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Optimal Preflop Play Optimal Preflop Play

03-16-2010 , 10:04 PM
Hello friends,
i m new to this forum and would like to be part of some interesting discussions to regards HU-limit.

i ve got a bit experience in HU, but if i analyze my HEM-stats i always wonder, if i play correct on preflop. postflop i mostly play a quite passive ABC-poker-style, so i d like to gain my edge preflop.

i d be glad, if i could start a quality-discussion here, on how to play perfectly preflop if we assume, that we adapt to our opponent s stats...

i saw some threads here, but those discussions where all quite gruff. maybe we could get a little bit closer here.

so first of all, i d like to find an approach for a good 3bet range. so my thoughts where like this:

i take villians openraise percantage (lets say 50% for example) so then i look into stove or any other equilator which range gives me at least 50% EV. ok here s the HEM stats say, that i manage to play breakeven with only 46% showdown my first thought was, that i only need 46% EV in stove for my 3bet range ?! furthermore i know that it s bad to raise only the ladder of premium hands. i know we should mix it up a little bit, so my further thought was, that i add maybe 3-5% speculative hands like suited connectors... if i do so, i get a 3bet range close to 30% which sounds good...hmm

so what do u guys think of this kind of approach? am i totally wrong here?

if i assume that i play breakeven with 46% river i have to split BB and SB position to make sure?

well i i m curious about ur replys and hopefully i get some good hints or comments... the next step would be an approach for the other spots like raise limpers or caprange

best regards froed
03-16-2010 , 11:22 PM
most edges in poker are gained postflop, however preflop you seem to be okay looking at it although it doesnt matter if they play alot differently here postflop
03-17-2010 , 02:46 AM
Considering the positional disadvantage you will want a whole lot more than 50% equity with your 3betting range.
03-17-2010 , 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by Froed_Holgersen
postflop i mostly play a quite passive ABC-poker-style, so i d like to gain my edge preflop.
This not good, concentrate here 1st. If you play like this postflop vs 90% of opponents 'perfect' pf play isn't going to redeem you.
But when you've got more aggressive there read though old threads here for plenty preflop advice.
03-17-2010 , 04:22 PM
Much of your preflop raising range should be affected by your opponents post-flop tendencies rather than their pre-flop raise percentage.

If they don't cbet much, you should be raising more preflop. If they give up easily, you should be raising more. If they are a maniac postflop, then you should save your oop raising for hands that have showdown value.

Blind math is only going to take you so far in this game. You'd be much better off thinking about reading your opponent than inventing some magical mathematical formula.
03-17-2010 , 10:30 PM
for optimal play, the only hand that is a mixed strategy (some limp/reraising, some open raising), is KK

true story
03-19-2010 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Froed_Holgersen
i d be glad, if i could start a quality-discussion here,

i saw some threads here, but those discussions where all quite gruff.

best regards froed
Hello froed. The discussions were not at all gruff. Instead they were very simply highly stylized, information rich, intellectually honest comments from some of the best minds in HULHE. There was quite a bit of quality discussion here, however the poster either got his feelings hurt and whined about it or simply did not respond after beginning the thread. Hard to have any type of discussions in either one of these scenerios.

As far as your post is concerned, it sounds like you want to expand your pre flop opening range. Imho, the more hands you play preflop the better game you HAVE to have post flop. What ever holes you have now are going to be magnified.

GL and please respond. I am interested to hear from you. I would like to see a hand history of what you consider to be passive ABC preflop play where you really weren't sure what to do. Lets keep this thread going.
