Hello friends,
i m new to this forum and would like to be part of some interesting discussions to regards HU-limit.
i ve got a bit experience in HU, but if i analyze my HEM-stats i always wonder, if i play correct on preflop. postflop i mostly play a quite passive ABC-poker-style, so i d like to gain my edge preflop.
i d be glad, if i could start a quality-discussion here, on how to play perfectly preflop if we assume, that we adapt to our opponent s stats...
i saw some threads here, but those discussions where all quite gruff. maybe we could get a little bit closer here.
so first of all, i d like to find an approach for a good 3bet range. so my thoughts where like this:
i take villians openraise percantage (lets say 50% for example) so then i look into stove or any other equilator which range gives me at least 50% EV. ok here s the trick...my HEM stats say, that i manage to play breakeven with only 46% showdown wins...so my first thought was, that i only need 46% EV in stove for my 3bet range ?! furthermore i know that it s bad to raise only the ladder of premium hands. i know we should mix it up a little bit, so my further thought was, that i add maybe 3-5% speculative hands like suited connectors... if i do so, i get a 3bet range close to 30% which sounds good...hmm
so what do u guys think of this kind of approach? am i totally wrong here?
if i assume that i play breakeven with 46% river wins...well...do i have to split BB and SB position to make sure?
well i i m curious about ur replys and hopefully i get some good hints or comments... the next step would be an approach for the other spots like raise limpers or caprange
best regards froed