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Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon? Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon?

01-15-2009 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by dknightx
wikipedia is a much better and less biased source than "". Bottom line is, the LDS church today is in DIRECT contradiction to the beliefs of one of its greatest prophets/leaders, who, once again, stated that:

"The Lord had cursed Cain's seed with blackness and prohibited them the Priesthood."

Honestly, i couldn't care less what YOUR interpretation is, but i have to know why you think (or your leaders think) that they are right TODAY, but were oh so wrong just 30 years ago. Were the great leaders of the past being deceived by satan? were they just plain out wrong? did they misinterpret the book of mormon?

or was it that the leaders today received a special "modern revelation"? if its this, you honestly don't thinks theres anything coincidental about the timing of this "revelation"?

Finally, as you stated:

who decides what is and isn't "from the Lord", is it not the same group of people that decided black people can't get priesthood?!
So sad people can't get past ideas or beliefs of the past,thankfully, we as humans progress in knowledge and thought.

I don't know truth about the exacts and reasoning on the priesthood stuff, I just know that it's something that if it was misunderstood , it was corrected or if the Lord did not think it was time for a specific dark skinned people to have the priesthood, then he made his will known at the time he felt it should be done, prophets and apostles are there to act on behalf of God when it needs be and that 100% of the time they are humans like us making mistakes and doing there best to be in a position to know the will of the Lord. I do know that a few warts shouldn't taint all the good the church does for millions of people and the correct principles it teaches.

Believe it or not, freedom, liberty, right and wrong, common sense and peace, etc, are pretty important to be united on for society to thrive.

Seems like in this Twilight Zone world we live in everybody is confused, even most Mormons about their own doctrine on these respects, want proof? They still are voting the 2 party system and they think Mitt Romney would be a good president. lol...

I say principles over politics, freedom over socialism, peace over war, right over wrong, and I say treat others as you want to be treated.

Why do you care about the few warts when a faith does nothing but try to teach these principles to your fellow man or woman, I think you should be thankful that at least some people, among others, are striving or learning these principles, something tells me if more people subscribed to them, the world would be a better place.
Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon? Quote
01-15-2009 , 08:22 PM
I also say just as Mormons forgive the people and government and have moved past things like it being legal to kill them in this country at one point, everybody should move on and live in the now learning lessons from the past and making sure we don't repeat the same mistakes over and over.
Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon? Quote
01-15-2009 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by TruthHasNoEnd
So sad people can't get past ideas or beliefs of the past,thankfully, we as humans progress in knowledge and thought.
No kidding! At what point do we finally realize that a virgin can't have a kid!?
Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon? Quote
01-15-2009 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by RoundGuy
No kidding! At what point do we finally realize that a virgin can't have a kid!?
Sure they can, ever hear of a sperm bank?. Take a virgin there and bam.
Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon? Quote
01-15-2009 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by TruthHasNoEnd
Sure they can, ever hear of a sperm bank?. Take a virgin there and bam.
Yep, there were tons of sperm banks in 3 bc. Mary just walked into one and said, "hey, gimme Jesus!"
Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon? Quote
01-15-2009 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by RoundGuy
Yep, there were tons of sperm banks in 3 bc. Mary just walked into one and said, "hey, gimme Jesus!"
Well, even though it's very easy for us to do it today, surely your not saying it's impossible that a virgin somehow could get pregnant back then. How she got pregnant I don't know, at least we know it can happen.
Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon? Quote
01-15-2009 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by Patton4
LOL at editing! Oh well... keep believing in whatever you want. You guys will be taking over the world soon anyway. Just leave my soul alone when I die, please!
This has bugged me for awhile: Why do Mormons insist on 'baptizing' the dead, even over the objections of family and leaders of the dead person's faith?

I'm talking specifically of the Jewish Holocaust victims. This speaks of an arrogance that is pretty scary to me. It makes me wonder what the CLDS would do to LIVING people if given the power.
Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon? Quote
01-15-2009 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by RoundGuy
Yep, there were tons of sperm banks in 3 bc. Mary just walked into one and said, "hey, gimme Jesus!"
Originally Posted by TruthHasNoEnd
How she got pregnant I don't know, at least we know it can happen.
LOL! Is it the mormon position that Mary got pregnant at a sperm bank in 3bc?
Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon? Quote
01-15-2009 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by RoundGuy
LOL! Is it the mormon position that Mary got pregnant at a sperm bank in 3bc?
'I don't know' pretty much answers that question.

But your saying that we haven't yet figured out a way a virgin could of gotten pregnant back then right? Not, there is no way a virgin could get pregnant back then?
Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon? Quote
01-15-2009 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by TruthHasNoEnd
'But your saying that we haven't yet figured out a way a virgin could of gotten pregnant back then right? Not, there is no way a virgin could get pregnant back then?
So, in your opinion, did a sperm bank do it, or did the Holy Spirit do it?
Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon? Quote
01-15-2009 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by RoundGuy
So, in your opinion, did a sperm bank do it, or did the Holy Spirit do it?
I don't know how it was done but I know it was necessary.
Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon? Quote
01-15-2009 , 11:56 PM
I knew a Mormon guy who had that Mormon "wierd happiness" thing going. He was all smiles and positivity, but in a way that made me think he'd be just as happy putting infidels to the sword. He also stank and mooched money from people constantly.

The only time he got angry was when I asked him why, if the Prophet said he couldn't have caffeine, it was okay for him to eat chocolate? He didn't much like that.
Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon? Quote
01-16-2009 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by TruthHasNoEnd
I don't know how it was done but I know it was necessary.
Dude, you have no clue what you believe, or why you believe it.

It's time for you to seek truth, for real....
Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon? Quote
01-16-2009 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by blutarski
I knew a Mormon guy who had that Mormon "wierd happiness" thing going. He was all smiles and positivity, but in a way that made me think he'd be just as happy putting infidels to the sword. He also stank and mooched money from people constantly.

The only time he got angry was when I asked him why, if the Prophet said he couldn't have caffeine, it was okay for him to eat chocolate? He didn't much like that.
Yeh, there are a wide variety of weirdly happy Mormons that if they would expose themselves to a dose of reality then there would def be some heavy Cognitive dissonance till they took the time to sort out the truth from the false and the unknown and keep the former and throw out the latter.
Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon? Quote
01-16-2009 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by TruthHasNoEnd
Yeh, there are a wide variety of weirdly happy Mormons that if they would expose themselves to a dose of reality
And you are different from them -- how, again?
Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon? Quote
01-16-2009 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by RoundGuy
And you are different from them -- how, again?
I am not weirdly happy, I am just all the time weird and sometimes happy.
Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon? Quote
01-27-2009 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by RoundGuy
LOL! Is it the mormon position that Mary got pregnant at a sperm bank in 3bc?
no no no silly, it was Elohim calling up Mary for a booty call, don't you know anything???
Is belief in E.T.'s a pre-requisite to be Mormon? Quote
