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Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24

06-06-2024 , 01:24 PM
Sports betting update.

I like the Yankees today at -135

NBA Finals Game 1 tonight. No firm opinion, lean dog +6.5 and the over. There was a move on the over this morning from 215 to 216.5.
Probably won’t bet pre-game, maybe live or at HT.

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Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-06-2024 , 05:50 PM
With all the trash talking going on I would think the over is good .. They'll be playing hard. Maybe just the 1/2 over and then see where it goes from there. GL
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-06-2024 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by TonySoprano9

My dinner tonight. Roast beef and cheddar sandwich. At least was a bit healthier than the hot dog and pizza slice I ate yesterday.
Must try to have a proper meal tomorrow.

After the dinner break I didn’t win a hand. My downfall was started by some guy with a hat that read dickhead, which says it all really, who I actually knocked out earlier but he re-entered and got the same table.
At 600-1200 I open for 3000 and he makes it 9000. I think he has a grudge against me as he was a bit upset when I knocked him out earlier. I’m sure I have the best hand with QQ99 so pot it which will set him all in. He doesn’t hesitate to call with ……… AK85 ??? WTF I’m repping better than I have and he snap calls with that garbage that would be absolutely dead if I had aces or kings. Needless to say he hit and I didn’t and I didn’t win a hand after that.
Should've had a hot dog again.

Is that sandwich from that little place near the front of Horseshoe that looks a little like a Starbucks, but isn't?
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-07-2024 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
Should've had a hot dog again.

Is that sandwich from that little place near the front of Horseshoe that looks a little like a Starbucks, but isn't?
Was from Cafe Belle in Paris

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Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-07-2024 , 03:57 AM
Day Four - Thursday June 6th

Just the Plan A today which was to play the 2-7 tournament at the WSOP which didn’t start until 2pm which allowed me a more leisurely morning.

After going through the MLB card the Yankees were a bet for me at -135 but when I went downstairs to the sportsbook it was -140. No problem I thought, I’ll play it across the street later as it didn’t start until 4pm. Turned out to be a mistake as by the time I went to play it, it had moved to -145 everywhere. I still liked it but kicked myself for missing the better price.

Pretty easy winner as the Yanks won 8-5.
Luckily I was occupied with the 2-7 tournament and didn’t end up betting the NBA game.

Today’s pool pic. Allowed myself 2 hours instead of 1. Went in the Go pool side today. Music sucks. Heavy base DJ electronic music blasting out. Lay as far away from the speakers as possible and put my earphones in to listen to some proper music.

Kept my promise to myself and had a nice lunch which was doubly important today as there is no dinner break in these 2pm starts.

I looked which steakhouses were open for lunch and it was between STK and Delmonico so went with STK as Delmonico would have been going in the wrong direction. Decent enough filet but nothing special.
To illustrate one of the reasons why I like living in Medellin: My favorite steak there costs the equivalent of $20 and includes the side dish.

Down to business in the 2-7 and it was a battling day with my stack always between 15k and 30k until I played the following hand:

We’re in level 11 which is 1,200 - 2,400 limits.
It’s folded around to the cutoff who raises.
I 3-bet from the button with 2-4-5-6-9 and he calls.
He draws 2 and I stand pat. Bet and a call.
2nd draw he takes 1. I bet he raises.
I’m fairly new to this table and villain is a Russian who has been quite active in the short time I’ve been here but don’t have much of a read on him.
What would you do here?

I call. He stays pat as do I.
He bets. I call.
He says nice call and shows 88.

That put me at 43k on the last break of the night with average 52k going back to 2k-4k limits.
I was in the tournament or so I thought.

After the break I lost a big hand when I made an 85 after the first draw only for villain (a different one) to make a 76 on last change.
Then a couple of hands later I bricked a 2457 draw 3 times.
Losing both hands put me down to next to nothing and I busted on level 14 shortly after midnight.

So another frustrating tournament. Now I remember why I’m a cash game player.

Off to bed. No more tournaments now until the Big O on Sunday.

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Last edited by TonySoprano9; 06-07-2024 at 04:07 AM.
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-07-2024 , 04:36 AM
Nice recap on the 2-7.
The $10 worth of peppercorns is criminal but looked great.

Best of luck Sunday
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-07-2024 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by TonySoprano9
Yea sorry but it’s easier to remember the hands you lose than those you win but will try harder for the rest of the trip Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 especially if it’s big o with 5 cards to remember. Will have to start taking notes!

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Yeah, was waiting for the old Rounders quote there.

Love Big O as a lot of people play it badly but I was under-rolled for how big it played last time I was there.
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-07-2024 , 08:24 PM
unlucky end to the day in the tourney - they really are a pain cave

steak pricing is ****ing brutal, all the way down to the $10 Fiji.

run better tomorrow!
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-07-2024 , 09:52 PM
If you're up early and it's not hot out yet walk over to Ellis Island for the steak and eggs breakfast special.
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-08-2024 , 04:45 AM
Day 5 - Friday June 7th

Gave myself a day off from poker today and went to meet a buddy downtown at Circa.

This place wasn’t built last time I was here and as someone who works in sports betting it was a must visit for me this time.

We hung out there pretty much all day at the pool and in the book and had several cocktails Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24

The old gal lookin good

Breakfast of champions. Chicken and waffles.

Fremont street

Now that’s what you call a sportsbook.

Billy was actually at my starting 2-7 table in the tournament yesterday.

Sweeet. Same fcuking god awful DJ techno electronic base music blasting out though Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24

Had some small interest bets on the baseball, didn’t really like anything strongly today. Went 2-2 just about, as the Dodgers squeezed it out in extra innings.

Back to the poker grind tomorrow.

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Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-08-2024 , 07:05 AM
I’d seen the indoor sports book when I was there last, which is cool,

But I hadn’t seen the outdoor stadium swim sports book! I know they spent a ton of money on it, looks great!
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-08-2024 , 12:05 PM
We’re betting soccer today.

Colombia starting with their strongest 11 today which should be more than enough for USA

Vamos, vamos Colombia
Que esta tarde
Tenemos que ganar

Also something I learned yesterday that Circa sports has a location at Tuscany which is where I went this morning. Only a 10 minute walk from the back of the Flamingo and worth it for the better prices over those thieves at MGM and Caesars sportsbooks.

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Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-09-2024 , 03:26 AM
Day Six - Saturday June 8th

The plan was to grind cash all day today so headed over to Paris early hoping to find the 5-5-10 Big O game had run right through the night but unfortunately it hadn’t.

I didn’t have to wait long though as it got started around 11am. Unfortunately it wasn’t a good game like the other night. I played right though until it broke just after 6pm and at no point was it ever a good game.

I bought in for $1,500 and never got below $1,000 or above $2,000 nor played any pot all-in or even more than $1,000. Very unusual for big O. I also went through a card dead period of about 2 hours where I don’t think I voluntary played any hands and no real interesting hands of note in the entire session. ( sorry mackem Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24) Came out a small $300 winner.

Happily we did better on sports betting. The Colombia soccer play as advised in advance was an easy winner as the cafeteros ran out comfortable 5-1 winners. We also bet the Florida Panthers in game 1 of the Stanley cup finals and they also were comfortable 3-0 winners.

After the game broke we ate at the steakhouse in the Flamingo - Bugsy & Meyer’s while watching the Ice at the bar.

10oz filet with a side of potato gratin washed down with a glass of cab sauv and followed by a ridiculously big portion of cigar chocolate cake, 2/3 of which I had to get them to box up to go and will eat over the next couple of days.

Really enjoyed the meal. Much better than STK.

Seen as it was Saturday night headed out to the Piano bar at Harrahs for a few drinks.

The twin sisters are still there although they interchanged with a couple of guys who I actually thought were better.

Big O tournament at WSOP tomorrow.

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Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-09-2024 , 09:09 AM
$19 for a potato gratin dish! Seems excessive.
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-09-2024 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by TonySoprano9
Day Four - Thursday June 6th

Just the Plan A today which was to play the 2-7 tournament at the WSOP which didn’t start until 2pm which allowed me a more leisurely morning.

After going through the MLB card the Yankees were a bet for me at -135 but when I went downstairs to the sportsbook it was -140. No problem I thought, I’ll play it across the street later as it didn’t start until 4pm. Turned out to be a mistake as by the time I went to play it, it had moved to -145 everywhere. I still liked it but kicked myself for missing the better price.

Pretty easy winner as the Yanks won 8-5.
Luckily I was occupied with the 2-7 tournament and didn’t end up betting the NBA game.

Today’s pool pic. Allowed myself 2 hours instead of 1. Went in the Go pool side today. Music sucks. Heavy base DJ electronic music blasting out. Lay as far away from the speakers as possible and put my earphones in to listen to some proper music.

Kept my promise to myself and had a nice lunch which was doubly important today as there is no dinner break in these 2pm starts.

I looked which steakhouses were open for lunch and it was between STK and Delmonico so went with STK as Delmonico would have been going in the wrong direction. Decent enough filet but nothing special.
To illustrate one of the reasons why I like living in Medellin: My favorite steak there costs the equivalent of $20 and includes the side dish.

Down to business in the 2-7 and it was a battling day with my stack always between 15k and 30k until I played the following hand:

We’re in level 11 which is 1,200 - 2,400 limits.
It’s folded around to the cutoff who raises.
I 3-bet from the button with 2-4-5-6-9 and he calls.
He draws 2 and I stand pat. Bet and a call.
2nd draw he takes 1. I bet he raises.
I’m fairly new to this table and villain is a Russian who has been quite active in the short time I’ve been here but don’t have much of a read on him.
What would you do here?

I call. He stays pat as do I.
He bets. I call.
He says nice call and shows 88.

That put me at 43k on the last break of the night with average 52k going back to 2k-4k limits.
I was in the tournament or so I thought.

After the break I lost a big hand when I made an 85 after the first draw only for villain (a different one) to make a 76 on last change.
Then a couple of hands later I bricked a 2457 draw 3 times.
Losing both hands put me down to next to nothing and I busted on level 14 shortly after midnight.

So another frustrating tournament. Now I remember why I’m a cash game player.

Off to bed. No more tournaments now until the Big O on Sunday.

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2-7 is def NOT my best game, but I think you played the 9 well in that spot given your draw and the action. The 85 hand sucks - nothing you can do there. WP better luck next time
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-09-2024 , 10:45 AM
Also wanted to mention I really like STK - it's super fun and the food is great, love the vibe - yeah we know about the pricing, but that's vegas strip steakhouses (and to be fair, most good well known steakhouses in general) - out in LV they always KILL on the waters lol lmfao
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-09-2024 , 11:03 AM
I've had a hit and a few misses at STK. Without seeing the interior at Bugsy I think both seem fine.

Also, what is it with cigar desserts? Mayfair also has one. I don't want to eat an ashtray.

Also, great TR! GL!
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-10-2024 , 12:00 AM
Day Seven - Sunday June 9th

Got my morning exercise in with a brisk stroll to the Tuscany to collect my winnings from Circa. (Also bet the Panthers for game 2 while I was there, -133 compared to -140 on the strip)

Followed that with a leisurely morning at the pool. It was a bit overcast and a little cooler so was nice.

Todays tournament was a 2pm start with no dinner break so wanted to get a good lunch in:

Chicken Parm at Cafe Americano in the Paris. Was really good. They bring the cheese out separate in a hot skillet and slide it over the chicken at your table which I hadn’t seen before.

I might have over done it on lunch as it was a big portion. I felt like I was in a food coma until about level 4.

Nevertheless I was slowly accumulating chips and was up to 60k from 25k starting stack, but then my run bad in the tournaments continued.

Got it all in on the flop with the nut flush made and nut low draw against bottom set with no low draw and somehow managed to lose the whole pot when the board paired on the river. Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24

The pot was over 100k as he had almost as many chips as me. Down to peanuts the same guy finished me off a few hands later. When is it going to be my turn to win one of these big hands?

Recouped a little on the game. Didn’t feel like playing any more poker today after the beat.
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-10-2024 , 12:33 AM
Gl gl

That big O game sounds horrendous!
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-10-2024 , 05:50 AM
Yeah tough beat…. Just gotta keep piling money in as a big fave, and it’ll work itself out
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-11-2024 , 01:05 AM
Thanks for all the comments and replies so far. Even if I don’t reply to them all I can assure you they get read and it’s nice to know people are following along.

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Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-11-2024 , 01:47 AM
keep your pecker up and have a big finish!
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-11-2024 , 01:51 AM
Day Eight - Monday June 10th

Usual leisurely couple of hours at the pool in the morning.

Then down to the cash game grind. Have to recoup some of these tournament buy-ins.

Even though it wasn’t a good game the other day I really like the 5-5-10 Big O game at the WSOP and feel like I have an edge in it and just feel comfortable in general playing it.

Random pic of some NLH tournament but that’s not what we’re interested in.

I arrive to find 3 x 5-5-10 Big O games running (all the players that busted the Big O tournament in guessing) and am seated in one of them after a short wait.

It’s immediately apparent that this is a much better game than the corpse filled graveyard of a table from Saturday and not only because I won the first hand I played:

Multi-way raised pot pre and I come along with 8-8-9-J-Q from the big blind.
Flop 2-8-10
Checked to the original raiser who fires a $200 pot sized bet from the button and I elect to just call and see a turn.
Everyone else folds so it’s heads up.
Turn K
I bet the pot $600
The original raiser only has about $800 left and thinks for a while before putting it all in. I obviously call the extra $200.
River Q
I table my hand having improved my set to a straight and hoping he doesn’t have a Jack to go with his A3.
He obviously didn’t as he mucked and we’re off to a good start.

One other interesting hand I noted which I think I may have played badly.

Again it was a multi-way raised pot pre flop.
I have 10-10-xxx on a 10-8s-4s board
Again I’m in the big blind and check to the original raiser in the cut-off who continues for a pot sized bet. This time the small blind also calls and I elect just to call.
Turn is a non spade 3
Small blind checks and I elect to pot it.

This is where I’m not sure if that was the right play or not and happy to hear opinions.
Stack sizes at the start of the hand were 2.5k for me, 2k original raiser and 1k small blind.

Anyway the original raiser thinks for a long time before going all in for not much more than my pot sized bet. Small blind also goes all in for much less.

River is a non spade 6 and I’m relieved no one has A5 or 57.
I split the pot with the original raiser who only had A2 with no spades. Small blind had J9 spades.

So hand histories of two hands I won. Mackem should be happy Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24

After a 9 hour session I cash out for $4,000 which is a +$2,500 profit.

Oh and we also had action on the hockey as I advised the other day.

I guess I made a slight oopsy as DNegs might say, having bet the early line and then it went against me. (Does not happen to me often) It actually went all the way down to -110 offshore which means some very respected accounts were on the Oilers, but I still liked my side so bet another $500 at a better number than my original bet, but still getting robbed by those crooks at Caesars.
After giving up the first goal The Panthers rallied to win 4-1 making it a very nice day and putting us in the black for the trip.

Not hard to see where the leak is Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24

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Last edited by TonySoprano9; 06-11-2024 at 01:58 AM.
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-11-2024 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by PardoG
Also wanted to mention I really like STK - it's super fun and the food is great, love the vibe - yeah we know about the pricing, but that's vegas strip steakhouses (and to be fair, most good well known steakhouses in general) - out in LV they always KILL on the waters lol lmfao
If the Fiji was 1 liter, ten bucks seems to be the standard price. Lucky for me I can get them free at CET outlets. :-)
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
06-11-2024 , 08:10 AM
Not necessarily a leak .. Above average live tournament Players only cash 1 of 8 and then hope that one of those is a top 3 spot. One card either way and you have, or don't have, a stack. GL
Two Cards Are Not Enough - A WSOP Trip Report 6/3/24 - 6/13/24 Quote
