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how do i get the in game stats to show up while multi tableing? how do i get the in game stats to show up while multi tableing?

04-21-2009 , 03:04 PM
for some reason, the in game stats dont show up on every tournament im playing. they show up on some, and malfunction on some, but is there a setting i have to change? or whats the deal?

04-22-2009 , 10:22 AM
Do you have your poker client installed and running in English? If you don't, that can cause problems for the tournament HUD.

If you do, on what site do you play and are the hands being imported successfully?
04-22-2009 , 10:52 AM
yes, i play in english. i play on pokerstars. the HH are being imported correctly, because the data is being displayed. The problem is when i open up tables, the ingame stats dont always come up... the VPIP, PFR, and AF... and when they do, they are sometimes not for the right user. how can i fix this?
04-22-2009 , 02:38 PM
Do you use preferred seating? If so you may need to configure PT3 to know what seat you use, see the Tutorial: Preferred Seating for details and screenshots.

Otherwise, please enable logging (Configure --> Options --> Logging Enabled and restart PT3) and attempt to import while playing for one full orbit then attach the C:\Program Files\PokerTracker 3\PokerTracker.log and C:\Program Files\PokerTracker 3\PokerTrackerHud.log files to a support ticket and we'll look into what could be causing this for you.
