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HUD 'this session only' stats HUD 'this session only' stats

02-15-2010 , 03:51 PM
I edited (I think correctly....) kraada's M stat from the M4 Tournament Layout to use as a 'Stack Size in Big Blinds' for SNG use, but I can't get what I want to show up on the HUD. I suppose the default value that shows up on the HUD is the average over all hands (as opposed to 'This Session Only')?

What matters with a Stack Size stat is obviously what is current (only this table), not the average over all hands/tables. Is it possible to get the 'This Session' value on the HUD, not just when I hover over it with the mouse?

Does this make sense?

02-15-2010 , 05:18 PM
If you're multitabling with a specific opponent, M is going to average the hands that occurred within the last 30 seconds together. Otherwise it should actually be table specific using that workaround. When you say it's not showing are you seeing a value of 0 or no value at all?
02-15-2010 , 08:33 PM
Thanks for the quick response. Sorry, I didn't do a very good job of explaining.

First, I changed the interval to 5 seconds to see if that would help keep the stat updated to the most recent hand - and thus remove the possibility of averaging the last couple hands at that table.

Second, when I say it's not showing, I actually mean that what shows up on my hud is the (I think) average stat for all hands, when all I want to show on the HUD is the 'This Session' stat. Ex: when you hover over the stat, there are two values displayed - one over the other. The one that shows on my HUD is the top value, and I want the bottom value (This Session) to show. The HUD shows a non-zero value, but it's the wrong stat.

Also, here is the stat and value expressions, just in case I've got something wrong.

Stack Size in BB:
(val_stack_size / val_bb)

sum(if[ localtimestamp - interval '5 seconds' < tourney_holdem_hand_summary.date_imported, tourney_holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_before + tourney_holdem_hand_player_statistics.amt_won, 0])

sum(if[ localtimestamp - interval '5 seconds' < tourney_holdem_hand_summary.date_imported, tourney_holdem_blinds.amt_bb, 0])

I opened up a cheap money SNG to check it, and the 'This Session' value did correlate to the correct number of BB's in the stacks - the problem was that I had to hover over the stat to see that value.

I really appreciate the help.
02-16-2010 , 06:19 AM
5 seconds may be too fast - if the hand history hasn't been written, imported, entered into the database and the HUD triggered to update and the data retrieved from the database within that time then it won't work. You also need to have your Refresh Rates set to update the stats every hand for this to work correctly.
02-16-2010 , 07:09 PM

1.) If I set the Refresh Rates for every hand, for 0 to 500 hands, is it going to bog down my computer or the HUD operation?

2.) Do the Refresh Rate and the interval written in the expressions for the stats need to be exactly the same?

3.) What do you think would be a workable interval/refresh rate?

4.) Is this even possible (or has it already been done somewhere)? Or should I not even try? (going into this, I thought it would be semi-easy but I'm finding out it's obviously not...)

I'd really love to get this stat working, as it would reduce the amount of time I spend furiously tapping away on my calculator in high-blind SNG play

02-17-2010 , 12:07 AM
I don't know if the stars aligned, or what, but it's working fine now. The two values ('overall' and 'this session'), when I hover over the HUD stat, are the same.


We'll see if it effs up again.
02-17-2010 , 07:21 AM
1. It will cause more database queries, and if your system struggles to keep up then having the stats update every hand may cause problems. However, if you don't have them updating every hand then this kind of workaround stat will not work as it needs info from the last hand.

2. Refresh Rates are in numbers of hands and the expression is in seconds - they are completely separate.

3. You need refreshes every hand. The interval configuration depends on your system - Kraada explains the logic behind this in his How To: Advanced HUD Configuration.

4. Yes, it works, within the constraints discussed.
02-17-2010 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by drewsie
1.) If I set the Refresh Rates for every hand, for 0 to 500 hands, is it going to bog down my computer or the HUD operation?
Assuming you are running Beta 30.6 the answer to this should be: No.

We've had to highly optimize these pathways to support Full Tilt's Rush Poker, but everyone benefits.
