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Any advice for an 11 year old girl hassled by theists? Any advice for an 11 year old girl hassled by theists?

02-22-2013 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
You can't? Was it a joke? Who knows why you're loling there... not me.
No i can. Just dont see the point in linking someone who thinks MMA is immoral when some people are against all forms of violence. It should be self evident some would see it as immoral and some think it is morally acceptable.

If you need a cite just Google MMA is immoral. Im sure you will find someone who thinks it is immoral and some who think it is moral. Thus its a moral issue for them.
And here endeth a conversation that only you understood the purpose of, if there even was one.
Others understood. All-In Flynn summed it up nicely.
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
Mightyboosh: What is the difference between a thing being 'inappropriate' and it being 'wrong'?

No mate, on this occasion it's you who's making no sense. You watch a video of some kid nearly being killed in a playground incident (can't even call it a fight) and then spend the rest of the thread trying to get me to say the word 'wrong'. What the actual f*ck.
No i spent the thread trying to understand your inconsistency of seeing some things immoral but not stealing or the violence the kid displayed.

Last edited by batair; 02-22-2013 at 02:28 PM.
Any advice for an 11 year old girl hassled by theists? Quote
02-22-2013 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
Since you don't know what reactions I've been exposed to, you're basically calling me a liar here. Nice.
LOL @ calling you a liar. I continue to maintain that you are prone to exaggeration.

That would be my 'position' of surprise at the lack of empathy and the support of violence with risk of servere injury as as method of conflict resolution shown by adults to two children fighting?
Conflict between kids and conflict between adults are very different categories of conflict. Kids are not adults. They should not be expected to behave like adults.

And it's not a lack of empathy. It's a matter of considering things in context of reality.

I'm stunned that on such an issue you'll still pick fault with my presentation, find some semantic issue to debate, and completely miss the point.
It's not a semantic issue. It's an issue of presentation. If your position is grounded in an exaggerated sense of risk of injury, then your position is significantly weaker than you think it is.
Any advice for an 11 year old girl hassled by theists? Quote
02-22-2013 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Mightyboosh
I'm done for the weekend, I expected people ... to agree that the big kid went too far
Why do you expect people to just agree with your position? This is especially odd in light of your inability to articulate good reasons for people to agree with you.

not argue with me at every twist and turn.
It's somewhat shocking that you haven't figured out how this forum works yet. If you present a bad argument, people are going to call you out on it.
Any advice for an 11 year old girl hassled by theists? Quote
02-23-2013 , 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by Doggg
This probably should not even be in RGT. We've all seen bullying, and some of us have experienced it firsthand. Most of the time, a person is bullied for being shy, or overweight, or something along those lines. Anything the bullies know about you becomes ammunition.

She is being bullied by bullies.
Uh, this comment probably should not even be made. I have not yet read beyond this comment, so I don't know if Bill addresses the generalization that you've made here, but Bill's prior two posts did not specify whether his daughter's atheism had been the primary cause for the bullying she's experienced, or whether her atheism was instead a case of "anything the bullies know about you becomes ammunition." Obviously the "nemesis" kid would've found any excuse for the bullying tactics that she would've adopted regardless, but as for the others who've latched on, well, at the time of your post, you had no way of knowing what their motivations were.

You're a theist, I've read that elsewhere on this forum, but try to be a little more sympathetic next time...or if that's too much to ask, then don't bother posting.
Any advice for an 11 year old girl hassled by theists? Quote
02-23-2013 , 06:31 AM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
Have her watch bunch of youtube videos about atheists making fun of theists and ask her if it makes her feel better.

A place full of debate, arguing, skeptics, etc. won't be the best place to find a good answer for the conflict she is facing.

Ya i guess i kinda agree with this.
Given that the majority of the board are in fact atheists, I would say it's a decent place to ask the question. Also, while she might get a little schadenfreude out of watching said videos, she's 11, so who knows how much she would really appreciate the sight of say a 60ish British guy calmly disposing of theistic nonsense (referring to Hitch)
Any advice for an 11 year old girl hassled by theists? Quote
02-23-2013 , 06:34 AM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
We live in a small, rural town in the Bible Belt. My daughter used to go to church with her grandmother, but it didn't stick so now she's an atheist. She's sensitive about what other kids think, and some bother her about the God issue. Where I grew up no one cared about my lack of faith, so I don't have much experience to offer her.

She doesn't know whether to try and hide it, proclaim it out loud, or what.

Any Heathens out there care to share how you coped with kids who tried to stigmatize you?
Why do you choose to live in Arkansas of all places (if I remember the specific location correctly), especially given that you didn't grow up there?
Any advice for an 11 year old girl hassled by theists? Quote
02-23-2013 , 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
I started the thread around atheism because that's of special concern to her, although yes, it is used for old fashioned bully purposes. The school has actually been pretty good about it -- villain is a constant problem with lots of students. But the teachers cannot be everywhere and she still needs a strategy for the atheism issue, it's not going away.

Comical moment: a teacher slyly asking her about Christmas trees, probing to see if this exotic family celebrated it. (Of course we do, only Halloween is better.) Another comic moment from when her brother was in 4th grade. Teacher: what class of animal is a snake? Class: reptile. Little Bill: the snakes used to be lizards, but lost their legs. Teacher: why did lizards lose their legs? Little Bill: they evolved. Teacher: no, someone else. SuzyQ: God condemned the snake to crawl on the ground and eat dust for all of its days. Teacher: yes.
comical is one word for it
Any advice for an 11 year old girl hassled by theists? Quote
02-23-2013 , 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by psr
There's no way that this is real. I grew up in the buckle of the Bible Belt back when teachers could still mention Creationism in the classroom and even then we never had a biology teacher say snakes used to be lizards until godditit. Unless this kid is in a religious school there is no way a teacher is going to say that and keep her job, regardless of the community.

Had to laugh at "buckle of the Bible Belt". Where would that be, southwest Georgia?
Any advice for an 11 year old girl hassled by theists? Quote
02-23-2013 , 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
It isn't very likely that the big kid had any particular outcome in mind when he responded. Physical harassment triggered his instincts to fight and the fact that he is so much bigger limits the effect of the survival reflex. From there it's just flailing and the toss of the dice.

A courtroom might have take outcome into the consideration, but psychologically speaking - I would say it is close to uninteresting. Most deaths and grave injuries in fights are not intended by the causing party on any meaningful cognitive level.

Social psychology is not law however, from my standpoint we should operate with the assumption that the response is normal. This doesn't mean we should allow it, but it means that the gravity of harassment/bullying (because it can trigger such events) should be seen as notably higher.
Both this and your prior post responding to Mightyboosh regarding the bullying video were very very well said.
Any advice for an 11 year old girl hassled by theists? Quote
02-23-2013 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Matt Marcinkiewicz
Why do you choose to live in Arkansas
Job. It's alright here. Not ideal, but okay. And they need more atheist left-wing extremists with guns around here.
Any advice for an 11 year old girl hassled by theists? Quote
02-24-2013 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
Job. It's alright here. Not ideal, but okay. And they need more atheist left-wing extremists with guns around here.
Skimmed through rather quickly, but if your girl has a couple of friends, she will be fine.

It isn't your job to parent other parent's children. The mean kids will have their comeuppance at the proper time (as soon as your kid learns how to slam them with some skill, most likely).

She will figure things out best (assuming she is relatively normal) without intervention.
Any advice for an 11 year old girl hassled by theists? Quote
