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omg omg omg 159 omg omg omg 159

04-06-2017 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by Da33le
Those could be anyone's boobs.
Not mine
04-06-2017 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by King_of_NYC
gg tonight Jj. Bart is awesome

hopes the merpeoples didn't give you crabs
Crabs sound good
04-06-2017 , 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by Kristy
That's why I followed with bbv4l-confirmed boobs.

Here's more bbv4l confirmed boobs. Emme on left, me on right..but the real star is the shirt Jackitos sent me.

i ment recent tert pics. not ones you posted in 09
04-06-2017 , 04:34 AM
ok. so here we go. here is what happened today in my day. it's gunna be long. but i know you ****ers don't read this ****. well peli did R.I.P

AHYWAY my dad started like this...

I woke up from having crazy dreams... I walk to my room door and open it with one eye open. got to pee. i see 2 wash baskets in front of it with mixed washing and i get a voice out of nowhere. put away your washing. i sigh and i walk around the baskets and I go to pee.

i grumble as i come out from peeing and get into an argument. i just woke up and wasn't in the mood for this. " if i see it, it must be done now. not in a minuet, not in a second later. NOW" bull****. so I grumble some more and i put it away. I finally get a coffee and it down to right my combo posts like i do every morning. ( you post when i sleep)

in the distand, I hear a weed wacker going. " ****!" i say out loud and i know what comes next. i find my sister and we start to grumble together. " Not this ****in garden bull**** again" so we complain and grumble and i come back to the computer for a bit.

not a moment later I am half way throguh my first cup of coffee and my dad comes in. " put ya clothes on and come and help." i grumble some more and i find clothes. I put them on and finish my first coffee.

I quickly make another one and i go out there to see what he wants. he wants me to move the tree branches you see out of the way so he can cut the grass. I grumble and i have no ****ing clue why they were put there in the first place. ( dumb logic is dumb)

so I Move them. I then ask him if we can get a wood chipper and chip them so we can SOLVE the problem of having to fix this ****ty garden every time. ( we just leave it and leave it until he gets so ****ty with it something needs to be done) at this point we argue becuse I want solutions and results. he tells me that he is just going to dig out the big sods, cut the grass and tada. the problem will be solved ( it won't it happens this way every time. it's like polishing a **** once you dig them out more grow. ) anyway i go about moving the branches so he can cut the grass while my sister order a sikp bin to put all this **** it ( this is tomorrows job after which i will work at the bar for 7 hours lol)

once all this is done with grumbles we decide to get rolls from the roll shop. i get the rolls and i come back in a better mood than before. ( i saw an old guy at the shop who had just played golf. he was wearing socks with sandals. lol)

after listening to rick ross going there and back to the roll shop i am happy now and we continue to work. I have taken some pictures to show you guys.

I am pretty tired now... so....

/end story
04-06-2017 , 04:35 AM
That's mostly your problem for not being clear, imo, still verified 4l bewb.

Also, your house pic doesn't show. I look forward to the seeing the rest of it.
04-06-2017 , 04:41 AM
here are some of the pictures.

here are some of the tools we used.

some of the hazards around the shop.

safety first! ( that is my bed room window yes)

also close to the finish product. ( those branches will go tomorrow)

04-06-2017 , 05:01 AM
So many questions...

1. Wtf is your roof made of?
2. Is that your neighbour's house in the background, or yours?

yard looks nice, good job. In before more house.
04-06-2017 , 05:07 AM
The roof is made of asbestos
04-06-2017 , 05:15 AM
I honestly don't know if you're joking.
04-06-2017 , 05:35 AM
In Straya they eat asbestos for breakfast
04-06-2017 , 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by Kristy
So many questions...

1. Wtf is your roof made of?
2. Is that your neighbour's house in the background, or yours?

yard looks nice, good job. In before more house.
1) i have no idea. tiles i think

2) yes. he is Arminian. he is nice and talks to me sometimes. he's a cool gave us a ****ty dog house he wasn't using for free. dog doen't use it so we chucking it tomorrow.

3) yes. my dad was using it to rake up and i loled when i saw the mop head. i had to take a picture of it.
04-06-2017 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
The roof is made of asbestos
nope, but i am told we have 30 plus year old insulation in the roof so it's like a tinderbox apparently

Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
In Straya they eat asbestos for breakfast
we do not. we eat oats.

I must say i did enjoy taking the photos. might take some more.
04-06-2017 , 05:55 AM
That is the kangaroo of cleaning implements. Kinda useless, but fun to try to imagine how such a monstrosity came to be.

Where are my pics?
04-06-2017 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by Kristy
That is the kangaroo of cleaning implements. Kinda useless, but fun to try to imagine how such a monstrosity came to be.

Where are my pics?
pics of what?
04-06-2017 , 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by LuckyLuke01
pics of what?
Originally Posted by LuckyLuke01
if kristy sends tert pics i will send house pics.

or i will take a top 5 Springsteen songs or a pictures of her making pancakes. ( must have naked apron shot doe.
The fridge thread and my participation in the bed thread should explain...

I want to see how you all live.
04-06-2017 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by Kristy
The fridge thread and my participation in the bed thread should explain...

I want to see how you all live.
stop trying to compare how i live.

but if you ever want to jump on that bed of mine... i wouldn't say no.
04-06-2017 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by King_of_NYC
failing to deliver is bannable.
You're not trying to back out of your end of the bargain, are you?
04-06-2017 , 08:59 AM
Basically all one has to do to bait GW into responding is to talk about something he's done before. He's like a 2+2 hipster, if he beat you to it, he wants to gloat.

Notable examples:

Posting his titties on the internet

04-06-2017 , 09:08 AM
04-06-2017 , 09:09 AM
Good morning OMG how are you!
04-06-2017 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by Kristy
Well, we're waiting..
pm for details

Originally Posted by GiantWalleye
Don't we all?
yours are top-tier amateur fap material
04-06-2017 , 09:12 AM
I got a new washing machine yesterday and somehow, I feel oddly exhilarated.

Trying to decide whether to go with it and laundry like it's 1999, or shame-spiral over being so lame.
04-06-2017 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding
yours are top-tier amateur fap material
04-06-2017 , 09:14 AM
Do laundry while wearing dirty clothes.

It will feel appropriately juxtaposed.

Do it in secret so no one knows.
04-06-2017 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by Kristy
I got a new washing machine yesterday and somehow, I feel oddly exhilarated.

Trying to decide whether to go with it and laundry like it's 1999, or shame-spiral over being so lame.
Is it a samsung? The new samsungs (or the last decade) have this cute little chime that goes off when the load is complete.

Kinda like LB's digital ladyfriends iykwim
