Originally Posted by TheFranz
Oh, I just figured someone moving to Vegas to specify play poker for a living would be good at it .
That would make it two folks who figured that, you and just about every home town hero who arrives in Las Vegas to play poker for a living.
I've been playing live in Las Vegas for most of 50 years, there is no way to make a living by live playing poker at low stakes.
Being "good at it" does not suffice. Additionally, most players who "want" to play for a living are kidding themselves as to their relative edge versus other players generally. Being a long term winning player is not sufficient to make a living from playing live
A player seeking to make a living from playing poker generally needs an edge of some sort over some other player or players and then hustle the f**k out of your mark/pigeon/opponent/whatever.
(Tournaments are different than cash games of course, and online is different than live. Both those formats' features DO provide an opportunity for a player to "make a living at playing poker" in my opinion.)