Originally Posted by FranFran
omg is my therapist
Omg is the place I dump some of the tidbits I'd be embarrassed to share in my day-to-day life. So pretty much like therapy.
@Luke, you seem like you say what you need to...for me, historically, the only place I'd really think/talk about what I was feeling was in therapy. For example, I had a miscarriage about 10 years ago, and aside from the initial shock and heartbreak at the hospital, I never really cried or talked about it again outside of my therapist's office.
When people brought it up, I just made dead baby jokes.
Therapy is good for that...talking about something that feels like a burden to discuss with your friends and family.
Originally Posted by Da33le
Wives are great, I imagine. You should cherish yours Fran.
Not sure if srs, but if you are this is the nicest thought I'm going to read all day.