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moving postgresql moving postgresql

02-17-2010 , 12:37 AM
I am switching PC's and I have my postgresql databse saved on a flash drive. Without giving it thought I downloaded postgresql immediately after putting in the entry code. Should I not have done this since I already have a database? Or can I just download the HH's into PT3.

If I already made a mistake by downloading postgres, should I delete it and install the one from my flash drive?

02-17-2010 , 11:39 AM
What method did you use to get the database set up on the flash drive? Is it a tablespace or just the data directory?
02-17-2010 , 04:47 PM
It was a file on my desktop called postgresql 8.3.8-1 it is 26.3 Mb, and it has 6 items in it, like the windows installer package, a README document, SETUP file, UPGRADE. So there are a few things on it.

I stopped the DL on the new Postgresql. I updated adobe reader so maybe now I can read the PDF on the PT3 site, hopefully.

02-17-2010 , 04:50 PM
It sounds like you installed PostgreSQL directly on the flash drive; in that case you'd need to actually install it on the other computer and point it to the data directory on the drive in the setup process. The PDF on our website should walk you through it for the most part, you'll just want to use a different data directory and uncheck "initialize database cluster" when you get there.
02-17-2010 , 06:07 PM
Should I DL Postgres from the site and follow exact PDF instructions or can I DL it from my flash drive?

So, during what point in the DL do I point it to my data directory? and How? Does unchecking "initialize database cluster" automatically do that?

Thanks alot for the help.
02-17-2010 , 07:15 PM
Download PostgreSQL from their website (the same version you have installed on the flash drive), and I believe it's the second directory that you pick that points to the data directory. If you get to the part where you can uncheck initialize database cluster and you haven't picked it, then you missed it.
