Originally Posted by BringBackMo
Subscriber to ELD vlog:
You said you hate tanking because it slows down the game. You also said you hate when dealers estimate all in sizes, which they do to save time. You contradicted yourself there. Logic fallacy.
You’re wrong! Dealers estimating actually slows down the game. I wouldn’t expect people who don’t play poker to understand this.
Subscriber to ELD vlog:
Actually, I play a lot of poker. And you contradicted yourself.
FOR THE THIRD TIME! Dealers estimating slows down the game. Also, when I responded to your initial flawed comment by telling you that I dont expect people who donÂ’t play poker to understand, I didn’t say YOU! I said just people. Sorry that your reading comprehension skills are so poor that you were unabke to understand this obvious point. Also, stop lying about the fact that you play poker.
Diesel's latest response is even better!
Commenter: (stack slides out).
"how much is it?"
"about... 110?"
(player thinks about his action while the dealer counts)
"yup, it's 110"
"okay I fold"
it literally did not slow the game down. it gave the player time to think while deflecting attention to the dealer. everyone else watches the chips get stacked instead of the player trying to decide.
it's like in a spelling bee when the contestant asked for a definition. same principle.
any legitimate poker player understands this
Diesel: LOL. That's not a game. That's a miserable person typing out fantasies.
Also, I wasn't talking about guessing and getting it right. Although that does slow the game down. I was talking about guessing and getting it wrong. You can't talk about one without the other.
I don't have time to explain this one to you three or more times. Just watch the video 15 or 16 more times and maybe you'll get it.
I still don't get how in this example, which happens exactly like this most of the time, slows the game down but never fear, Diesel is on it with his assertions so don't you dare question him. He plays a lot of poker. No one else plays poker. He doesn't expect people who don't play poker to understand!!!