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04-23-2024 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Bigpoppa1010
There’s no argument. I simply am stating facts. There is 10 people constantly bashing him, the only one in this room who makes money playing poker( and you all know it). What you do with said facts it’s up to you
Originally Posted by DrDownLow
Next thing you know, you're gonna tell us about how great of a poker player he is
He already said that earlier. lol
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-23-2024 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by VeniceMerchant
Add professional day trader to Rice's resume (we know it's true because his bff/ghost account told us so).
Wait a minute - a guy that struggles to win 150 bucks a day over 10 hours at the poker table is not daytrading instead? I used to daytrade, with mediocre success. But I knew a number of good ones, and 500 bucks was a so-so day. They usually shot for $1000 a day, the best ones I know went for $5000 a day. If he was any good at all he could make a lot more money than playing poker, and be done before lunchtime EST. Speaking of which, he wouldn't have to live in Vegas, he could live back east.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-23-2024 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Bigpoppa1010
My post aren’t helping? Every single assumption of his life by you guys is wrong lmao. I’m not here to “help”. I’m here to be accurate

“His mommy paid off his bills”- wrong
“He grew up with a well off family”- wrong
“He’s struggling financially”- wrong
“Childhood freinds don’t know this info”- wrong and to add, wtf kinda friends did you losers have? It’s impossible that we day traded tg during covid? It’s impossible we bet on sports tg? What in the world? My simple defense of rice has set you all off into a tangent. Think about how pathetic and miserable y’all must be that someone came here and said “hey pretty much everything you guys asssume about rice is wrong. Truly thin skinned pathetic losers

these are my two favorite parts
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04-23-2024 , 02:41 PM
He needs to come up with new adjectives. Should be easy, being a genius and all.
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04-23-2024 , 02:52 PM
Dude is just an RP alt. And an easy add to your ignore list.
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04-23-2024 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Bigpoppa1010
Calf raises 4x a week
Don't you remember he complimented Rice on his calves?
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04-23-2024 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Loden Pants
Stan Musial
Shaq O'Neal
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-23-2024 , 03:20 PM
How can anyone say that Rice is a winning player?

He did not report 2023's earnings, and he includes promos, free toasters, free shakes, and "borrowed" buffet boxes as winnings.
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04-23-2024 , 03:22 PM
I thought he said mommy pays for his health insurance, tuition, holiday meals, and favorite stuffed animal.
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04-23-2024 , 03:38 PM
I've defended rice here before. I like him and think the criticism has been harsh. But it's weird that a defender pops up right when everyone is basically congratulating rice on his dealing gig and being complimentary towards him. And a lot of the criticism is good advice.
If what big poppa says is true, that rice has a healthy savings, then good for him. But to come in ranting about how good of a player rice is is asinine. You say he's playing a game he loves, yet he has zero interest in improving at that game. That doesn't seem consistent. You're making him look worse and worse with your aggressive defense.
I started out liking rice and still do. But if big poppa is rice then my mind has been changed. You sound like an insufferable prick. Poking fun at a guys quirks doesn't mean people hate the guy. Some of the stuff is funny. Laundry expenses, tire tutorials, pointing out a helicopter etc. Lighten up.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-23-2024 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by bigdave2304
I've defended rice here before. I like him and think the criticism has been harsh. But it's weird that a defender pops up right when everyone is basically congratulating rice on his dealing gig and being complimentary towards him. And a lot of the criticism is good advice.
If what big poppa says is true, that rice has a healthy savings, then good for him. But to come in ranting about how good of a player rice is is asinine. You say he's playing a game he loves, yet he has zero interest in improving at that game. That doesn't seem consistent. You're making him look worse and worse with your aggressive defense.
I started out liking rice and still do. But if big poppa is rice then my mind has been changed. You sound like an insufferable prick. Poking fun at a guys quirks doesn't mean people hate the guy. Some of the stuff is funny. Laundry expenses, tire tutorials, pointing out a helicopter etc. Lighten up.
Yea calling him good at poker is a joke.

The whole "he's happy making what he makes crap" that both rice and whoever this is spew is pure cope. He's even said something along the lines of if he could make 40-50 an hour from poker he'd play 16 hours a day. Those 2 statements don't mesh.

Lots of people on here hope he sees he can make decent money dealing and wakes up that this poverty ways 1/2 nl crap needs to be a hobby. Nothing wrong with a profitable hobby at all.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-23-2024 , 04:42 PM
No actually this all does make sense; someone who has to live with his parents and have them buy him food 2 months out of the year every year in order to have 2k more than he started the year with and makes $10 an hour in egalitarian formats of gambling where all that matters is your level of skill to determine your income, would most likely be the best ever, and most likely would also be getting a job as a dealer and treat it like a windfall.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-23-2024 , 04:58 PM

Took me a while to edit this down just to realize the next day there's a graphic/timing issue, and cascaded throughout the vlog. Which saddened/tilted me cus so many hours went into this. And I'm nowhere technical enough to fix this.

My longest episode yet, hope you guys enjoy.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-23-2024 , 05:10 PM
Rice's trilogy of San Francisco YouTube videos is now up to a hexalogy.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-23-2024 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Bigpoppa1010
“He’s struggling financially”- wrong
I guess you just spend 48 hours at a time without a roof over your head multiple times a year purely for fun. Same with all your silly food challenges where you watch every penny and basically starve yourself.

Originally Posted by Bigpoppa1010
Think about how pathetic and miserable y’all must be
You looked pretty miserable yourself towards the end of that long day in SF. I mean it was only 3pm and you were completely gassed from just walking around from park to park since like 7am in the morning. All you could come up with to do was trudging back to the airport. Just to sit around and eat that pocket bread that you kept from lunch while you wait for your flight back (which wasn't for another 7 hours)

Oh yeah and even when you get back to Vegas you still have at least another 12 hours to kill before you can check-in so I guess it's more wandering aimlessly around fom casino to casino like a homeless person. Maybe you can score some free pizza from someone who is peckish but doesn't feel like getting up from the table.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-23-2024 , 06:39 PM
Does anyone know who set up a fake SPRKLi Sweets YT channel and website, and regularly posts on Rice's vlogs pretending to be Trooper? This is next level obsession and insidious in my opinion.

Based on past posts discussing Tim's "supposed" skin flakes, my guesses are narrowed down to either AllGameDegen or Petrucci. I can understand the YT account for entertainment reasons, but the fake website? Wow..
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-23-2024 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by angle_shooter
I guess you just spend 48 hours at a time without a roof over your head multiple times a year purely for fun. Same with all your silly food challenges where you watch every penny and basically starve yourself.

You looked pretty miserable yourself towards the end of that long day in SF. I mean it was only 3pm and you were completely gassed from just walking around from park to park since like 7am in the morning. All you could come up with to do was trudging back to the airport. Just to sit around and eat that pocket bread that you kept from lunch while you wait for your flight back (which wasn't for another 7 hours)

Oh yeah and even when you get back to Vegas you still have at least another 12 hours to kill before you can check-in so I guess it's more wandering aimlessly around fom casino to casino like a homeless person. Maybe you can score some free pizza from someone who is peckish but doesn't feel like getting up from the table.
You’re his biggest fan, you realize that right? Your watching his every move lmao
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-23-2024 , 07:28 PM
Bigpoppa, if he’s not struggling financially, why isn’t he more transparent with his finances? He’s gone out of his way to show expenses in the past (food, rent, laundry) but conveniently leaves out significant expenses like car insurance, cell phone, etc. You know, things that almost every budget or P&L would include. Smells like he has assistance with paying these expenses (family plan maybe?) due to his lack of transparency….which means he’s not doing as well as you think.

And look at how happy he gets when someone gives him free food?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-23-2024 , 07:31 PM
I like this bigpoppa. Nice to finally have an unbiased take in here.

Does my best friend childhood friend know all of this about me? I'm scared
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-23-2024 , 07:35 PM
I don't think it matters that he isn't absolutely transparent about his win/loss or his finances, or if he bets $2k on games once or dozens of times, or if he gets agitated when he busts a buy-in. we really don't need to see all that stuff

but the hyperbole of how he is so smart and successful and skilled at poker and financially secure and everyone else is pathetic and dumb is what gets my ire.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-23-2024 , 07:51 PM
If he has all this financial wealth and still chooses to live the way he does like a homeless hobo then he is sicker than I gave him credit for.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-23-2024 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by Bigpoppa1010
You’re his biggest fan, you realize that right? Your watching his every move lmao
Lol is that all you came back with?

I was so looking forward to a spirited debate with the self proclaimed king of debating.

Why don't you tell us more about how you dominated academics for 20 years and how the professors at college failed you by ignoring the rubric.

Then you can amuse us with more heroic tales of your unparalleled city driving skills that are so innate that they can't be taught.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-23-2024 , 07:54 PM
Nah...... everyone who speaks on him in logical facts based on what he puts out, whether constructively inquisitive or not, those folks along with any other detractor has the same adjectives to describe them...

"Wrong" and "miserable," which ironically could suffice as the top 2 adjectives of our hero.

Projection is a MF'er, I tell you.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-23-2024 , 08:49 PM

Please provide some advice.

Rake goes up, cost of living goes up, and BBs won per hour stays the same.

Smaller pots mean less money to buy more expensive sardines.

Where will it end?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-23-2024 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by RidePolaris
Does anyone know who set up a fake SPRKLi Sweets YT channel and website, and regularly posts on Rice's vlogs pretending to be Trooper? This is next level obsession and insidious in my opinion.

Based on past posts discussing Tim's "supposed" skin flakes, my guesses are narrowed down to either AllGameDegen or Petrucci. I can understand the YT account for entertainment reasons, but the fake website? Wow..
I couldn’t believe this when I saw it in Diesels comments. The person from here who created the fake website and account and posts literally every single day is completely unhinged.

We can have a good laugh at some of the more ridiculous things that Trooper Diesel etc do but the unhinged behavior needs to be toned down.
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