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44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt 44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt

11-30-2008 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Intelligent Design presupposes no deity and has no ties to religion.
You should be ashamed of this statement. Show me a non-Christian IDist and I will show you a Muslim.
ID do not necessarily have to be a competing theory. Much of what it deals with, evolution does not.
It doesnt DEAL with anything. None of its claims are scientific, none are falsifiable, it has no explanatory power. It isnt a theory at all. So of course it isnt a COMPETING theory.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
No. The analogy shows that there is no set point at which something becomes "fast." 30 mph is fast (or "macro") to a snail. 120 mph is slow (or "micro") to a photon. It is as relevant to talk about micro and macro as it is to talk about fast and slow. Yeah some things are faster than others, and some things most of us would call slow. But that doesnt imply some sort of distinction between the two. There is no FUNDAMENTAL difference between something that is fast and something that is slow, just as there is no difference between something that is micro and something that is macro. Thats it. Thats the analogy. And its astute and useful.
Plus given the acknowledgment of positive acceleration, the only way 30mph can never go to 120mph would be if a barrier resembling the speed of light existed between those speeds.

Yet, we already know there are no barriers to possible arrangements of nucleotides (between humans and the ancestors we hold in common with other species).
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 02:58 PM
Plus given the acknowledgment of positive acceleration, the only way 30mph can never go to 120mph would be if a barrier resembling the speed of light existed between those speeds.
Unless the mechanism that causes something to accelerate to 30MPH is incapable of accelerating to 120mph.

Saying that a mechanism is capable of accelerating something to 30mph must also be capable of accelerating something to 120mph is illogical without any evidence to back it up. Then it becomes a presumption on your part.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
NR isn't here to learn anything new. He's here to proselytize. Nobody will ever convince him that he's wrong about *anything*. He's here to do god's work.
cant the same be said of you? I do not see you as having an open mind at all. In fact I would say that people like you and vhawk are about as close minded as they come.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Unless the mechanism that causes something to accelerate to 30MPH is incapable of accelerating to 120mph.

Saying that a mechanism is capable of accelerating something to 30mph must also be capable of accelerating something to 120mph is illogical without any evidence to back it up. Then it becomes a presumption on your part.
Its really not that illogical. I mean yes I guess its sort of inductive. In the sense that saying the sun will come up tomorrow is illogical. But what would STOP it from going faster?
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
cant the same be said of you? I do not see you as having an open mind at all. In fact I would say that people like you and vhawk are about as close minded as they come.
I believe you that you would say that. Seems like a win for me, to be quite honest.

Its kind of hilarious that madnak makes basically the same arguments as I do, with even more fervor, but because he is more polite than I am you dont include him in this list. Sort of confirms my theory that what you respond best to is soothing tones.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
Its really not that illogical. I mean yes I guess its sort of inductive. In the sense that saying the sun will come up tomorrow is illogical. But what would STOP it from going faster?
you analogy of the sun is not the same at all.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
you analogy of the sun is not the same at all.
???? Do you know what inductive reasoning is? I mean I'm basically agreeing with you that it isnt strictly logical to assume that something that goes 30, 31, 32, 33, and then 34 mph will continue to go 35 when we have no reason to suspect it wont and no theory to suggest any sort of barrier. I agree, it is not strictly logical. It is inductive.

Just like the sun rising is inductive. It is illogical, according to your argument here (and I agree) to say that the sun will rise tomorrow.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 03:09 PM
Also can I just say for the 1,000,000,000th time how much I loathe analogy-phobia?
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
cant the same be said of you? I do not see you as having an open mind at all. In fact I would say that people like you and vhawk are about as close minded as they come.
I've learned quite a bit by reading this forum. Just because you guys haven't been successful in converting me to your religion does not mean that I'm closed-minded.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Unless the mechanism that causes something to accelerate to 30MPH is incapable of accelerating to 120mph.

Saying that a mechanism is capable of accelerating something to 30mph must also be capable of accelerating something to 120mph is illogical without any evidence to back it up. Then it becomes a presumption on your part.
That would imply a barrier.

But we know that no such barrier exists, because we know the difference between a "30 mph" genome and a "120 mph" genome. It's just a different arrangement of the same nucleotides.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 05:57 PM
If accepting overwhelming evidence is being closeminded then I'll wear that title with pride. The kind of "openmindedness" you need to accept the kind of fraudulent academia that is presented by creationists is outright unhealthy.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by Subfallen
He writes at prestissimo, read him in equal time! Sooo smart, he is.

Mmm...NotReady. I wish we lived in a world where the Fates rewarded earnestness in gentle good taste. You'd do well there.
Meh. I address him politely, tempo adagio, he dismisses it as a 'rant and rave'. Hung for a sheep, etc, so I maight as well rant away. Blows off steam if nothing else.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 07:21 PM
Read this:

Considering that humans are the ones who classified living organisms into species, I can't see how there would EVER be a barrier between "micro" and "macro" evolution at the species level, unless we knew about it beforehand and concocted our definition of "species" according to it.

If it didn't make sense, read it again until it does.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
If accepting overwhelming evidence is being closeminded then I'll wear that title with pride. The kind of "openmindedness" you need to accept the kind of fraudulent academia that is presented by creationists is outright unhealthy.
Just keep on chanting that. Maybe one day it will come true.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Just keep on chanting that. Maybe one day it will come true.
omg tame did you keep chanting that? Because if you did, this chanting thing works.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
omg tame did you keep chanting that? Because if you did, this chanting thing works.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
omg tame did you keep chanting that? Because if you did, this chanting thing works.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by NotReady
Yeah, AllIn is a bit weird.
Originally Posted by NotReady
I wanted the earth to be young because that would be an easy end to evolution and I was curious what mental gymnastics atheists would then devise to explain how their lives could have meaning if God doesn't exist.
Originally Posted by NotReady
AllIn is a bit weird.
Originally Posted by NotReady
It matters to you because you desperately hope God doesn't exist because you want to live for yourself, please yourself, have no authority over you.
Originally Posted by NotReady
a bit weird.
Originally Posted by NotReady
You are the one who is self-deluded, unwilling to face reality and insist on living in a dream world where your life can have any meaning or purpose above that of a cockroach just because you want it to, because you enjoy whatever trivial pursuits turn you on.
Originally Posted by NotReady
bit weird.
Originally Posted by NotReady
God sacrificed His Son that you might have eternal life, joy unthinkable, light and life beyond measure - and you say, His Son didn't even exist. You trample the blood of Christ beneath your feet and laugh while doing it. You piss in the face of God. God help you.
Originally Posted by NotReady

Oh, mercy.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
Intelligent Design presupposes no deity and has no ties to religion.

Your posts get dumber and dumber by the day.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by NotReady
God sacrificed His Son that you might have eternal life, joy unthinkable, light and life beyond measure - and you say, His Son didn't even exist. You trample the blood of Christ beneath your feet and laugh while doing it. You piss in the face of God. God help you.
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn

Oh, mercy.
That's my favorite NotReady quote. Anyone who believes that he's here for anything other than proselytizing should re-read that quote a few times.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey

Your posts get dumber and dumber by the day.
i tried to read the last couple of threads he started and had to stop because it just gets irritating. too many posts like the above. his misuse of words... science... logic. here's too much to correct in anyone thread. I can only read so many posts before I have to leave the thread.

lol cats does help his threads immensely.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
No. It is as relevant to talk about micro and macro as it is to talk about fast and slow.
So you're saying that scientists, like the Berkeley link, are talking about something irrelevant? Perhaps you should send them a memo.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn

Oh, mercy.
You must be a dummy account for Hopey.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
11-30-2008 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by NotReady
You must be a dummy account for Hopey.
Mmmmyeah. Oh snap, etc.
44% of people are Young Earth Creationists, it puts me on suicide tilt Quote
