Updating the $70 situation.
So today he messaged me asking if he could transfer me the money we've agreed to (me giving him a 11,70 discount) plus the equivalent to $20. lol
So I said hell no... send me the full amount of the old debt plus the 20 and I'll transfer you the 20 on stars.
And he was like, but didn't we agree using the old exchange rate?
I said, yeah, lol, in the case that that was all you could pay me (which I assumed with your request at the time). But If I'm gonna send you another 20 you have to send me the full amount. or else I'll just give you the change (~$8).
And he was like, wtf, now I'm confused. Just tell me how much to send.
I told him, lol, $90 in today's exchange rate (70+20 yo). And he was like, ok...
(in Brazil we might say he was "playing the no arms John")
(but he might just be just terrible at math and basic logic, no wonder he's always broke on stars... I'm happy he has a job)