Originally Posted by Daniel Ocean
I've been thinking more about this situation and I've completely changed my mind. Generally speaking I think Vegas on the cheap kind of sucks, but I think this is a different situation. Let's face it playing 2-5nl or $50 min blackjack is probably not a priority for these guys. Neither is the fanciest of rooms or surf and turf, although he is stationed at an AFB so I picture hot tubs in the baracks(ha ha). They have two primary goals( look away dad), drinking and pussy. Both of these should be easily achieved. I think advice from locals as to decent off the strip clubs would be awesome. Somewhere cheaper with plenty of ladies. These guys are young marines and don't need to be all baller with a giant ugly watch to get laid. Here's the concern I have. When I was a young marine with a group of guys one problem would arise. There is always a couple that get drunk and try to show off their hand to hand training. Tell them to be careful and come home safe without a brig stay waiting for them.
Don't need to look away, I was 21 once too. I raised my son on my own so I know him pretty well, and you hit it right on, that's why I want him to have a great time in a great town. He knows how much I love Vegas, but like I said I never really did the party scene, may have to do that next time I go though. Thanks for the help!!!