Didja miss me?
OFC not.
Anywayz, I lost my internetz since mid-Nov.
Not the usual thrashed hard drive... my cheapo ViewSonic flatscreen blew out an input capacitor. [I've heard this is common w/ cheapo flatscreens after 3-4 years].
And then my DSL modem quit. I had the pleasure of dealing w/ a Verizon tech support guy from India, pinging and ponging for over an hour w/ diagnostics.
HE got an OK from his mgr. to send me a brand new upgraded free DSL modem, which was sent last week... to the wrong apt. #. So this afternoon I received the 2nd one they sent to me.
The g00t news:
>my wound is like damn near closed up, 4mm wide, nurses not coming by anymore.
>I found some music-only channels [including heavy metal!] on my cable TV
[if you have Comcast, check ch. 400-440 range.
>I found some manga at the local Public Library. In the young adult section. Fortunately, no young adults around, or Chris Hansen. It's quite odd, we're talkin bout Japanese manga w/ NSFW language and titties.
It's g00t 2 b back. kinda sorta.