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04-21-2024 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by angle_shooter
Yeah. Such an action packed day for Rice in SF. He gets through his exciting itinerary of walking and visiting parks/playgrounds/chinatown by around midday so has 7 hours left to kill until it's time to head back to the airport. The highlight for him is seeing some ducks hanging inside a Chinese restaurant.
There are only 30 Michelin-starred restaurants in SF.

No enough choices.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-21-2024 , 11:38 AM
Spoons: 'A friend went to Japan, so I asked him if he saw Ducks hanging in the window?'

Me: WTF dude.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-21-2024 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
Rice "enjoying" San Francisco.
I have watched zero minutes of Rice's pentalogy of San Francisco videos.
I am waiting for the good stuff from the Orleans escapade.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-21-2024 , 07:05 PM
A friend of mine told me about his new battery-powered pruning shears. He says they go through branches like butter. Diesel could cut up his sausage in mere seconds.

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-21-2024 , 08:18 PM
he would be the hero of the seafood buffet with that bad boy.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-21-2024 , 08:34 PM
See now... that's using your head right there.
Nice one W.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-21-2024 , 09:30 PM
I don't see a Trooper Sunday Table on the Poker Atlas app.
That's 3 weeks in a row without a Trooper Sunday table on the Poker Atlas app.
Who woulda thought Trooper Thursday/Sunday would disappear without even a whimper.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-21-2024 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by iwasbanned
I don't see a Trooper Sunday Table on the Poker Atlas app.
That's 3 weeks in a row without a Trooper Sunday table on the Poker Atlas app.
Who woulda thought Trooper Thursday/Sunday would disappear without even a whimper.
Who knew that there's no crossover between poker and selling candy at farmer's markets?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-21-2024 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by Petrucci
Rice really hits the big drum when he is taking a day off his poker crushing "enjoying" San Fran. His only meal through the whole day according to him is a hummus dip+ a huge breadroll.
That was a new low....instead of trying some of the nice food in China town he went for hummus and bread from a store. Not satisfied with that insane decision he double downed and ate it whilst walking!! He didn't even sit down and enjoy his food!

He also bizarrely describes roast ducks as raw ducks. I can only assume he is conflating the words roast and raw as nobody could look at those ducks and think they were uncooked

Then to cap everything off he confirms his vagrant status by casually saying he has half the bread roll in his pocket to eat at the airport as if this is normal and not one step above raiding trash cans for food

I really hope the dealing job works out for him
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-22-2024 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Same_again
I really hope the dealing job works out for him
I'd bet almost anything that earning a liveable wage will have little effect on his hobo ways.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-22-2024 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by Same_again
That was a new low....instead of trying some of the nice food in China town he went for hummus and bread from a store. Not satisfied with that insane decision he double downed and ate it whilst walking!! He didn't even sit down and enjoy his food!

He also bizarrely describes roast ducks as raw ducks. I can only assume he is conflating the words roast and raw as nobody could look at those ducks and think they were uncooked

Then to cap everything off he confirms his vagrant status by casually saying he has half the bread roll in his pocket to eat at the airport as if this is normal and not one step above raiding trash cans for food

I really hope the dealing job works out for him
A cup of meat and some pocket bread. I wonder if you could franchise that.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-22-2024 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by IQofTwoPlusTwo
A cup of meat and some pocket bread. I wonder if you could franchise that.
The image of him pulling that bread out of his pocket at the airport or on BART is just hilarious.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-22-2024 , 06:21 AM
Todays video from Rice

"Ultimate Ultimate 5-Card PLO Poker -- The Best Explanation You'll Ever Get"

He then gets it wrong by only dealing out 4 cards
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-22-2024 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by Husker
Todays video from Rice

"Ultimate Ultimate 5-Card PLO Poker -- The Best Explanation You'll Ever Get"

He then gets it wrong by only dealing out 4 cards
Haha surely he'll delete this video.... all the comments so far are telling him there is a card missing!
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-22-2024 , 07:25 AM
Originally Posted by Same_again
Haha surely he'll delete this video.... all the comments so far are telling him there is a card missing!
Nah, he'll probably respond that despite missing a card this is somehow the BEST way to explain things.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-22-2024 , 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by Husker
Nah, he'll probably respond that despite missing a card this is somehow the BEST way to explain things.
Haha yeah I was thinking that he might say absurd as it is
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-22-2024 , 08:11 AM
His first explanation of it seemed fine, even though I already knew the variation and diesel talks so fast with zero structure to his thoughts. I guess some of his mutant viewers needed an incorrect visual depiction from Diesel to really understand it.

I hope diesel gets enough sleep before the days he’s dealing, whenever he skips sleep he turns into a drooling nincompoop that cannot count or read at a 1st grade level.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-22-2024 , 08:36 AM
That last ED video was kinda of a downer. Dude got on a 5:00 am Spirit flight to spend a day walking around SF, had only bread to eat, saw some duck hanging in a chinatown window and was thrilled, and then had nothing left to do with his day so found some standard stores and told us about them before heading back to the airport with some pocket bread. He went to Cornell. This is not suppose to happen.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-22-2024 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by Pete_Peters
That last ED video was kinda of a downer. Dude got on a 5:00 am Spirit flight to spend a day walking around SF, had only bread to eat, saw some duck hanging in a chinatown window and was thrilled, and then had nothing left to do with his day so found some standard stores and told us about them before heading back to the airport with some pocket bread. He went to Cornell. This is not suppose to happen.
Rice doesn't appear to interact with anyone beyond a GED.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-22-2024 , 09:54 AM
Yea, I'm not listening to the "The Best Explanation You'll Ever Get" about 5-card PLO when he deals the players 4 cards. lol
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-22-2024 , 10:02 AM
Lmao the projection in these threads is hilarious
Rice does in fact have a portfolio of 150k,
He’s smarter than every single person in here, He’s a better poker player than everyone in here.

You guys act like he goes crazy over losing a buyin lol. I’ve seen him lose 2500 on a lateral play(Michigan vs northwestern) and not bat an eye. Every single person in this room would have tilted and lost every dime. You guys follow him around like a puppy dog. You watch all his videos than come here and gossip like wash woman.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-22-2024 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by Bigpoppa1010
Lmao the projection in these threads is hilarious

Rice does in fact have a portfolio of 150k,

He’s smarter than every single person in here, He’s a better poker player than everyone in here.

You guys act like he goes crazy over losing a buyin lol. I’ve seen him lose 2500 on a lateral play(Michigan vs northwestern) and not bat an eye. Every single person in this room would have tilted and lost every dime. You guys follow him around like a puppy dog. You watch all his videos than come here and gossip like wash woman.
Haha this is the most amusing post in a while. At least you've not gone with the mom's basement.....wash women far more accurate!
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-22-2024 , 10:09 AM
Dissapointment? He’s got more money than you and is the superior player
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-22-2024 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Same_again
Haha this is the most amusing post in a while. At least you've not gone with the mom's basement.....wash women far more accurate!
I mean it’s true. I went back a couple months and read. Childhood friend here, you guys need shrinks. You’d think he was a murderer by the way you talk about him. If you knew him you’d be ashamed. He hit it big in 2020 in the market. 100% has a portfolio of 150k+, simply wants to play poker and retire. What’s the issue? You guys think he flips over 200 bucks. He use to bet 3k an nfl game. You guys couldn’t be more wrong. You’d think he was sleeping on park benches, not nice air BNB. He has a statistic degree from Cornell, he might just know what he doing. Oh wait, you losers def knew that already. Considering your his biggestfans
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-22-2024 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Bigpoppa1010
I mean it’s true. I went back a couple months and read. Childhood friend here, you guys need shrinks. You’d think he was a murderer by the way you talk about him. If you knew him you’d be ashamed. He hit it big in 2020 in the market. 100% has a portfolio of 150k+, simply wants to play poker and retire. What’s the issue? You guys think he flips over 200 bucks. He use to bet 3k an nfl game. You guys couldn’t be more wrong. You’d think he was sleeping on park benches, not nice air BNB. He has a statistic degree from Cornell, he might just know what he doing. Oh wait, you losers def knew that already. Considering your his biggestfans
Plenty of people who used to bet thousands on NFL games are now homeless so story might check out!
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