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Atheists, what chance is there that God does not exist? Atheists, what chance is there that God does not exist?
View Poll Results: What is the chance God does not exist
73 53.68%
13 9.56%
4 2.94%
3 2.21%
1 0.74%
1 0.74%
5 3.68%
1 0.74%
Other (please post in thread)
35 25.74%

09-24-2011 , 01:59 PM
the poll is dumb, i mean atheists who belives that god doesent exist on 40 percent, so they belive he exist on 60 percent so they arent really atheists...
Atheists, what chance is there that God does not exist? Quote
09-24-2011 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Do you really consider your self objective, or do you admit that you have your head in the sand about anything you don't want to agree with?
Atheists, what chance is there that God does not exist? Quote
09-24-2011 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
It would be my contention that most, if not all, of the arguments that most around here say only lead to a "deistic god" lead us to a being that is at least a purposeful/intentional creator of reality. Now there can be other attributes like timeless or extremely powerful or immaterial, but I don't think that those attributes are terribly important to most of our conversations.
I can't find any of those arguments in this thread that lead anywhere to any form of god. A straightforward deistic god can be simply posited into existence if a person wants one because it changes nothing, no argument needed.
"Let's say a force created reality"
" uhmmm, ok. why not."
"Let's call it god".
"ok, I'm partial to 'Snodgrass' but whatever."
Atheists, what chance is there that God does not exist? Quote
09-25-2011 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by luckyme
I can't find any of those arguments in this thread that lead anywhere to any form of god. A straightforward deistic god can be simply posited into existence if a person wants one because it changes nothing, no argument needed.
"Let's say a force created reality"
" uhmmm, ok. why not."
"Let's call it god".
"ok, I'm partial to 'Snodgrass' but whatever."
First, I don't think that I have made arguments for gods existence in this thread. but either way, all of the traditional arguments for gods (the one's accused of being for a deistic god) are not for an unintentional purposeless mindless force.

And what you point out in your post is exactly why I think that defining a deistic god as some sort of ambiguous force is both meaningless and uninteresting.
Atheists, what chance is there that God does not exist? Quote
10-02-2011 , 03:59 PM
*Haven't read every single page of this long thread*

Ok, so I believe in evolution. I think it's as much of a fact as gravity, at least microevolution. How do I know for certain? I took a class last semester where looked at bacteria growth on a plate. I then mutated the bacteria, and put it on another plate, and the bacteria grew differently compared to the first plate. So the only way evolution isn't true is if there's a large conspiracy and during the night someone tampered with my plates. So I know evolution in bacteria happens, and even though I've never seen macroevolution I don't see any reason why science would lie to me about the facts of it. So I'm assuming evolution is true.

So if we all assume evolution is true, why did God chose to use evolution to create humans rather than just create everything at once? Possible reasons are to protect humans from virus/disease, and to allow humans to evolve in the future to new planets that we move to (after the sun dies out and we leave Earth). But why did God create virus/disease in the first place, and why can't we just use technology in the new planets to live?

It just doesn't make sense that God would choose to use evolution rather than just create us all at once and have no evolution. Evolution means some humans HAVE to be born with genetic disorders, such as harlequin fetus. Harlequin fetus is a rare genetic disorder where a baby is born with scales like a reptile and is in constant agony for his/her short life until he dies. Things like this are REQUIRED for evolution to work, but why would a God who supposedly loves all his children (people) do this to a select few?
Atheists, what chance is there that God does not exist? Quote
