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2012 2012

05-09-2010 , 12:08 PM
05-09-2010 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Billy5150
+1, I lol'd, thx
05-11-2010 , 07:46 PM
I'll just leave this here: pretty much sums it all up. All that is going to come of it is a few folks get rich making books and movies.
05-12-2010 , 12:53 PM
I know it will end i dont think I know for sure it will up your minds people this "reality" is not real at all..we are all one..11:11..
05-13-2010 , 11:54 AM
What a sad state the replies in this thread display.

Have any of you clowns looked into the galactic and solar environment and what else is occuring ?

Naw, it's easier to make snide, uninformed and uneducated comments.

As is so often the case, the drooling masses make their statements based on nothing more than an impulse.

None of you mentioned the gravitational effects that the sun will be facing as it's polarity shifts on that same date.

It seems that 12 21 2012 is actually an important day.

The sun's polarity switches
We are in the center of the galactic plane
Pluto is no longer blue, it's heating
The 7th day of the first religion ends.
What WILL God do on the 8th day ?
The earths wobble restarts on that same day. ( 25.2k yr cycle )
The magnetosphere of earth is waning
Jupiter lost a stripe
Earthquakes anyone ?
Venus temp has doubled in my lifetime.

Good luck living much longer with your attitudes
05-13-2010 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
I've never understand the kooks fascination with when the Mayan calendar ends. The Mayan civilation has been gone for 1200 years-ish, right? I'm actually surprised their calendar was written out this far in advance. It seems obvious to me that there would be no practical reason to map out the calendar past a point that's useful.

Perhaps they ended it in 2012 because the was something arbitrary like 20 centuries ahead of when they were first devising it? (that should be long enough to allow everyone to plan their vacations.)
My guess: the relative lack of diversions. Mapping out the stars and determining a repeating pattern in time might be extremely interesting to us as well if we didn't have TV, internet, cars, etc...
05-13-2010 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Dying Actors
im willing to bet everything i own, and every penny i have that it wont at 100:1 odds.

PM if interested.
LOL unwinablebetaments
05-13-2010 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Russian Roulette
What a sad state the replies in this thread display.

Have any of you clowns looked into the galactic and solar environment and what else is occuring ?

Naw, it's easier to make snide, uninformed and uneducated comments.

As is so often the case, the drooling masses make their statements based on nothing more than an impulse.

None of you mentioned the gravitational effects that the sun will be facing as it's polarity shifts on that same date.

It seems that 12 21 2012 is actually an important day.

The sun's polarity switches
We are in the center of the galactic plane
Pluto is no longer blue, it's heating
The 7th day of the first religion ends.
What WILL God do on the 8th day ?
The earths wobble restarts on that same day. ( 25.2k yr cycle )
The magnetosphere of earth is waning
Jupiter lost a stripe
Earthquakes anyone ?
Venus temp has doubled in my lifetime.

Good luck living much longer with your attitudes
Ok, time to move this over to SMP, maybe to the fringe science thread?
05-13-2010 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Russian Roulette
What a sad state the replies in this thread display.

Have any of you clowns looked into the galactic and solar environment and what else is occuring ?

Naw, it's easier to make snide, uninformed and uneducated comments.

As is so often the case, the drooling masses make their statements based on nothing more than an impulse.

None of you mentioned the gravitational effects that the sun will be facing as it's polarity shifts on that same date.

It seems that 12 21 2012 is actually an important day.

The sun's polarity switches
We are in the center of the galactic plane
Pluto is no longer blue, it's heating
The 7th day of the first religion ends.
What WILL God do on the 8th day ?
The earths wobble restarts on that same day. ( 25.2k yr cycle )
The magnetosphere of earth is waning
Jupiter lost a stripe
Earthquakes anyone ?
Venus temp has doubled in my lifetime.

Good luck living much longer with your attitudes
If all that happens and it kills the earth i dont think attitude will make much of a difference in survival.
05-13-2010 , 12:47 PM
This thread is going no where, just like all of the other 2012 threads, and Arouet, Zeno would kill me if I moved this over there, they get even more than we do and they all end the same way this one is ending. LOCKED.
Closed Thread Subscribe
