Originally Posted by elrey
Fredd how do you get more comfortable getting under the bar on a clean? I set a new pr yesterday but failed 2 reps first where it looked like I pulled it high enough to rack it, but I just wouldn't get under it.
I still have problems with this tbh. This is what is known in the business as "Clarking it". What has helped the most for me is doing sets of 3 from the high hang position. Since the barbell is already above your knees in this position, you don't get as much momentum on the barbell and you have to get under the bar. For example:
http://www.catalystathletics.com/exe...exerciseID=190 Remember I said sets of 3 so you can get lots of repetitions (hehe TIT) getting under the bar. You don't need to use heavy weights starting out and you probably can't use anything close to your max.
Also, if you're having issues with power cleaning it instead of full cleans, read this: