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omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166

08-03-2023 , 04:13 AM
****, last year I completely pulled the rug out from my "friends" or friends. I played in a band with them, for them, for ten ****ing years. Year after year after year they kept saying, "we know the owner of this bar, we'll go play a gig there!" And I would have to teach every one of them every single part, for every single instrument, for every single song they all just came up with on a whim. They constantly misrepresented themselves, saying they wanted to play in the bar, but all they ever wanted was to have fun in their homes on the weekends. I was doing all the god damn hard work to make that fun happen, and the ****ing bastards didn't pay me a ****ing dime.

I kept leaving and leaving and leaving year after year trying to get away from them, and they would constantly reach out to me again and again, "we miss you friend! Come back! Come jam, we miss you!!" And so last April they did it to me again, after making and breaking yet another deal to play in the god damn bar.

So in April they brought me back, and I jammed with them once and at the end of the night the drummer says, "can we play this Ramones song next week?" And I said sure. Well, the days go by and I'm sitting there working on learning every single part for every single instrument for this Ramones song, to teach every single person in the band because they are all talentless amateurs that can barely play their own instruments, and I just absolutely flip my ****ing ****, and this **** flip out lasted over a ****ing year. I flipped my ****, and spent like a week completely stuck inside my head ruminating about suing them and it turned into a sort of rehearsal for telling them I was suing them. I went over that **** dozens and dozens of time, completely ****ing out of my gourd, yelling and screaming into the air in my empty room, and the next week rolls around and we play for about 45 minutes and take a break, and then I hit them with it.

I recorded audio of the entire thing on two devices. I offered them three different contracts to move forward with me. The third contract, spelling out exactly what they did to me. Under the third contract, they would agree to come use their talents and skillsets and work and labor to come work for me in my home for my entertainment on a near weekly basis for ten years and I wouldn't pay them a dime, and I'd constantly expose them to cancerous substances.

Anyway, I got them on audio admitting that they should be paying me, and paying me for what I did in the band was a really good deal. I then gave them a chance to pay me, have a discussion to work out the amount, and not one of them said a single thing, so I told them I was suing the **** out of them.

A year+ process then proceeded and I sued them for nearly 40 thousand dollars. They got a good ole boy scumbag attorney that basically lives at the court house and is super chummy with the judge, because he represents the singer's boss and his shady meth head employee filled business.

Anyway, it just turned into a year and a half of absolute ****ing chaos and misery and me being completely off the ****ing walls with rage and insanity at pretty much all times, and I got into this huge shitfest with their attorney, cops involved, the ****ing works.

I resolved to make a documentary about the whole thing and expose the shady business because I have very damning audio recordings proving their employees use meth on the job, because I was the audio engineer for the band and recorded their sessions, and **** it was a god damn nightmare.

The judge was basically wanting to put a felony on me for "frivolous lawsuits" even though I had ten years of evidence. I tried testifying my concerns for my safety because the singer I sued has a brother in law that commits armed robberies and home invasions, and the judge wouldn't allow me to testify that.

It just turned into an absolute ****ing nightmare and really tore my life to pieces for a year and a half because I got really ****ing pissed off at those people and I tore them up and threw them away.

I did not forgive them, and I have not. Is that a mistake? I don't think so, because those people ruined my life and my career. I worked for these people, in their homes, for their entertainment, for ten ****ing years and they didn't pay me a ****ing dime. I was going to college studying a bachelor's of music degree, I couldn't afford to finish it.

They ruined my ****ing life, how the **** am I supposed to forgive people like that? Am I even supposed to? Am I just crazy and I shouldn't expect to be paid anything for ten years of work because I'm a musician and musicians aren't worth anything now unless they're famous, and because music is incredibly devalued because of technology and how easy and accessible it is to make music now, illiterately just clicking some buttons on a computer?

I have no idea man, I'm a huge ****ing mess and I've just been trying to put my life back together the last few months.

Last edited by LirvA; 08-03-2023 at 04:26 AM.
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 04:15 AM
The survivors of that unspeakable shooting at that black church years back. They forgave as imperfectly as they could, and still do, with a greater and greater capacity to love, as they follow Him in all things. Again, as imperfect facsimiles of his wisdom.

That's where the immensity is somehow
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 04:17 AM
It's been so ****ing hard having such intense dreams about being a musician and making a living with my music. I'm literally ****ing amazing at the guitar, and it's been my dream since i was like 10 years old, the first time I heard Jimi Hendrix Voodoo Child (Slight Return). I just feel so conflicted about all of it. I feel like these people completely ****ed me, but does the responsibility ultimately lie on me for just ****ing up my own life to such a degree that it's become impossible to have any success?

At this point, I have such an amazing ****ing idea for this art that I want to make, to draw attention to my music, but I feel like any time I'm going to put myself out there, I've made so many enemies in life that someone would just come out of the woodwork to ****ing tear me down and make any kind of success impossible for me, when all I want to do is have some small level of success and have some semblance of happiness in my life before I ****ing die.

I don't want to die a ****ing nobody that's not remembered for anything.
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 04:19 AM
The human condition can - in theory - thereby improve, and uh change the hearts of man.

It's as inconceivable today - His instruction to love thy neighbor as thyself - as it was the moment He spoke it. And we're resultantly as wayward as any epoch in human history
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 04:49 AM
We definitely need Jesus.

We also need our Majesty the King in great glory and triumph to dissolve our corrupt parliament and reinstate our beautiful absolute monarchy.
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA


the only Thundercat you need
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm

nope. but I did achieve great success in the politics forum

not to make excuses, but im old af and still too heavy, and I missed a dark lol step on a dash last night, and caught myself, but there's fragility. i dont want to go headlamp, but i could
i want to hang out there... but i want omg level content. no polotics...

I'm sick of arguing with ****s. brah. you are ****ing wrong and well never get to the money levels needed to benefit from any of the trump ********ery. just stop.
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 05:26 AM
what is the deal with preppy girls and why do i love them so much!
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 06:17 AM
Sup Dale sup Luke
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 06:18 AM
Its probably the tits!
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 08:33 AM
I’ve been hitting the gym like crazy. Running 5ks. Lifting them weights. It’s definitely working, but to take it to the next level I really need to cut back on my food intake. I’m a somewhat healthy eater, but my problem is the sheer amount of food I eat omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Am I just crazy and I shouldn't expect to be paid anything for ten years of work because I'm a musician and musicians aren't worth anything now unless they're famous, and because music is incredibly devalued because of technology and how easy and accessible it is to make music now, illiterately just clicking some buttons on a computer?
Yeah. You can't sue your friends for enjoying a hobby with you.

I mean, you can, but look what happened
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by LuckyLuke01
what is the deal with preppy girls and why do i love them so much!
It comes from our base need for safety and stability in relationships. Having a sturdy bomb shelter and enough supplies to last an extended period of chaos shows intelligence and forethought and I'm just realizing you said preppy not prepper nvm
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 12:28 PM
Well for them it was a hobby, for me my life long career goal. And I did all the work to teach them and record them. It's a shitload of work. They kept having these huge 4th of July block parties for their entire neighborhoods, every time there was supposed to be tip jars put out, not a single time did it happen. They wouldn't leave me alone when I left, what was I supposed to do? They weren't my friends, a friend wouldn't do that **** to a friend.
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 01:25 PM
your failure to recognize what is and isn't a hobby is your own fault. the lawsuit is a lunatic move, you'd need to have had a written contract with these guys and show that the contract was broken to sue for what was agreed on in the contract. what you've done is make a big mess and waste everybody's time. now i'm not saying you should be charged with filing spurious lawsuits but that's what you did and if you don't cut it out and move on it's not unreasonable for them to jail you.
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 01:37 PM
Verbal contracts, tho. I dismissed the **** a couple months ago.

When a person works their whole life at something with the goals of it being a career, and goes to college for it, it's not a hobby. I feel like you're just devaluing music and musicians
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 01:46 PM
verbal contracts just exist on tv, that's not real life.

music is not a career, it's absolutely a hobby. painting? hobby. poetry? hobby.

now if we're talking SHOULDland, oh yeah poets should be given social welfare a nice lifestyle guaranteed, all that good stuff. we'd have more art in the world it'd be a better world for everyone. but unfortunately we don't live in shouldland, we live in america, which is the opposite of shouldland in almost every way.
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 01:49 PM
this is why i don't leave my house. because if i went out and played music or dungeons and dragons with old friends they'd end up running some kind of scam and sue me because me playing d&d with them kept them from getting a better job
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 01:58 PM
Worst take you've ever had by far!
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 02:01 PM
why doesn't america fund art in a way that allows artists to live their lives creating art? because business, like a krogers or a dollar general needs bodies to stand (not sit) and ring up stupid items for other people to buy. who would do that job if they could spend their days painting or auditioning for movies? nobody would. businesses don't want to pay their workers higher than slave wages because they'd be slightly less rich themselves. the boss would only have 3 yachts instead of 6 yachts, so wage slavery is our enforced economic system. and it's enforced by violence. if you don't want to go along with selling your labor for pennies, society throws you out into the street to starve to death. it's as bad as a gun in your back.

so my point is i'm with you 100% in spirit, but we gotta be smarter with our execution of our goal of destroying capitalism.
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 02:36 PM

"You know what you remind me of? That song by .... Kris Kristofferson!

"Who's that?"

"A song writer! He's a prophet .... he's a prophet and a pusher, partly truth, partly fiction, a walking contradiction."

"You saying that about me?"

"Well who else would I be talking about?"

"I'm no pusher, I never have pushed."

"No no, just the part about the contradictions. You are that."
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 02:42 PM
You absolutely can get paid for your art. You just have to make art people actually want to buy...
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 02:48 PM
I have an amazing idea for that! I'm working on it.
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 03:12 PM
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
08-03-2023 , 03:41 PM
I said people..
omg omg omg someone just invited me over their house #166 Quote
