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Atheism is winning in the United States Atheism is winning in the United States

03-26-2009 , 12:53 PM
On second thought....insult me insult me! So I can rejoice when the Spirit of God rests upon me. I need more Spirit.
03-26-2009 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I linked the wiki so people can see that the U.S. was at one time a part of Britain as British colonies.

That is not that hard or crazy an analogy for people to draw unless they have decided to categorically dismiss something out of hand because they THINK skepticism dictates it.

But if God is managing the world then the best place to see it is in trends. Migrations show trends. Sometimes the trends of people that migrated to the U.S. were even similar to the Israelites exodus from Egypt.

People came to the U.S. originally because of religious persecution or for slavery related reasons. I bet a lot of African Americans relate to the bible because they can see the Israelites in slavery and coming out of it and that is exactly what they did.

A lot of Americans were in 7 year indentured servant status which is a type of slavery. Usually it lasted 7 years which is similar to the biblical standard for slavery before they earned their freedom.

We even had a penal colony: Georgia. Sinners are like convicts. In Gods eyes we are all convicts until we acknowledge and obey him.

Even Australia started out as a British penal colony.

God often reduces people to barebones because people will not even acknowledge him until the going gets rough. He warns us about usury also but we continue to try to drag interest out of people which ultimately gets both the borrower and the lender in trouble. A lot of convicts in earlier times were convicts because of poverty, debt and usury but God even tells us to be kind to those in prison. Since a lot of migrants are coming out of or going into prison I find it miraculous of God to state in the bible to be kind to prisoners like he is managing their transition period so it will not be so onerous. Its people that decide to get ugly and make it onerous. Not God.
so given that the tribe you referenced was allowed to use the Law of Return, and apparently the US is of that tribe, does this mean any US citizen his viable to take advantage of the Law of Return in Israel? in fact, since we are all descended from those tribes apparently why can't anyone take advantage of the law?
03-26-2009 , 01:07 PM
Israel would be a vary busy place if all the people who have claimed to be lost tribes moved in.
03-26-2009 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by furyshade
so given that the tribe you referenced was allowed to use the Law of Return, and apparently the US is of that tribe, does this mean any US citizen his viable to take advantage of the Law of Return in Israel? in fact, since we are all descended from those tribes apparently why can't anyone take advantage of the law?
If you read that very long 30 page link above you'll see there is a confusion in the world. Most people even most regular bible readers don't realize that the 10 Lost Tribes were dispersed throughout the world. Actually current day Israel is the tribes of Benjamin and Judah and they are allowing in other groups that claim to be part of the Lost 10.

Harry Truman was shocked when the Jews took the name Israel. He thought they'd name themselves Judea.

How the Israelis themselves work that rule you'd probably have to look up on an official Israeli site. But there is a recurring theme in the bible of children of the promise versus children not of the promise and obviously we can't tell them apart so we cover everyone with the salvific message so none will be lost.

Obviously this is a divine mystery that a lot of Christians won't be aware of so they won't be claiming Israeli status. Also they are content with being Christs followers and aren't aware of this relationship. Also the U.S. is considered more desirable to live in than Israel by many Russian Jews that try to migrate and some of them try to get over here because of lifestyle/economics.

The funny thing is though that in the past couple of decades a strong bond has been growing up between Israelis and Evangelical Christians. Israel reaps a lot of charity from Evangelicals.

Also Russia is moving towards China. The USSR for decades was paranoid towards China because of the huge border and numbers of Chinese if they ever went to war. Now it seems China and Russia are having a lot of cultural exchange programs.

The world status quo is always changing but we usually can't keep track of it all til way after the fact.
03-26-2009 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
If divine providence is managing world migrations that is big news!!!!!

I can't help but laugh. All the non-batsh*t christians are reading her posts and wishing she'd shut the hell up for making them all look like mental patients.

When the person a few posts up predicted religion will be like the pagan gods in the near future, I thought it unlikely. Then Splendour posted and I thought he was right. Who wants to join the team with the lady screaming, "BIG NEWS, DIVINE PROVIDENCE IS MANAGING WORLD MIGRATIONS!!!! STOP PEOPLE FROM READING MY LINKS. THE USA WILL RETURN TO KING OF JUDAH. I LIKE TO EAT CATFOOD FOR DESSERT.
03-26-2009 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I linked the wiki so people can see that the U.S. was at one time a part of Britain as British colonies.
Next she'll link to something that shows 2+2 that World War II came after the first world war.
03-26-2009 , 04:36 PM
Atheists are just cutoff and behind the times because of all the atheist propaganda on here.

Evangelicals have been best friends with Israel for several years now. They outreach for Israel on television all the time. There are even evangelical books written in support of Israel.
03-26-2009 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Atheists are just cutoff and behind the times because of all the atheist propaganda on here.
Behind the times on what? Anyone into politics or religion knows about evangelical ties to Israel.
03-26-2009 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
Behind the times on what? Anyone into politics or religion knows about evangelical ties to Israel.
O rly? This is an international forum and I haven't seen any posts on it yet.

Because none of the atheists on here wants anyone to know that Christians actually work to do good in the world. They'd rather lampoon them.
03-26-2009 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
O rly? This is an international forum and I haven't seen any posts on it yet.
So? Maybe it's not particularly interesting to anyone here.

Originally Posted by Splendour
Because none of the atheists on here wants anyone to know that Christians actually work to do good in the world. They'd rather lampoon them.
WTF does this have to do with supporting Israel?
03-26-2009 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
So? Maybe it's not particularly interesting to anyone here.

WTF does this have to do with supporting Israel?
It has a very indirect but potent effect. Obviously if you make Christians a public social pariah to advance atheism and separate them from their beliefs then they no longer support a tiny nation surrounded by enemies.

Can you ask any more obvious questions with obvious answers?

Good going atheism if it weakens Christianity which weakens Israel and causes any of the Jews to be lost because the Jews value to the world through all its great thinkers exceeds the worldwide contribution of almost any other group.

You can find another energy source. You can replace oil. But you can't replace ethnic groups. Extinction is forever.
03-26-2009 , 05:16 PM
Extinction is forever.

according to the cat lady, atheism leads to ethnic extinction.
03-26-2009 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Atheists are just cutoff and behind the times because of all the atheist propaganda on here.

Evangelicals have been best friends with Israel for several years now. They outreach for Israel on television all the time. There are even evangelical books written in support of Israel.
Evangelicals are "friends" with Israel because they believe that we are living in the "End Times" and view the existence of Israel as playing a central role in the end times prophecies of the bible.

These people are incredibly dangerous as they are positively salivating at the idea of the world coming to an end within our lifetime.

They aren't "friends" with the Jews out of the goodness of their heart. They're friends with the Jews because the Jews need to be in the right place for the end times to occur.
03-26-2009 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
O rly? This is an international forum and I haven't seen any posts on it yet.

Because none of the atheists on here wants anyone to know that Christians actually work to do good in the world. They'd rather lampoon them.
The Christians on this forum do a good job of lampooning themselves. They don't need any help from the atheists.
03-26-2009 , 05:28 PM
Atheism isn't religious tolerance.

Atheism isn't a form of tolerance at all if you're a follower of Dawkins, Hitchens or Harris.

So I don't think atheists will be sending any contributions to support a nation based upon religion.

Do you think you can swing public opinion in favor of supporting Israel with a loss of religious belief in the U.S.? Or will it be every country for itself in an oil crunch?

Clearly the Jews running Israel disagree with political atheism because they are using every religious tie they've got.

Excerpt from article above:

"Shortly after the Six-Day War, elements within the Israeli government saw the potential power of the evangelical subculture and began to mobilize it as a base of support that could influence American foreign policy."

So I guess Christians aren't the only ones who manipulate public policy.
03-26-2009 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Clearly the Jews running Israel disagree with political atheism because they are using every religious tie they've got.

Excerpt from article above:

"Shortly after the Six-Day War, elements within the Israeli government saw the potential power of the evangelical subculture and began to mobilize it as a base of support that could influence American foreign policy."

So I guess Christians aren't the only ones who manipulate public policy.
yeah judaism is just as bad as christianity in many ways.
03-26-2009 , 05:35 PM
I have literally no idea what is going on in this thread anymore.
03-26-2009 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Atheism isn't religious tolerance.

Atheism isn't a form of tolerance at all if you're a follower of Dawkins, Hitchens or Harris.

So I don't think atheists will be sending any contributions to support a nation based upon religion.

Do you think you can swing public opinion in favor of supporting Israel with a loss of religious belief in the U.S.? Or will it be every country for itself in an oil crunch?

Clearly the Jews running Israel disagree with political atheism because they are using every religious tie they've got.

Excerpt from article above:

"Shortly after the Six-Day War, elements within the Israeli government saw the potential power of the evangelical subculture and began to mobilize it as a base of support that could influence American foreign policy."

So I guess Christians aren't the only ones who manipulate public policy.
If you were living in a tiny nation surrounded by larger nations that contained hundreds of millions of people who wanted you wiped off the face of earth, you wouldn't be too choosy about who you were willing to accept help from.
03-26-2009 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by vulturesrow
I have literally no idea what is going on in this thread anymore.
I wish that some of the Christians on this forum would call out Splendour for her stupidity. She's got it in her head that the only people on this board who disagree with her are the atheists, and that they're doing it only because she's a Christian. This couldn't be farther from the truth. An atheist making claims as equally ridiculous as Splendour would get treated the same way.

Heck, look at how people treat Nielsio every time he tries to start a 9/11 conspiracy thread -- and he's as anti-religion as they come.
03-26-2009 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
I wish that some of the Christians on this forum would call out Splendour for her stupidity. She's got it in her head that the only people on this board who disagree with her are the atheists, and that they're doing it only because she's a Christian. This couldn't be farther from the truth. An atheist making claims as equally ridiculous as Splendour would get treated the same way.

Heck, look at how people treat Nielsio every time he tries to start a 9/11 conspiracy thread -- and he's as anti-religion as they come.
Well I try not to be in the habit of posting just because I think someone wrote something stupid. I wouldnt have the time for that frankly. But I'll gladly argue in this forum if its about theological issues or if someone posts something that is outright wrong or hateful. I did get in a bit of a tiff with Splendour about the necessity of apologetics. But I dont care one whit about whether or not "Atheism is winning in the United States". But I do freely admit I was trying to follow along and the latest row has me utterly confused.
03-26-2009 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
Evangelicals are "friends" with Israel because they believe that we are living in the "End Times" and view the existence of Israel as playing a central role in the end times prophecies of the bible.

These people are incredibly dangerous as they are positively salivating at the idea of the world coming to an end within our lifetime.

They aren't "friends" with the Jews out of the goodness of their heart. They're friends with the Jews because the Jews need to be in the right place for the end times to occur.
Hopey for the negative stereotype every time.

No ALL evangelicals are not friends just because of the End Times. Some people like Corrie ten Boom did time in a concentration camp for them.

So don't stereotype Christians.

The reformation of Israel just drew a lot of attention as a signal that doesn't mean there aren't genuine friends. I suggest you read the IFCJ website and check out some of Rabbi Eckstein's comments on how evangelicals give from the heart.

Christians actually go to Israel and run charitable organizations. If they weren't friendly they could sit at home and write a few checks and feel good about themselves but they actually go to Israel and donate their personal labor and time.
03-26-2009 , 05:57 PM
[QUOTE=Splendour;9595138]Atheism isn't religious tolerance.QUOTE]

atheism doesn't speak to religious tolerance. It simply means you don't believe in a god.


Atheism isn't a form of tolerance at all if you're a follower of Dawkins, Hitchens or Harris.[/
Atheism isn't a form or tolerance or oppression. It simply means you don't believe in god. How many years will it take for you to understand this?


So I don't think atheists will be sending any contributions to support a nation based upon religion.
True. If they send contributions it won't have anything to do with religion.


Do you think you can swing public opinion in favor of supporting Israel with a loss of religious belief in the U.S.? Or will it be every country for itself in an oil crunch?
People don't need religion to care about the fate of other people.


So I guess Christians aren't the only ones who manipulate public policy.
who cares. no one said they were.
03-26-2009 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by vulturesrow
Well I try not to be in the habit of posting just because I think someone wrote something stupid. I wouldnt have the time for that frankly. But I'll gladly argue in this forum if its about theological issues or if someone posts something that is outright wrong or hateful. I did get in a bit of a tiff with Splendour about the necessity of apologetics. But I dont care one whit about whether or not "Atheism is winning in the United States". But I do freely admit I was trying to follow along and the latest row has me utterly confused.
the issue in this thread (and similar threads) isn't that splendour is stupid. Its that her thought process and her posts are rambling non sequitors. Her ramblings are only tangentally related to what she's responding to. Within 2 or 3 posts of hers in a thread, she's no longer discussing the same thing.
03-26-2009 , 06:14 PM
I just gave a Christian perspective of why the U.S. won't sucumb to atheism.

No more posts to me in this thread to avoid further derail.

Certain atheist feel they have to tar and feather my every post.

But Christians DO support Israel in all sorts of ways and if atheism wins in the U.S. it just might destabilize Israel even further.
03-26-2009 , 06:33 PM
You got to love a friend that wants Armageddon to rain down and obliterate you so they can be beamed up to ever lasting love well you burn in the fires of hell for eternity.

Last edited by batair; 03-26-2009 at 06:37 PM. Reason: im sry
