I'm looking for a real mother ****er to be my man an have my back an ill have his its ride or die boo an if u think u this man for me feel free to hit me up an i hit u back if inerested........ have good day an good luck finding wat u lookin fpr don't be hittin me up for booty call or no stupud sh*ti. don't need mean dat play.
P.S. what in the actual **** is on NBC? Is this a scripted show attempting to mimic a reality show masquerading as a reality show? There are like 8 dimensions to this and I don't know who is leveling who. Whatever it is, its immediately apparent why NBC is now a punchline. This is actually unbearable. That one chick looks like she's super hot but they won't ****ing show anything except for her scowling at deers in the forest. I am too old for this bull****.