west philadelphia, born and raised. in the playground was where i spent most of my days. chillin out, maxin, relaxin all cool, shootin some b-ball outside the school. when a couple of guys said, "we're up to no good". started making trouble in my neighborhood. i got in one little fight and my mom got scared, she said, "you're going to iraq and afghanistan to fight for american freedoms"
Bigger real ones are also fine. I dated a girl with 40DD one time, and that was after her reduction surgery. Can't imagine what they were like before, she was 5'10" at least.
Bigger real ones are also fine. I dated a girl with 40DD one time, and that was after her reduction surgery. Can't imagine what they were like before, she was 5'10" at least.
I used to know this girl when I was a kid who was like 5'2 and had like Es or bigger.
lets just say it was a real problem for her. not just being big but she was in high school. WAY too much attention.