Originally Posted by j2sooted
i know i dont support corn subsidies, and i dont support huge corporate farms getting subsidies. with the economy the way it is, i might be hesitant to do anything that could cause a rise in food costs right now, especially with the way commodity costs are going. we are fat though, maybe just subsidies for green beans and brussel sprouts?
The economist quoted in that article said it would lower costs for the consumer ... I'm not sure how that works exactly, like if it's lower on average but regressive for poor people b/c it was more rich people subsodising it then obv I'd feel differently than if it's not.
Also, the issue is not just internal to the US. US and Europe subsidizing agriculture really has the power to crush a lot of 3rd world agriculture. This is the issue I'm more familiar with.
Originally Posted by EvanWilliams
these reversi cpus suck
I can't read that, there's no words there.