that they weren't very well grounded in empirical reality, and the same can be said of Jung. Personality tests developed from Jung's theories have relatively poor psychometric properties - they lack good reliability (the ability to get the same, or similar, results with repeated measurements) and validity (the ability to measure well-defined psychological constructs).

Now, maybe from a biblical point of view it's not important for concepts to be backed up by scientific and statistical evidence, but when you're talking psychology, it definitely is. And Jung's typology, despite its extraordinary popularity, is not well-supported by current research.

But with your last few statements, you seem to be disowning the use of personality tests to support your views anyway...
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
04-09-2011 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I know this personally. I was able to overcome negative thinking just by reading the bible and putting it into practice so the bible did prove itself to me...I just had to put it into action.

Note: if in explaining this concept I come down too hard on psychiatry I don't mean to...psychatry is a very helpful's just it tends to undermine people's ability to see God's work in human nature...
I'm glad reading the bible was an effective tool for you, but you have to admit that this would not work for everybody, especially not for non-Christians. In fact, if you consider that Muslims and Hindus probably also get therapeutic benefits from reading their respective holy texts, you may wonder if that benefit actually derives from a Christian divine source, or indeed any divine source at all (I know which interpretation I'd choose).
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
04-09-2011 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Funology
Psychology's moved a bit past theorists like Freud and Jung; even then, people like Wilhelm Wundt and William James probably have better claims to being the father of psychology.

The weaknesses of Freud's theories is that they weren't very well grounded in empirical reality, and the same can be said of Jung. Personality test developed from Jung's theories have relatively poor psychometric properties - they lack good reliability (the ability to get the same, or similar, results with repeated measurements) and validity (the ability to measure well-defined psychological constructs).

Now, maybe from a biblical point of view it's not important for concepts to be backed up by scientific and statistical evidence, but when you're talking psychology, it definitely is. And Jung's typology, despite its extraordinary popularity, is not well-supported by current research.

But with your last statement, you seem to be disowning the use of personality tests to support your views anyway...
Well imo the world is always at spiritual warfare. It's a huge appearance vs. reality war game.

God usually busts through to his believers in bits and pieces of personal revelation but the more pieces he gives you the more you can piece together how he operates in the world.

For example the image of kneeling. Kneeling puts one into a literal position of humility where you can pray. Prayer is where God really teachs one humility.

But God tells Abraham to look up. Prayer starts with Jesus Christ kneeling in humility where he is knighted by the Father and ends with the believer standing up and looking at God as he really is. Of course we go through a lot of heart attitudes like pledging our undying love to the King....that's only natural...a King has to know who's really loyal before he can give anyone an office to perform...

If you read Virkler's book 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice or Dr. Richard Booker's "Celebrating Jesus in the Biblical Feasts" or read Dr. Stephen E. Jones summary on the laver you will see that God works through pictorial imagery (visualization) in the mind's eye.

He is raising people up his way in this world. It's just people have trouble coming out of the spiritual blindness and deafness and need to hyper focus on his Word to figure out what he is doing in his believer's lives. But what he is doing is personal training...custom fitting the individual to fulfill God's purposes...
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
04-09-2011 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Well imo the world is always at spiritual warfare. It's a huge appearance vs. reality war game.
What does this mean?

For example the image of kneeling. Kneeling puts one into a literal position of humility where you can pray. Prayer is where God really teachs one humility.
According to societal pressure. If humans evolved different, and kneeling was what the kings did to their subordinates, kneeling would be a position of power and pride

But God tells Abraham to look up. Prayer starts with Jesus Christ kneeling in humility where he is knighted by the Father and ends with the believer standing up and looking at God as he really is. Of course we go through a lot of heart attitudes like pledging our undying love to the King....that's only natural...a King has to know who's really loyal before he can give anyone an office to perform...
You've started ...'ing again; I know this is just how I read it, but it really makes me read you as confused. It is up to you, it is just the perspective i get.

You can't compare a King to God, because God can apparently read our souls; so we do not need to show our humility or loyalty because he should know it.

He is raising people up his way in this world. It's just people have trouble coming out of the spiritual blindness and deafness and need to hyper focus on his Word to figure out what he is doing in his believer's lives. But what he is doing is personal training...custom fitting the individual to fulfill God's purposes...
So God is training us to be his tools, and has the power to make us who we are, and what decisions we make; but we have free will? God gave us a choice, but made it so easy for you the INFJ but not me the ENFJ.
Do you see anything wrong there? If not, why not?

Please do not take this as debating; i'm trying to understand, and if you approach it like a debate, you will not be honest.
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
04-09-2011 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Le Boeuf
What does this mean?

According to societal pressure. If humans evolved different, and kneeling was what the kings did to their subordinates, kneeling would be a position of power and pride

You sound confused. God came before evolution and the bible.

You've started ...'ing again; I know this is just how I read it, but it really makes me read you as confused. It is up to you, it is just the perspective i get.

You can't compare a King to God, because God can apparently read our souls; so we do not need to show our humility or loyalty because he should know it.

You inspire people to action by example and you can only live life abundantly by living it.

So God is training us to be his tools, and has the power to make us who we are, and what decisions we make; but we have free will? God gave us a choice, but made it so easy for you the INFJ but not me the ENFJ.
Do you see anything wrong there? If not, why not?

We are imperfect tools. He has to straighten us out before we are of any use to Him.

Please do not take this as debating; i'm trying to understand, and if you approach it like a debate, you will not be honest.
Oh and I was under God's repair work a long time before I came out as a Christian so any comparison between your life and mine is only partially accurate. We learn some things from each other but we don't learn everything from each other. Life, the Word of God and the Holy Spirit are all counselors and teachers.
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
04-09-2011 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I know this personally. I was able to overcome negative thinking just by reading the bible and putting it into practice so the bible did prove itself to me...I just had to put it into action.

Note: if in explaining this concept I come down too hard on psychiatry I don't mean to...psychatry is a very helpful's just it tends to undermine people's ability to see God's work in human nature...
Once again, you are crediting your holy book/religion/deity with an experience for which there is absolutely ZERO empirical evidence. Furthermore, you can demonstrate no claim beyond what is common to almost ALL religion. For example, one of my close friends and work colleagues has testified many times that Scientology has cured him of crippling anxiety. He experienced panic attacks so severe, he couldn't drive his car and was becoming more and more home-bound. After a week of 'counseling' within the Church of Scientology, he was cured. Scientology has regularly produced testimonies of this sort, ime, and I think we all pretty much agree to the general quackery surrounding this 'religion'.
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
04-10-2011 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
What does this mean?
Nice dodge.

Originally Posted by Splendour
According to societal pressure. If humans evolved different, and kneeling was what the kings did to their subordinates, kneeling would be a position of power and pride (this is me btw

You sound confused. God came before evolution and the bible.
That doesn't respond in any way. You used kneeling as an example of the submission in prayer; but kneeling is only submission because of society. Kneeling is societal not evolutionary.

You can't compare a King to God, because God can apparently read our souls; so we do not need to show our humility or loyalty because he should know it.(this is me btw

You inspire people to action by example and you can only live life abundantly by living it.[/QUOTE]

yeah that responds to the point in no way. Read the dialogue.

Originally Posted by Splendour
So God is training us to be his tools, and has the power to make us who we are, and what decisions we make; but we have free will? God gave us a choice, but made it so easy for you the INFJ but not me the ENFJ.
Do you see anything wrong there? If not, why not?(this is me btw

We are imperfect tools. He has to straighten us out before we are of any use to Him.
Once again you ignored the main point; we are his tools which he "straightens out" but we supposedly still have free will?

Also; this has been hammered to death but you obvs find "faith" easier; and this is meant to be fair?
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
04-10-2011 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by Le Boeuf
Nice dodge.

That doesn't respond in any way. You used kneeling as an example of the submission in prayer; but kneeling is only submission because of society. Kneeling is societal not evolutionary.

You can't compare a King to God, because God can apparently read our souls; so we do not need to show our humility or loyalty because he should know it.(this is me btw

You inspire people to action by example and you can only live life abundantly by living it.
Why don't you try simplifying things by trust.

Just trust God and take him at his Word.

Christians are aiming for oneness with God's Will....that is the aim of the Lord's Prayer.

How are you going to achieve oneness with the LORD if you keep raising objections to him.

Were you ever in a relationship with someone that raised an objection all the time. There is no relationship. None.

That's why the Hebrews were in the Desert of Sin for 40 years. They were looking for faults. If you look for faults you will find them in people they abound in people. God can require obedient trust because he is faultless.

Now I may be misunderstanding your question but if you research the word shama it means both to hear and to obey. Faith is both hearing and obeying. Be careful with your questions because the human heart is deceptive and can be led into error.

yeah that responds to the point in no way. Read the dialogue.

Once again you ignored the main point; we are his tools which he "straightens out" but we supposedly still have free will?

Google biblegateway and read 1 John in the Contemporary English Version edition. It's only about 4 pages of reading. Take note of chapter 3 in particular. I think it answers your question.

Oh and have patience with my answers. This is a hard format with someone with a different worldview to get their ideas across in.

Also; this has been hammered to death but you obvs find "faith" easier; and this is meant to be fair?

Easier than what? To me faith is the only way to live life. It is true life. It is the examined life that Socrates spoke about pursuing. It's just that we can't fly life solo...we need God's help every moment of every day.

Btw its very good of you LeBoeuf that you only want straight answers. When people attempt to force you into question answer mode only you usually don't get the best and straightest answers from the text and the experience. Instead you get a detour that doesn't resolve the big questions. That's why I eschew debate. People think they are learning from other people's questions...well you can learn their faults, too. We don't learn just the good things from people...we learn the bad things, too.

Last edited by Splendour; 04-10-2011 at 08:00 AM.
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
04-10-2011 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Why don't you try simplifying things by trust.
When I trust people, as I do, I do it because I have reason to.

Just trust God and take him at his Word.
Any experience of anything I've had involving God, are reading a contradictatory and illogical Bible, and experiences of some higher power which I have no reason aren't a different God, or some deep desire from me for their to be something else. It might even be jsut a sense of overwhelming good.

You say I should trust God; but your "God" has given me no reason to. What reasons has he given you to trust?

My friends give me reason to trust them because they have shown genuine selflessness in the past; and love towards me, which is definitely rooted in them, and is definitely a show I can trust they will have my back. I can trust; I have no reason to trust God exists, so I have no reason to trust his word.

How are you going to achieve oneness with the LORD if you keep raising objections to him.
Your approaching this as a blind believer. God does not want blind believers, as described by you and many others, he wants engaging believers. To engage you need to analyse. Upon analysis he makes no sense.

Were you ever in a relationship with someone that raised an objection all the time. There is no relationship. None.
I have never been in a relationship when the other person gave me cause to raise objection. So you are right; with constant objection there is no relationship. But you fail to see that a good relationship does not call for objection. Sometimes it is the fault of the objector; say an irrational spouse whos lack of trust in her husband is irrational. But frequently it is because the other being in the relationship is acting in a questionable matter.

That's why the Hebrews were in the Desert of Sin for 40 years. They were looking for faults. If you look for faults you will find them in people they abound in people. God can require obedient trust because he is faultless.
I'm not looking for faults; they are obvious.

Now I may be misunderstanding your question but if you research the word shama it means both to hear and to obey. Faith is both hearing and obeying. Be careful with your questions because the human heart is deceptive and can be led into error.
To question is necessary to engage. Blind obedience is bad. Obedience whilst engaging is good. The soldiers we desire are not the one's who follow the orders of their commanders blindly, but the ones who understand the orders. When you understand the orders, you enact the orders with the correct spirit and can adapt and change with situations.

John in the Contemporary English Version edition. It's only about 4 pages of reading. Take note of chapter 3 in particular. I think it answers your question.
Not really. Once again, we are his tools which he "straightens out" but we supposedly still have free will?
John talks about having faith because Jesus gave them reason to; it talks about someone who is obviously the truth by purely experiencing him; at least thats how i read it. This is different to experiencing some higher power. People don't experience "Jesus" and the christian faith; if they did their would be examples of the christian faith in places where it was never taught. But the passage does not answer the question; if you think it does, where and why?

Easier than what? To me faith is the only way to live life. It is true life. It is the examined life that Socrates spoke about pursuing. It's just that we can't fly life solo...we need God's help every moment of every day.
I am living life without specific faith; and am extremely happy.
You said faith is a true life; faith is a jump without logic and rationality and therefore is, by definition, not a true life. It is an unexamined life as you have to accept what is seemingly contradictatory.

Last edited by Le Boeuf; 04-10-2011 at 11:58 AM. Reason: Debolifying
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
04-10-2011 , 12:49 PM
Oooh long post...but I'm having a spiritual moment today from all the spiritual music I've been listening to today...spiritual music has a life giving almost orgasmic quality to it...New spiritual life comes from music...I feel sure of it...

And this song illustrates how Christianity goes beyond religion by Lincoln Brewster. It's called The Power of Your name:

Last edited by Splendour; 04-10-2011 at 12:57 PM.
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
04-10-2011 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Oooh long post...but I'm having a spiritual moment today from all the spiritual music I've been listening to today...spiritual music has a life giving almost orgasmic quality to it...New spiritual life comes from music...I feel sure of it...

And this song illustrates how Christianity goes beyond religion by Lincoln Brewster. It's called The Power of Your name:
You are the queen of tangents
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
04-10-2011 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Le Boeuf
You are the queen of tangents
Yeah, but I'm an almost fully broken Queen though. Pride has been nothing but a curse to me.

I hafta take a break...I will read your so loooooooooooong post later.
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
04-10-2011 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Huh? I don't recall ever thinking anyone but Satan was Satan.
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
04-10-2011 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
No they don't contradict each other.

I just worded them badly.
Seems like it's pretty obvious that they do contradict. If you worded it badly, you have completely mangled the meaning, because as written it's a pure contradiction (as in, there is no possible interpretation that is non-contradictory).
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
04-10-2011 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
Seems like it's pretty obvious that they do contradict. If you worded it badly, you have completely mangled the meaning, because as written it's a pure contradiction (as in, there is no possible interpretation that is non-contradictory).
If she didn't hold non-believers such as yourself in such contempt, she might admit that she was wrong.
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
04-10-2011 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Le Boeuf
When I trust people, as I do, I do it because I have reason to.

So do I. Christ died for my sins.

Any experience of anything I've had involving God, are reading a contradictatory and illogical Bible, and experiences of some higher power which I have no reason aren't a different God, or some deep desire from me for their to be something else. It might even be jsut a sense of overwhelming good.

I read the book differently from you with absolutely no feeling there are any contradictions but then all people read the book a bit differently as their own personalities and perception faculties come into play and I've always had a bit of a flair for literature and the bible is possibly the most poetic book ever written and I know it is a long epic love poem (and other works) of sorts by God to his children.

You say I should trust God; but your "God" has given me no reason to. What reasons has he given you to trust?

He has the best promises ever offered to the world. Those are the kinds of promises not to be dismissed lightly. But personally I've got to see some people up close that he worked on and the results of his work were all good.

My friends give me reason to trust them because they have shown genuine selflessness in the past; and love towards me, which is definitely rooted in them, and is definitely a show I can trust they will have my back. I can trust; I have no reason to trust God exists, so I have no reason to trust his word.

I believe in the work Jesus did on the Cross is a living symbolic work. It transcends time over and over again across generations. Somehow it cracks the armor people have around their hearts and people recognize a great thing has been done for them. So history in addition to personal success stories I know prompted me to take notice of God's offer in the bible.

Your approaching this as a blind believer. God does not want blind believers, as described by you and many others, he wants engaging believers. To engage you need to analyse. Upon analysis he makes no sense.

I think there are degrees of blindness and believers are less blind than non-believers because we walk by faith and we have a Spirit we can sense leading us.

Have you ever watched the movie Predator. In the movie the Injun turns on the log knife in hand read to fight his unseen enemy. Ancient peoples that lived close to the earth are more spiritual than over civilized people are today imo. That Indian was fearless. He couldn't see his Enemy but he knew to turn and face him and make a stand. carlo the anthroposophist could probably explain this better. I believe he once said something along the lines that ancient peoples had more spirituality/spiritual senses than people do today and I think he is right. (Though people have a hard time reading carlo because he has that flowery style...almost an overly artistic detail quality to his writing where one gets lost in too much details.) It could be tied to our weakening bodies. I suspect every generation from luxurious living and other causes gets physically weaker and there could be a link between our senses and being able to perceive spirits more concretely.

I have never been in a relationship when the other person gave me cause to raise objection. So you are right; with constant objection there is no relationship. But you fail to see that a good relationship does not call for objection. Sometimes it is the fault of the objector; say an irrational spouse whos lack of trust in her husband is irrational. But frequently it is because the other being in the relationship is acting in a questionable matter.

We have an imperfect nature that causes us to raise objections. The sin nature interferes with our abilities in ways we don't always appreciate. The bible says our hearts are desperately wicked. If God didn't take a hand in redeeming us the human race would be permanently beyond redemption and I imagine the world would be a lot more backwards and savage then it is today. We've never lived in a totally believer-less world but if China and the USSR are any indication of one then who would want to?

I'm not looking for faults; they are obvious.

To question is necessary to engage. Blind obedience is bad. Obedience whilst engaging is good. The soldiers we desire are not the one's who follow the orders of their commanders blindly, but the ones who understand the orders. When you understand the orders, you enact the orders with the correct spirit and can adapt and change with situations.

Obedience to God isn't blind. If anyone can see the snares of the world and the devil it is God. He's proactive and tries to teach us to avoid the traps of this world but people like to ignore him and learn the hard way.

Not really. Once again, we are his tools which he "straightens out" but we supposedly still have free will?

We have free will. We consent to an indwelling of God's Spirit. That is a relationship we freely enter into because we have confidence in his nature and promises.

John talks about having faith because Jesus gave them reason to; it talks about someone who is obviously the truth by purely experiencing him; at least thats how i read it. This is different to experiencing some higher power. People don't experience "Jesus" and the christian faith; if they did their would be examples of the christian faith in places where it was never taught. But the passage does not answer the question; if you think it does, where and why?

The Christian faith goes hand and hand with the Word of God. It always has. You don't know God and his Ways without the bible. The Word is Jesus. It says so at the start of the book of John.

I am living life without specific faith; and am extremely happy.
You said faith is a true life; faith is a jump without logic and rationality and therefore is, by definition, not a true life. It is an unexamined life as you have to accept what is seemingly contradictatory.

Yeah well a lot of people seem to live life happily enough. I know I did for a number of years then I learned the error of my ways.

Last edited by Splendour; 04-10-2011 at 02:53 PM. Reason: typo corrected.
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
06-26-2012 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Oooh long post...but I'm having a spiritual moment today from all the spiritual music I've been listening to today...spiritual music has a life giving almost orgasmic quality to it...New spiritual life comes from music...I feel sure of it...

And this song illustrates how Christianity goes beyond religion by Lincoln Brewster. It's called The Power of Your name:
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
06-26-2012 , 05:34 PM

Pascal's Wager, ugh. No offense, but a gambit is no way to find spirituality. As Voltaire said, its indecent and childish.

Use your ability to reason, discerning intelligence, and compassion - these will get you much further.

Anyways, it doesn't explain why bet on Christianity - a person could just as easily shove all in on any other religion or brand of christianity.

Also, why doesn't the wager work in reverse?
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
06-26-2012 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
So to me believing on the table is like believing in God in's simply safer...unbelieving is inherently less safe than believing.
Not in heads up.
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
07-22-2012 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
So to me believing on the table is like believing in God in's simply safer...unbelieving is inherently less safe than believing.
Well well well. So your faith is not rooted in evidence, logic or reason, but in Fear.
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
07-22-2012 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by jwa4894
Well well well. So your faith is not rooted in evidence, logic or reason, but in Fear.
I didn't say anything about my roots.

I made an analogy.

But my root is the love of God because he first loved me.

It's merely an observation to say belief is the safer position.
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
07-22-2012 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Splendour
If you can't take God at his word then who's word can you take?

Its more correct to say God corrects believers.

The bible says God corrects all his sons. It's reasonable to correct your son from making a mistake.
Why do you think the Bible is correct? Do you think human hands and ear can correctly translate the "word of God" without foul ups?
A Believer and an Unbeliever on the Poker Table Quote
