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10 Handed HUD Configuration 10 Handed HUD Configuration

02-01-2009 , 04:40 PM
I using PTO and the HUD for 10 Handed O8 games and I'm having a problem. When it displays the hole cards after the hand it will display the hold cards next to the wrong seat. For example, it will put seat #4 hole cards on seat #10 and seat #10's hole cads on seat #4.

How can I fix this?
02-01-2009 , 04:51 PM
If it's just those 2 seats which are switched, open the Layout Manager and select the mucked cards option from the Stats dropdown and you can correct the layout.

If everyone's mucked cards are rotated, then you probably have a preferred seating problem, but since I assume your normal table stats are correct I doubt it's that.
