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Looking for Backer in Soft PLO Games Looking for Backer in Soft PLO Games

05-09-2022 , 09:26 AM
Hello all,

Long time lurker, first time poster. I’m seeking a staking deal on either of these poker apps. I’ve mainly played on PokerBros but have found softer Pokerrrr2 clubs as of late.

I’ve been playing poker for 7 years now. Five of NLH (mainly live/home games) and three years of PLO (mainly on PokerBros and live). This has allowed me to fully pay my way through undergrad. Currently I am in medical school and want to minimize debt causing my bankroll to take a hit. I am now looking for a backer who is flexible with my schedule (believe me I would love to 6 table day in and day out). I am also seeking coaching in the couple months I have off from school to sharpen my PLO skills.

I (due to school) cannot play 24/7 but still manage to average between 400-450 hands daily dependent upon schedule. The stakes I’m comfortable playing with my current bankroll (post tuition) are PLO 200 and below, but fall semester is around the corner so my options are a) go on a heater b) give up poker c) find a backer. I have negotiated 25% rake back with the club (not sure if the backer gets a cut of RB). Prior to paying for school I was beating PLO 500 for 9.2bb/100.

Send me a DM or message me on discord if interested JuiceBoogie#6576 . Also any advice on obtaining staking would be appreciated! I’m unsure if a backer would want to stake me given the low volume but it’s worth a shot. 50/50 with makeup.

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Looking for Backer in Soft PLO Games Quote
05-09-2022 , 09:47 AM
Also what information will the backer ask for?

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