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Aliens land on earth! Aliens land on earth!

08-14-2012 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by JAD
iosys, you do understand that yes, our UNIVERSE is expanding but that our galaxy (actually our local group) are all held together by gravity and it's going to be that way for a very long ass time. You also understand (I hope) that stars eventually burn out. Any advanced civilization will have to explore the galaxy (build ships to travel in it) to survive. Do really still think its impossible? If so I got more for you but I doubt you will take a moment to get over yourself and see why using such strong language and then being stubborn with any proof, makes you look extremely foolish.
This is really the main argument against Iosys. We don't need math to prove it. Most here will agree that we will never meet ET life or very advanced beings in our lifetimes but nearly all will agree that the probability of extraterrestrial life is quite high.

It may seem unlikely to you iosys because we are a very young species. Consider this: our species is only 2.3Myr old, dating back to the earliest known humans, h-omo habilis. (as if 2+2 wouldn't let me type it) Now consider this - the Universe is 14Gyr old, meaning some of the oldest planetary systems can be ~10Gyr old which means some civilizations can be on the order of 5000x more advanced than us. You really think they can't build a few ships to travel across the galaxy? Even if the laws of physics say you can't go more than ~0.2c without tearing organic bodies to shred, they have plenty of time to go from system to system.

If that still doesn't phase you ask yourself this: what will we be able to do in only a few hundred million years? Exactly. Other civilizations may have BILLIONS of years on us.
Aliens land on earth! Quote
08-14-2012 , 12:10 PM
And there's also the law of accelerating returns, which although it lacks a good explanation, is apparently at work in the evolution of our civilization.
Aliens land on earth! Quote
08-15-2012 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Human perspective is fine. Pretty sure humans will treat other animals better in the future. Meaning if we treat them better tomorrow then we do today its not hard to imagine other intelligent beings going the same path.
yes, as long as we come to the conclusion we should stop assuming aliens will be non-peaceful.

Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
If that still doesn't phase you ask yourself this: what will we be able to do in only a few hundred million years? Exactly. Other civilizations may have BILLIONS of years on us.
We should point out that when talking on this scale, the evolutionists should have the perspective that we've had 3-4 billion years ourselves.
Aliens land on earth! Quote
08-15-2012 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by newguy1234
We should point out that when talking on this scale, the evolutionists should have the perspective that we've had 3-4 billion years ourselves.
Not necessarily. I pointed out that our species is only 2.3Myr old. Other civilizations may have had 3-4Gyr to evolve to comparable beings, but still have up to 10Gyr on us. What I said is not incorrect.

Or another way of putting it, is if I take your point, fine - it's taken humans 3-4 Gyr to evolve, but other civilizations may have taken 3-4Gyr to evolve and have 10Gyr on us. Therefore, they're still ahead by 10Gyr
Aliens land on earth! Quote
08-15-2012 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by StuckinARutt
Not necessarily. I pointed out that our species is only 2.3Myr old. Other civilizations may have had 3-4Gyr to evolve to comparable beings, but still have up to 10Gyr on us. What I said is not incorrect.

Or another way of putting it, is if I take your point, fine - it's taken humans 3-4 Gyr to evolve, but other civilizations may have taken 3-4Gyr to evolve and have 10Gyr on us. Therefore, they're still ahead by 10Gyr
Ya you're still correct, but I'm just pointing out when we take a view of aliens on, we realize we aren't a human race separate from any other earth creature, instead we realize we are the goo behind the process of evolution.

Otherwise a race on a planet at year 2gyr is not the same race as one evolved 3gys later....but they are the same technology building movement or 'goo'.
Aliens land on earth! Quote
