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Looking for micro SNG/MTT backing deal Looking for micro SNG/MTT backing deal

10-31-2010 , 09:06 AM
Hey all,

My name is Gregory Goris, I'm 23 and I live in Antwerp (Belgium)

I'm looking for a backing deal for micro SNGs as well as MTTs, preferably 2.2 turbo 180mans and up.
This would be my first backing deal and I'm looking into it to gain reputation and references. But most of all because it would motivate me to put in some volume.

I think i'm pretty decent at MTTs (and mtt sngs), but i was lacking in the motivational department. I think that with volume, and maybe a bit of coaching, i could be great. Obviously I'm hoping for a competent MTT/SNG player to back me.

I'm willing and able to put quite a lot of hours in a week. I'm a student with lots of free time. I would be able to play several nights a week, including sundays (obv). I can multitable quite well

Please contact me via PM if you're interested.

GregoryGoris (Pokerstars)
Looking for micro SNG/MTT backing deal Quote
